Bisbee Daily Review/1917/04/03/Hawaiian Quintet Will Entertain Y Members Tonight

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Bisbee Daily Review, Tuesday, 3rd April, 1917
Hawaiian Quintet Will Entertain Y Members Tonight
1675813Bisbee Daily Review, Tuesday, 3rd April, 1917 — Hawaiian Quintet Will Entertain Y Members Tonight


Members of the Y. M. C. A., their wives, daughters and feminine friends will be entertained at the Y tonight by Kekuku's Hawaiian Quintette in a repertoire of Hawaiian and classical numbers. Kekuku's musicians have an enviable reputation among the entertainers of the west and will present a program of real merit tonight. Kekuku is the originator of the method of guitar playing known as the steel method and his playing is proof enough of his right to the authorship of this beautiful effect in instrumental music. The program will be given tonight as a number of the association's Lyceum course, and only thing necessary for admission will be a membership card.