Bisbee Daily Review/1917/04/03/Senate Views

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WASINGTON, April 2.—Some of the comment of senators on the President's address follow:

Senator Hitchcock, Democrat, Nebraska—"The President's address presents a masterly review of recent events which have combined to force war upon the United States. I have been opposed to war and have done what I could to avert it. War is now inevitable and the only question is whether the country will go into it strongly or divided and crippled. Under these circumstances I must stand for strength and unity."

Senator Lodge, Republican, Massachusetts—"I will tell you what I told the President when he concluded his address, and that is I thought he was fully in the right of the great argument."

Senator Brandegee, Republican, Connecticut—"It was a magnificent address. The people will endorse it and I will do everything I can to back it up."

Senator Saulsbury, Democrat, Delaware, president pro tempore of the senate—"The President's address was right in line with my own feeling and belief."

Senator Smoot, Republican floor leader—"It was very clearly put—a splendid business. There was no doubt what the President had in mond. It will meet with the approval of the American people."

Senator Chamberlain, Democrat, Oregon, chairman of the military committee—"It was a magnificent address. It was forceful and to the point, and in my opinion, expresses the feeling of the great masses of the American people."

None of the twelve senators who opposed the armed neutrality bill in the last congress had any comment to make.