Book of Mormon (Plain English Version)/Ether/Chapter 12

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Moroni expounds on faith...
(compare Ether, chapter 12)

Ether lived at the time that Coriantumr was king. Ether was one of the Lord's prophets. He was born in captivity, but he came forth prophesying, and could not be restrained, for the Spirit of the Lord was in him.

Ether cried out from morning until evening, telling the people that if they did not believe in God and repent, they would be destroyed. He told the people that all things are fulfilled by faith--that anyone who believed in God would surely hope for a better world, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope comes of faith.

Ether taught that faith is an anchor to people's souls, making them firm in always doing good. works, and enabling them to be led by God while glorifying Him.

Ether prophesied great and marvelous things, which the people did not believe because they could not see them.

Moroni comments: Because faith is hoping for things you cannot see, do not reject the prophets, for you will only receive a witness of the truth after you have proven your faith.
It was by faith that Christ showed Himself to our forefathers after rising from the dead. He showed Himself to them after they had shown faith in Him. Before this time, He did not show Himself to the world. He has glorified the Father by preparing a way for others to also obtain the heavenly gift of eternal life, through faith in Him.
Because of Christ, the way is prepared that you may also have the hope of eternal life if you have faith in Him.
It was by faith in Christ that Melchizedek and many other high priests were called to the holy order of God.

By faith in Christ, the law of Moses was given, and then fulfilled, for through the gift of His Son, God has prepared a more excellent way.

If His children do not believe in Christ, God cannot do miracles among them. This is why He did not show Himself to them until after' they showed their faith in Him.

Because of Alma and Amulek's faith in Christ, the prison fell to the earth.

Because Helaman's two sons, Nephi and Lehi, had faith in Christ, a mighty change came over the Lamanites, and they were baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost.

Ammon's and his brethren’s faith in Christ brought a great miracle among the Lamanites.

All who have performed miracles before and after Christ have done them by faith in His power.

After they showed their faith in Christ, the three disciples were promised that they would never die.

No miracle was ever performed by anyone who did not first believe in the Son of God.

There were many whose faith was so strong, even before Christ came, that they could not be kept outside the veil. They were glad to witness for themselves things they had only before seen with an eye of faith.

This record tells us that Jared's brother was one of these people. Because his faith in God was so great, and because of what he said to the Lord through his faith, God could not hide His finger from him.

After Jared's brother saw the Lord's finger, because of the promise he had obtained by faith, the Lord could not withhold anything from his sight. This is why the Lord showed him all things and could not keep him outside the veil.

It is by faith in Christ that my forefathers have obtained the promise that this record will come to their brethren (the Lamanites) through the Gentiles. This is why the Lord Jesus Christ has commanded me to make this record.

But I, Moroni, said to Him, "Lord, the Gentiles will mock at our poor writing, for Thou has made our people powerful speakers, because of our faith and the Holy Ghost that Thou has given to us. But Thou has not made our writing powerful.

Thou has limited our writing skills because our hands are awkward. Thou has not made us powerful writers, like Jared's brother, to whom Thou gave the gift of writing things as mighty as Thou art--even to the overpowering of those who read them.

Thou has made our words powerful, but we cannot express them in writing. We see our weakness, and we stumble while engraving our words on plates. Because of this, I fear the Gentiles will not take our words seriously."

The Lord replied,

"Fools mock, but they will mourn, and my grace is sufficient for the meek who will not take advantage of your weakness.
To those who come to me, I will show them their weakness. I give people weaknesses to humble them.

My grace is sufficient for all who humble themselves and have faith in me, for I will turn their weaknesses into strengths
I will show the Gentiles their weakness, and that faith, hope and charity will bring their souls to me--the fountain of all righteousness.”

After I, Moroni, heard these words, I was comforted and said, "Oh Lord, Thy righteous will be done, for I know that Thou works among Thy children according to their faith. For Jared's brother said to Mt. Zerin, ‘Remove,’ and it was removed. If he had not the faith, the mountain would not have been moved.

This is how Thou showed Thyself to Thy disciples, for after they had faith and spoke in Thy name, Thou did show Thyself to them in great power.

I also remember Thy speaking of preparing a house, even. among the mansions of Thy Father, in which we may have an even more wonderful hope. We must hope or we cannot receive an inheritance in the place which Thou has prepared.

I also remember Thou has said that Thou has loved the world, even unto the laying down of Thy life for the world, that Thou might take it up again in order to prepare a place for all people. I know that this love Thou has for everyone is charity.

This is why we must also have charity (Christ's love) or we cannot inherit that place which Thou has prepared in the mansions of Thy Father.

Because of what Thou has said, I know that if the Gentiles do not have charity, because of our weak writing, that Thou will take away the talent that they will have received, and give it to those who will have more."

I prayed to the Lord that He would give the Gentiles grace, that they might have charity. Then the Lord said to me,

"If the Gentiles do not have charity, it will not affect you, for you have been faithful, and your robes will be made clean.
Because you see your weakness, you will be made strong, and you will sit down in the place which I have prepared for you in my Father's mansions.”

Now I, Moroni, bid farewell to the Gentiles, and also to my brethren, the Lamanites, whom I love, until we meet before the judgment-seat of Christ, where all people will know that my robes are not spotted with your blood.

At that time, you will know that I have seen Jesus, and that in plain humility He talked with me face to face, telling me these things in my own language, just as one man speaks to another.

I have only engraved a few of the things He told me because of my weakness in writing.

Now I urge you to seek this Jesus, of whom the prophets and apostles have written, that the grace of God the Father, and of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Ghost, who bears record of them, may be and abide in you forever. Amen.