Bradshaw's Railway Timetables/Number 3

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Bradshaw's Railway Time Tables and Assistant to Railway Travelling (No. 3) (1839)
by George Bradshaw
3983884Bradshaw's Railway Time Tables and Assistant to Railway Travelling (No. 3)1839George Bradshaw


Railway Time Tables,





5FT. 4IN. BY 3FT. 4IN.

Price in Sheets 1 11 8
Mounted 2 10 0





10th Mo. 25th, 1839.
(No. 3)

Railways in England and Wales
Railways in England and Wales

Drawn & Engraved by G Bradshaw St. Mary's Gate Manc


THIS Book is published by the assistance of the several Railway Companies, on which account the information it contains may be depended upon as being correct and authentic. The necessity of such a work is so obvious as to need no apology; and the merits of it can be best ascertained by a reference to the execution both as regards the style and correctness of the Maps and Plans with which it is illustrated.

The next edition of this work will be published on the 1st of 1st Mo. 1840; and succeeding Editions will appear every three months, with such alterations as have been made in the interval.

London and Birmingham Railway
London and Birmingham Railway

London and Birmingham Railway
London and Birmingham Railway

Distances from London LONDON to BIRMINGHAM Mixed
6 a.m.
* Mixed class
8 a.m.
* First calling at
M. Stns.
* Mail
Mixed class
11 a.m.
* Mixed calling at 1st cl. Stns. 1 p.m. Mixed Class.
2 p.m.
* Mixed Short.
5 p.m.
First Class
6 p.m.
* Mail Mixed
Stations 4 in car by day or 1 class 6 in. by night 1st class carriage, 6 inside, by day 2nd class carriage, closed by night 2nd class carriage, open by day
Miles   H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D.
  LONDON 6 0 8 0 8 45 9 30 11 0 1 0 2 0 5 0 6 0 8 30
11½ Harrow .. 8 30 .. .. .. .. 2 30 .. 6 30 .. 3 6 3 0 2 6 2 0
17¾ WATFORD 6 45 8 50 .. .. 11 45 1 45 2 50 5 45 6 50 .. 5 0 4 6 4 0 3 0
24½ Boxmoor .. 9 10 .. .. .. .. 3 10 .. 7 10 .. 7 0 6 6 5 6 4 6
28 B. Hampstead .. 9 20 10 5 .. .. .. 3 20 .. 7 20 .. 8 0 7 6 6 6 5 0
31½ TRING 7 25 9 35 .. 10 48 12 25 2 25 3 35 6 25 7 35 9 56 9 6 8 6 7 0 5 6
41 Leighton 7 50 10 0 . . 12 50 2 50 4 0 6 50 8 0 . 12 0 11 0 9 0 7 6
Bletchley .. 10 15 .. .. .. .. 4 15 .. 8 15 .. 13 6 12 6 10 6 8 6
52½ WOLVERTON 8 15 10 30 11 0 11 41 1 15 3 15 4 30 7 15 8 30 10 54 15 6 14 0 11 6 9 6
60 Roade .. 10 55 .. .. .. .. 4 55 7 40 .. .. 17 6 16 0 13 6 10 6
63¼ BLISWORTH 8 56 11 5 .. .. 1 50 3 50 5 5 7 50 .. .. 18 6 17 0 14 0 11 6
69¾ Weedon 9 5 11 25 11 50 12 33 2 5 4 5 5 25 8 5 .. 11 50 20 6 18 6 15 6 12 6
75¼ Crick .. 11 45 .. .. .. .. 5 45 .. .. .. 22 0 20 0 17 0 13 6
83¼ RUGBY 9 40 12 5 .. .. 2 40 4 40 6 5 8 40 .. .. 24 6 22 6 18 6 15 0
89¼ Brandon .. 12 20 .. .. .. .. 6 20 .. .. .. 26 0 24 0 29 0 16 0
94 COVENTRY 10 10 12 35 12 50 1 36 3 10 5 10 6 35 9 10 .. 1 0 27 6 25 0 21 0 16 6
100½ Hampton 10 35 1 0 1 15 .. .. .. 7 0 .. .. .. 29 0 27 0 22 6 18 0
112¼ BIRMINGHAM 11 30 2 0 2 15 2 30 4 30 6 30 8 0 10 30 .. 2 0 32 6 30 0 25 0 20 0
There is a Mixed Train from Aylesbury to London at 11 a.m., and one from London to Aylesbury at 3 p.m.

Sunday Trains.—Times of Departure, Mixed 8 a.m, Mail* 9½ a.m, Mixed to Wolverton 6 p.m., Mail,* mixed 8½ p.m.

Children under Ten Years of age. Half-price. Infants in arms, unable to walk, free of charge—Soldiers en route are charged under a special agreement.—Dogs are charged for any distance not exceeding 30 miles, 1s.; 55 miles, 2s.; 85 miles 3s.; and the whole distance, 4s. No dogs allowed to he taken inside the Carriages.

Carriages and Horses should be at the Stations a quarter of an hour before the time of departure, and they cannot be forwarded by any train unless there, at the least, five minutes before its time of departure, which time is punctually observed, and after the doors are closed no Passengers can be admitted

To guard against accident and delay, it is especially requested that Passengers will not leave their seats at any of the Stations, except Wolverton (half way), where ten minutes are allowed for refreshment.

A Passenger may claim the seat corresponding to the number on his Ticket, and when not numbered he may take any seat not previously occupied.—No Gratuity, under any circumstances, is allowed to be taken by any Servant of the Company.

Ten minutes are allowed at the Wolverton Central Station, where a female is in attendance, where refreshments may be obtained.

The Trains marked with an asterisk (*) are in conjunction with those of the Grand Junction Railway; sufficient time being allowed at the Birmingham Station, where refreshments are provided, and waiting rooms, with female attendants.

Distances from Birmingham BIRMINGHAM
Mixed short
6 20 a.m.
Mixed Class
6 a.m.
* Mail
Mixed calling at
1st class S..10 a.m
Mixed Class
12 p.m.
Mixed Class
First Class
4 p.m.
Mixed Class
5 p.m.
First, Calling at Mail S.
6 p.m.
Mail, Mixed
12 p.m.
STATIONS 4 in car, by day or 1 class 6 in by night 1st class 6 carriage, 6 inside by day 2nd class carriage, closed, by night 2nd class carriage, open, by day
Miles   H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D.
  BIRMINGHAM .. 6 0 8 30 10 0 12 0 1 15 4 0 5 0 6 0 12 0        
12¼ Hampton .. 6 25 .. .. 12 25 1 40 4 25 5 25 6 25 .. 3 6 3 0 2 6 2 0
18¼ COVENTRY .. 6 50 9 17 10 45 12 50 2 0 4 45 5 50 6 45 12 53 5 0 4 6 4 0 3 0
23¼ Brandon .. 7 5 .. .. 1 5 .. .. 6 5 .. .. 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0
29¼ RUGBY .. 7 25 .. 11 15 1 25 2 30 5 15 6 25 .. .. 8 6 8 0 6 6 5 0
37 Crick .. 7 50 .. .. 1 50 .. .. 5 50 .. .. 11 0 10 0 8 6 6 6
42¾ Weedon .. 8 5 10 26 11 55 2 5 3 10 6 15 7 5 7 55 2 9 12 6 11 6 9 6 7 6
49 BLISWORTH .. 8 25 .. 12 15 2 25 3 30 6 15 7 25 .. .. 14 6 13 0 11 0 8 6
52¼ Roade 6 20 8 40 .. .. 2 40 .. .. 7 40 .. .. 15 6 14 0 11 6 9 6
59¾ WOLVERTON 6 45 9 0 11 11 12 40 3 0 3 55 6 40 8 0 8 40 2 58 17 6 16 0 13 6 10 6
  Bletchley 7 5 9 20 .. .. 3 20 .. .. 8 20 .. .. 19 6 17 6 15 0 12 0
71½ Leighton 7 20 9 35 .. 1 15 3 35 .. 7 15 8 35 .. .. 21 0 19 0 16 0 12 6
80½ TRING 7 45 10 0 12 11 1 40 4 0 4 55 7 40 9 0 9 40 4 3 23 6 21 6 18 0 14 6
84½ B. Hampstead. 7 55 10 10 .. .. 4 10 .. .. 9 10 .. .. 21 6 22 6 19 0 15 0
87¼ BOXMOOR 8 5 10 20 .. .. 4 20 .. .. 9 20 .. .. 25 6 23 6 19 6 15 6
94¾ WATFORD 8 20 10 35 .. 2 10 4 35 5 25 8 10 9 35 .. .. 27 6 25 6 21 0 17 0
101 Harrow 8 45 11 0 .. .. 5 0 .. .. 10 0 .. .. 29 6 27 0 22 6 18 0
112¼ LONDON 9 30 12 0 1 30 3 30 6 0 6 45 9 30 11 0 11 30 5 30 32 6 30 0 25 0 20 0
There is a Mixed Train from Aylesbury to London at 11 a.m. and one from London to Aylesbury at 3 p.m.

Sunday Trains.—Times of Departure, Mixed (from Roade) 6 20 a.m, *Mail 8½ am, * Mixed 1½ p.m, *Mail, Mix. 12 p.m

The First Class Trains consist of First Class and Mail Carriages, carrying four inside (one compartment of which is convertible into a Bed Carriage, if required) and of Carriages carrying six inside,—The Mixed Trains consist of First Class Carriages, carrying six inside, and of 2d class carriages open at the side, without linings, cushions, or divisions in the compartments.—The Night Mail Train consists of First Class Carriages carrying six inside, and of Second Class Carriages closed, and entirely protected from the weather.—Each Carriage has a small roof lamp by day and night.

Passengers are especially recommended to have their names and address, or destination, legibly written on each part of their Luggage, when it will be planed on the top of the Coach in which they ride, unless it be in a bag, or such other small package as may conveniently be taken under the seats inside, opposite the one they occupy. If the Passenger be destined for Liverpool or Manchester, and has booked his place through, his luggage will be placed on the Liverpool or Manchester coach, and will not be disturbed till it reaches its destination; and to prevent mistakes, the Passenger should shew his ticket to the Porters, and see that his luggage is placed on tie proper coach.

A Passenger having paid his fare, and taken out a ticket, may go by any of the Trains of that day, but the ticket will not be available on the following day, unless under special circumstances, when it may be exchanged tor a new pass for the day required The Twins marked with an asterisk (*) are in conjunction with those of the Grand Junction Railway; sufficient time being allowed at the Birmingham Station, where refreshments are provided, and waiting rooms, with female attendants.

Distance LONDON
8 a.m ‡9 a.m 10 30 a.m 10 a.m 12 a.m 11 30 a.m 2 p.m 4 p.m ‡4 30 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m. †8 30 p.m. FARES
Stations First Class Second Class
Miles                               s. d. s. d.
6 Ealing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 6 0 9
7 Hanwell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 0 1 0
9 Southall .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 6 1 3
13 WEST DRAYTON .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 0 1 6
18 Slough .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 6 2 6
22 MAIDENHEAD .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 6 3 6
31 TWYFORD .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 0 5 0
*6 a.m Maidenhead
§8 15 a.m
9 a.m 10 a.m W. Drayton 11 a.m 12 a.m 2 p.m W. Drayton 8 p.m 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. W Drayton 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m. FARES
Stations First Class Second Class
Miles                               s. d. s. d.
9 MAIDENHEAD .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 6 1 6
13 Slough .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 6 2 6
18 WEST DRAYTON .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 6 3 6
18 Southall .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 0 4 0
22 Hanwell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 0 4 0
24 Ealing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 6 4 6
18 PADDINGTON .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 0 5 0
On Sundays Trains leave Paddington for Twyford at 8 and 9 o'clock in the Morning, and 5 and 7 in the Afternoon, and from Paddington to Maidenhead at 8 30 and 30 Morning, and 6 and 8 in the Afternoon, Trains leave Twyford for Paddington at 6 and 9 in the Morning, and 5 and 7 in the Afternoon; and from Maidenhead at 8¼ Morning, and and 6¼ and 8¼ Evening. There is a Train from West Dravton at 7 o'clock in the Evening.

* On Wednesday Mornings this Train will call at Soutuall, for the convenience of persons attending the Market at that place.

§ On Monday Mornings this Train will start from Twyford at a-quarter before 8 o'clock, for the convenience of persons attending the London Markets.

‡ These Trains run to West Drayton only.

+ This Train runs to Maidenhead only.

Map of the Grand Junction & Manchester & Birmingham Railways
Map of the Grand Junction & Manchester & Birmingham Railways

Hackney Coach Fares from Euston Station, London.
Coach. Cab   Coach. Cab   Coach. Cab
Angel, Islington 1s 6d 1 0 Foundling Hospital 1s 6d 1 0 Obelisk, St. George's Fields 3s 6d 2 4
Aldgate Pump 3 6 2 4 General Post-office 2 6 1 8 Portman-square 2 0 1 4
Bank, England (Front of) 3 0 2 6 Gracechurch st. Spread Eagle 3 0 2 0 Pantheon Bazaar 1 6 1 0
Bow Church 2 6 1 8 Great Western Railway 2 6 1 8 Pantechnicon, Knightsbridge 3 0 2 0
Bond street, Oxford-street 2 0 1 4 Greenwich Railway 3 6 2 4 Ratcliff Highway, Coach Stand 4 6 3 0
Berkeley square 2 0 1 4 Gloster Coffee house, Oxford-st 2 0 1 4 Regent Circus, Oxford-street 1 6 1 0
Bedford-square, by Gower-street 1 6 1 0 Holborn, George & Blue Boar 1 6 1 0 Piccadilly (Chaplain's Office) 2 0 1 4
through Bedford Estate 1 0 0 8 Horse Guards 2 0 1 4 Soho square 1 6 1 0
British Museum 1 0 0 8 House of Commons 2 6 1 8 Somerset House 2 0 1 4
Bricklayer's Arms 1 0 2 8 Hyde Park Corner, Piccadilly 3 0 2 0 Sadler's Wells Theatre 2 0 1 4
Bryanstone square 2 0 1 4 Hatchett's Hotel, Piccadilly 2 6 1 8 Session's House, Clerkenwell 2 0 1 4
City Boundary, Aldgate 3 6 2 4 (outside Western Gate) 2 0 1 4 Surrey Chapel, Blackfriars-road 3 0 2 0
Aldersgate street 2 6 1 8 Hyde Park, Edgeware-road 2 0 1 4 Shoreditch Church 3 0 2 0
Holborn Bars 1 6 1 0 Islington Church 2 0 1 4 St. Katherine's Wharf 4 0 2 8
Charing Cross Statue 2 0 1 4 India House 3 0 2 0 St. Luke's Hospital 2 6 1 8
Golden Cross 2 0 1 4 King's Cross 1 0 0 8 St. Paul's, Ludgate-hill 2 6 1 8
Covent Garden, Piazza 1 6 1 0 Kennington Cross 4 0 2 8 St. James's Palace 2 6 1 8
Crown and Anchor, Strand 2 0 1 4 Lad-lane, Swan with two Necks 2 6 1 8 Temple Bar 2 0 1 4
Colosseum 1 6 1 0 London & Southampton Railway 4 0 2 8 Vauxhall Gardens 4 6 3 0
Custom House Stairs 3 6 2 4 London Hospital 4 0 2 8 Westminster Bridge 2 6 1 8
Drury-lane Theatre 1 6 1 0 Institution, Moorfields 3 0 2 0 Welsh School, Grey's Inn road 1 6 1 0
Exeter Hall 2 0 1 4 London Bridge Wharf 3 0 2 0 Whitechapel Church 4 0 2 8
Elephant and Castle 3 6 2 4 Lambeth, Three Stags 3 6 2 4 White Conduit House 2 0 1 4
Eaton square 4 0 2 8 Mint, Tower Hill 3 6 2 4 Wood-Street, Cross Keys 2 6 1 8
Finsbury-square 3 0 2 0 Marsh Gate. Lambeth 3 0 2 0 Yorkshire Stingo 2 0 1 4
Freemason's Tavern 1 6 1 0 Middlesex Hospital 1 6 1 0 Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park 2 0 1 4
Fitzroy-square 1 0 0 8 Opera House 2 0 1 4 Surrey 4 6 3 0
Car Fares from the Railway Station, Birmingham.
Albion Hotel 1s 0d Edgbaston, Wellington-st, Bristol-rd. 2s 0d Swan Hotel 1s 0d
Botanic Gardens, Edgbaston 2 0 Five ways Toll gate 2 0 St Martin's Church 1 0
Bell Inn, Bristol-road 1 6 Free School, New-street 1 0 St. Philip's Church (Dee's Hotel) 1 0
Birmingham Canal-office, Paradise-st. 1 0 General Hospital 1 0 St. George's Church 1 6
Crescent (any part) 1 6 Hen and Chickens Hotel 1 0 St. Mary's Chapel 1 0
Dee's Royal Hotel 1 0 Icknield Bridge, Monument-road 2 0 St. Paul's Chapel, Ludgate Hill 1 6
Deaf and Dumb Institutions 2 6 News Room 1 0 Sand Pits Toll-gate 2 0
Deritend Bridge 1 0 Old-square, Stork Hotel 1 0 Trinity Chapel, Deritend 1 6
Edgbaston Church, by Bristol road 2 6 Post Office 1 0 Town Hall 1 0
by Broad-street 3 0 Plough aud Harrow, Hagley-road 2 0 Theatre 1 0


Engraved, Printed & Published by G. Bradshaw & W. Blacklock Brown Str Manchr.

Distance to
London Mail
2¼ a.m.
Second class
6 a.m.
11½ a.m.
First Class
2¼ p.m.
London Mail.
2¼ p.m.
Second Class 8½
5. p.m.
Stations Second Class First Class Gentlemen's Carriages
Miles   H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. S. D. S. D. £ S. D.
BIRMINGHAM 2 15 6 0 11 30 2 15 2 45 3 30 5 0      
Perry Bar   6 8       3 38   1 0 1 6  
Newton Road   6 20       3 50   1 0 1 6  
WALSALL 2 33 6 30 11 48     4 0   1 6 2 0  
10¼ James's Bridge   6 33       4 3   1 6 2 0  
12 Willenhall   6 46       4 16   2 0 2 6  
14½ WOLVERHAMPTON 2 44 6 56 11 59 2 45 3 14 4 26 5 29 2 6 3 0   10 0
32 Four Ashes   7 13       4 43   3 0 4 0  
21½ Spread Eagle   7 17       4 47   3 6 4 6  
24 Penkridge   7 30       5 0   4 0 5 0  
29¼ STAFFORD 3 10 7 43 12 25 3 10 3 40 5 13 5 55 5 0 6 0 1 0 0
32¾ Bridgeford   7 57       5 27   5 6 7 0  
35 Norton Bridge   8 9       5 39   6 0 7 0  
43¼ WHITMORE 3 44 8 29 12 59 3 44 4 14 5 59 6 29 8 0 9 6 1 10 0
46 Madeley   8 41       6 11   8 6 10 0  
51½ Basford   8 53       6 23        
54 CREWE 4 9 9 10 1 24 4 9 4 39 6 29 6 54 10 6 12 0 1 15 0
56 Coppenhall   9 18       6 40   10 6 12 6  
58¾ Minshull Vernon   9 27       6 48   11 0 13 0  
61¼ Winsford   9 27       6 57   11 6 13 6  
65¾ HARTFORD 4 38 9 37 1 53 4 38 5 8 7 7 7 23 12 0 14 0 2 2 0
68¼ Acton   9 48       7 18   12 6 15 0  
72½ Preston Brook   10 1       7 31   13 6 15 6  
75 Moore   10 6       7 36   14 0 16 0  
78 WARRINGTON 5 9 10 14 2 24 5 9 5 39 7 44 7 51 14 0 17 0 2 10 0
82¾ Newton Junction   10 32       8 2   15 0 18 0  
6 15 11 15 3 30 6 15 6 45 8 45 9 0 17 0 21 0 3 0 0
Gentlemen riding in their own Carriages charged Second Class Fares. Servants and Grooms riding with the Horses, 14s.

The Check Ticket given to the Passenger on the payment of his Fare will be required from him on leaving the Coach or at the Station next before his arrival at London or Birmingham; and if not then presented he will be liable to have the Fare again demanded.—No Smoking is allowed at the Stations, or in the Company's Carriages.

Distances from
Liverpool & Manch.
London Mail.
a. m.
Second Class.
6 a. m.
a. m.
10½ a. m.
First Class.
12¼ a. m.
Second Class.
4 p. m.
London Mail.
7 p. m.
STATIONS Second Class First Class Gentlemen's Carriages
Miles H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. S. D. S. D. £. S. D.
3 30 6 0 8 15 10 30 12 15 4 0 7 0      
14¾ Newton Junction 6 40         4 40   3 6 4 0   15 0
19½ WARRINGTON 4 17 6 55 9 2 11 20 1 2 4 55 7 47 3 6 4 0  
22½ Moore   7 3       5 3   4 0 5 0  
25 Preston Brook   7 16       5 16   4 6 5 6  
29¼ Acton   7 30       5 30   5 6 6 0 1 3 0
31¾ HARTFORD 4 53 7 40       5 40 8 23 6 0 7 0  
36¼ Winsford   7 56       5 56   6 6 7 6  
38¾ Minshull Vernon   8 2       6 2   7 0 8 0  
4l½ Coppenhall   8 13       6 13   7 6 6 0 9 0 1
43½ CREWE 5 21 8 23 10 9 12 32 2 9 6 23 8 54 8 0 9 6  
46 Basford   8 32       6 32        
51½ Madeley   8 52       6 52   9 6 11 0 1 15 0
54¼ WHITMORE 6 5 9 5 10 50 1 15 2 50 7 5 9 35 10 0 12 0  
62½ Norton Bridge   9 25       7 25   11 6 13 6  
64¾ Bridgeford   9 37       7 37   12 0 14 0  
68¼ STAFFORD 6 37 9 45 11 22 1 47 3 22 7 45 10 7 12 6 15 0 2 2 0
73½ Penkridge   10 6       8 6   13 6 16 0  
76 Spread Eagle   10 15       8 15   14 0 16 6  
77½ Four Ashes   10 19       8 19   14 0 16 6  
83 WOLVERHAMPTON 7 18 10 36 12 3 2 22 4 3 8 36 10 48 15 0 19 0 2 10 0
85½ Willenhall   10 50       8 50   15 0 19 0  
87¼ James's Bridge   10 56       8 56   16 0 19 6  
88 WALSALL   10 59   2 40   8 59 11 0 16 0 19 6  
90¾ Newton Road.   11 9       9 9   16 6 21 0  
94 Perry Bar   11 19       9 19   17 0 21 0  
97¼ BIRMINGHAM 8 0 8 0 11 30 12 45 3 15 4 45 9 30 11 30 17 0 21 0 3
Sunday Trains.—Grand Junction, Mixed Trains throughout, calling at the first class stations, leave Birmingham at 2 15, 7 30, 11 30, and 2 45. Liverpool at 3 30, 8 15, 10 30, and 7.

Trains from Manchester at 30 minutes past 3 a.m.; at half-past 10 p.m., and 7 p.m being Mail trains, and obliged to stop at Parkside will not stop to take up Passengers at Newton Bridge.—All the Company Servants are strictly enjoined on pain of dismissal, to observe the utmost civility and attention towards all Passengers.

Map of the Railways in Lancashire &c
Map of the Railways in Lancashire &c

Departure from Liverpool FARES.
First Class, , 8¾, 10 a.m. 2, 4¾, 7¼ p.m.
On Sundays, 8 a.m. 5, 7¼ p.m.
Inside Outside
Stations Second, 7 , 10, 11¾ p.m. 2½, 5½, 7¼ p.m.*
On Sundays, 7 a.m. 5½, 7¼ p.m*)
Miles   AT
s d s d
  LIVERPOOL 7 10 11¾ a.m 5½,7¼ p.m*  
    (On Sundays, 7 a.m. 5½, 7¼* p.m.*)    
To Edge Hill .. .. ..   .. .. ..   1 0 1 0
Broad Green .. .. ..   .. .. ..   1 6 1 0
5 Roby Lane .. .. ..   .. .. ..   1 6 1 0
Huyton Lane .. .. ..   .. .. ..   1 6 1 0
½ Huyton Quarry .. .. ..   .. .. ..   1 6 1 0
9 Kendrick's Cross .. .. ..   .. .. ..   2 0 1 6
10 Lea Green .. .. ..   .. .. ..   2 6 2 0
12 St Helens Junction .. .. ..   .. .. ..   2 6 1 0
13 Collins Green .. .. ..   .. .. ..   2 6 2 0
14½ Warrington Junction .. .. ..   .. .. ..   3 0 2 6
15½ Newton By all the Trains. Mail 3s. 6d. 1 6 1 0
15½ Parkside 7,8¾,10,11,11¾a.m,2½,4¾,5½,7¼ p.m.
(On Sundays, 7a.m.,5½,7¼ p.m.)
3 0 2 6
19 Kenyon Junction 10,11,11¾a.m,2½,5½, p.m.
(On Sundays, 7a.m.,5½, p.m.)
3 6 2 6
21 Bury Lane .. .. ..   .. .. ..   4 0 3 6
22½ Flow Moss .. .. ..   .. .. ..   4 0 3 6
23 Lambs Cottage .. .. ..   .. .. ..   4 6 3 6
24 Barton Moss .. .. ..   .. .. ..   4 6 3 6
26½ Particroft .. .. ..   .. .. ..   4 6 3 6
27½ Eccles .. .. ..   .. .. ..   5 6 4 0
27½ Weaste Lane .. .. ..   .. .. ..   5 6 4 0
29½ Cross Lane .. .. ..   .. .. ..   6 0 4 6
31 Manchester .. .. ..   .. Mail 6s. 6d.   6 0 4 6
4-Wheeled Carriage £1 , 2-Wheeled Carriage 1.5s: 1 Horse 14s. 2 Horses 20s, 3 Horses 24s.

Children above three, and under ten years half fare. 60lbs. of Luggage allowed with each Passenger, above that at the rate of 3s cwt. charged.
* This Train stops at Parkside and Newton only.

8 45 Morning First Class Train 2 30 Afternoon Second Class Train
11 0 First Class do 5 30 Second Class do

On Sundays—Second Class Train, 7 Morning: Ditto, 5 30 Afternoon Fares—Inside, 5s 6d; Outside, 4s

7 15 Morning Second Class Train 2 30 Afternoon Second Class Train
10 0 do 5 30 do
11 45 do
On Sundays—Second Class Train, 7 Morning; Ditto, 5 30 Afternoon

Fares—Inside, 3s; Outside, 2s 6d

7 15, 11 45 Morning Second Class Train 5 30 Afternoon Second Class Train
On Sundays—Second Class Train, 7 Morning; Ditto, 5 30 Afternoon
Fares—Inside, 3s; Outside, 2s 6d


  Coach Car.
Abercromby-square 1s 6d 1 0
Adelphi-hotel 1 0 0 8
Aigburth Church 5 6 3 8
Anfield-lodge 3 0 2 0
house 3 6 2 4
Angel-hotel 1 0 0 8
Ashfield 5 6 3 8
Beacon's-gutter 2 6 1 8
Bedford-st, north of Abercromby-square 1 6 1 0
South of ditto. 2 0 1 4
Berry-st, end Knight-st 1 0 0 8
Bevington-bush, top end 1 6 1 0
Bold-street 1 0 0 8
Bootle lower rd. south end 3 0 2 0
First Toll-bar 3 6 2 4
Miller's-bridge 4 6 3 0
Bootle Church & Village 5 0 3 4
Borough Gaol 2 0 1 4
Botanic-garden (New) 2 6 1 8
Boundary-street, Kirkdale-road, end of 2 6 1 8
Breck-lane, end Whitefield-lane 2 6 1 8
Breck-house 3 6 2 4
Brook-ho, Smithdown-la. 3 6 2 4
Brougham-terrace 1 6 1 0
Brownlo-St, end Dover-st. 1 0 0 8
end Brownlow-hill 1 6 1 0
Brunswick-dock (centre) 2 6 1 8
Cabbage-hall 3 0 2 0
Calderstone's, Allerton 6 0 4 0
Canal packet Station, Leeds-street 1 6 1 0
Canning-st, N. Cemetery 1 6 1 0
Percy-street 1 6 1 0
Grove-Street. 2 0 1 4
Cattle Market (New) 3 6 2 4
Cemetery (New) 1 6 1 0
Chatham-street 2 0 1 4
Chester-st, Upper Warwick-street 2 0 1 4
Childwall 6s 0d 4 0
Clarence dock (centre g.) 2 6 1 8
Clayton-square 1 0 0 8
County House of Correc. 3 0 2 0
Custom-house 1 6 1 0
Duke-st, end Hanover-st. 1 0 0 8
end Berry-street 1 6 1 6
Duke's-place 1 6 1 0
Edge-hill Coffee-house 2 0 1 4
Edge-lane hall 2 6 1 8
Everton village, west end 1 6 1 0
Brow, end of Netherfield-road south 1 6 1 0
Crescent 1 6 1 0
Netherfield-rd, South 1 6 1 0
Ditto north end 2 6 1 8
Bronte-house 3 0 2 0
St. Ann's-hill 3 6 2 4
Fairfield, London-road. 2 6 1 8
Falkner-st, end Bedford-st. 1 6 1 0
end Smithdown-lane 2 0 1 4
Falkner-terrace. Upper Parliament-street 2 0 1 4
Fox-st, end G. Homer-st 1 6 1 0
George's-pier 1 6 1 0
Gilead-house, Kensington 2 0 1 4
Gloucester-pl, (centre of) 1 6 1 0
Grinfield-street, Smithdown-lane 2 0 1 4
Gt George-st, James-st. 1 6 1 0
Gt Homer-st, end Fox-st. 1 6 1 0
Great Mersey-St, Kirkdale. 2 6 1 8
Gt. Oxford-st N. south e. 2 0 1 4
north end 2 0 1 4
Hanover-street, Duke-st. 1 0 0 8
Canning-place 1 6 1 0
Heathfield-house 5 0 3 4
Hope-st. to Canning-st. 1 6 1 0
to Up. Parliament-st. 2 0 1 4
Huskisson-st, Chatham-street 2 0 1 4
Islington-sq, end Shaw-st 1 0 0 8
Kensington, to Mr Carvers 1s 6d 1 0
King's Arms hotel. 1 6 1 0
Kirkdale (Stretch's) 2 6 1 8
Lark-hill (West Derby} 4 6 3 0
Low-hill 1 6 1 0
Marybone, end Gt. Crosshall-street 1 0 0 8
Moss-st, Islington-sq. 1 0 0 8
London-road 1 6 1 0
Mount-Pleasant, end of Hope-street 1 6 1 0
Necropolis, Low hill 1 6 1 0
Netherfield-road North, Mr. Earle's house 2 0 1 4
Newsham-house 2 6 1 8
Oak-hill, Old Swan 4 6 3 0
Old Swan 4 0 2 3
Oxford-st, Crown-st. 2 0 1 4
Paddington, half way up 1 6 1 0
Park-lane, end Kent-st 1 6 1 0
Parliament-st. Queens-dk 2 6 1 8
Pembroke-place, end of Ashton-street 1 0 0 8
Pythian-st, Low-hill(cen) 1 6 1 0
Plumbe's-hall 2 6 1 8
Prince's dock, centre ga. 2 0 1 4
Basin 2 6 1 8
Queen's dock, Norfolk-st. 2 0 1 4
Queen-square 1 0 0 8
Railway Sta, Wapping 2 0 1 4
Ranelagh-place 1 0 0 8
Richmond-hill, Breck-la. 3 0 2 0
Rodney-st, Leece-st 1 0 0 8
Mount-pleasant. 1 0 0 8
Rodney-st, Duke-street 1 6 1 0
Roscommon-st, bott. end 1 6 1 0
Netherfield-rd, south 2 0 1 4
Royal hotel 1 0 8? 0
Sandhill's-bridge 3 0 2 0
Saracen's head Inn 1 0 0 8
Scotland-place 1 0 0 8
Scotland-rd, Mile end 1 6 1 0
Seacombe-slip 1s 6d 1 0
Seel-street 1 0 0 8
Shaw-street, Islington 1 6 1 0
Everton brow 1 6 1 0
Smithdown lane, end of Lodge-lane 2 6 1 8
Soho-st, end Wm. Henry-st 1 0 0 8
South Shore (tall house) 3 0 2 0
Spekelands 2 6 1 8
Stanhope-street 2 0 1 4
St. Ann's Church 1 0 0 8
St. Anthony's Chapel 2 0 1 4
St. James' Market 1 6 1 0
St. James' walk, Upper Parliament-street 2 0 1 4
St. Martin's Market 1 6 1 0
St. Michael's Ch. Pitt-st. 1 6 1 6
St. Patrick's Chapel, St. James' 2 0 1 4
Town-hall 1 6 1 0
Toxteth-park, High park Coffee house 2 6 1 8
Lower park Coffee-h. 3 0 2 0
The Dingle 3 6 2 4
Herculaneum Pottery 3 6 2 4
St. Michael's church 4 0 2 8
Fulwood lodge 4 6 3 0
Otterspool 5 0 3 4
Tue-brook 3 6 2 4
Vauxhall rd. end Leeds-st. 1 0 0 8
Burlington-st. 1 6 1 0
Leigh bridge 2 0 1 4
Warwick-street, Park-rd. 2 0 1 0
Waterloo hotel 1 0 0 8
Wavertree 4 0 2 8
Wellington-road 2 6 1 8
West Derby Chapel 5 0 3 4
West Derby-street 1 6 1 0
Williamson's-square 1 0 0 8
Windsor-st. Up. Hill-st. Harrington 2 0 1 4
Zoological Gardens 2 0 1 4
Fares.—The fare of every Carriage, being a Coach, for a distance not exceeding one thousand yards, one shilling; exceeding one thousand yards and not exceeding one thousand seven hundred yards, one shilling and sixpence; and for each seven hundred yards, or any intermediate distance, the additional sum of sixpence—Car fares one-third less.


Engraved, Printed & Published by G. Bradshaw & W. Blacklock Brown St. Manchr.

5 30 a.m.
9 a.m.
12 30 a.m.
2 30 p.m.
5 p.m.
Short to
6 30 p.m.
9 a.m.
5 p.m.
Miles   h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.
Or Redheugh
5 30 9 0 12 30 2 30 5 0 6 30 9 0 6 0        
Blaydon 5 46 9 12 12 45 2 45 5 12 6 45 9 15 5 15 1 0 0 9 1 0 0 6
20½ Hexham 6 55 10 6 1 56 4 15 6 5 8 0 10 10 6 10 4 0 3 0 3 6 2 6
28 Haydon Bridge 7 25 10 30 2 26 4 45 6 30 8 30 10 35 6 35 5 6 4 6 5 0 3 6
37 Haltwhistle 8 0 10 55 3 0 6 25 6 35 .. 11 0 7 0 7 0 5 6 6 6 4 9
49 Milton 8 50 11 30 3 60 6 25 7 30 .. 11 40 7 40 9 6 7 6 8 6 6 3
60 CARLISLE 9 30 12 0 4 30 7 0 8 0 .. 12 15 8 15 11 0 8 6 10 0 7 6
5 45 a.m.
9 a.m.
1 p.m.
3 p.m.
5 p.m.

9 a.m.

5 p.m.
    h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.
  CARLISLE 5 45 9 0 1 0 3 0 5 0 .. 9 0 5 0        
11 Milton 6 20 9 30 1 35 3 45 5 30 .. 9 30 5 30 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 0
23 Haltwhistle 7 10 10 5 2 25 4 45 6 0 .. 10 15 6 15 4 6 3 6 4 0 3 0
32 Haydon Bridge 7 40 10 40 3 0 5 15 6 30 .. 10 40 6 40 6 0 4 6 5 6 4 0
39½ Hexham 8 5 11 0 3 30 6 0 6 50 .. 11 5 7 5 7 6 5 6 7 0 5 0
56¼ Blaydon 9 15 11 45 4 45 7 0 7 15 .. 12 0 8 0 10 6 8 0 9 6 7 3
Or Redheugh
9 30 12 0 5 0 7 15 8 0 .. 12 15 8 15 11 0 8 6 10 0 7 6
Coach Routes from Carlisle.
To Liverpool, miles To Glasgow, miles To Edinburgh, miles To Whitehaven, miles Hexham 15mls To Manchester, miles
Penrith 18 Gretna 10 Longtown 9 Wigton 11 Newcastle 20 Penrith 18
Kendal 27 Lockerby 15 Langholme 12 Allonby 11   —56 Kendal 27
Burton 11 Beatock Bridge 14 Hawick 24 Workington 12 Dumfries & Portpatric. Burton 11
Lancaster 11 Crawford 16 Selkirk 11 Whitehaven 8 Annan 17 Lancaster 11
Preston 22 Douglas Mill 12 Torsonce 12   -42 Dumfries 16 Preston 22
Ormskirk 20 Hamilton 18 Fushie Bridge 14 To Newcastle.   Castle Douglas 19 Bolton 22
Liverpool 13 Glasgow 11 Edinburgh 14 Brampton 10 Portpatrick 69 Manchester 11
  -122   -96   -96 Haltwhistle 11   -121   —122


<div class="wst-center tiInherit " The time allocated for running scripts has expired.> Engraved, Printed & Published by G. Bradshaw & W. Blacklock Brown St. Manchr.

Birmingham and Derby,
From Birmingham—7, 10½*a.m.; 1, 7, p.m.
Sunday Trains—7 a.m. and 5½ p.m.
From Derby—8, 11½, a.m.; 2*, 4¼, p.m.
Sunday Trains, 8 a.m. and 7½. p.m.
Fares—1st class, 10s.; 2nd class, 7s.; 3rd class, 5s.
(*) Call at Hampton, Tamworth, and Barton only,
<hr class="wst-rule wst-rule-center " The time allocated for running scripts has expired. />Manchester and Leeds.
From Manchester—8, 9, 10, 11, a.m.; 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, p.m.
Sunday Trains—8, 9, a.m.; 5½, 7, p.m.
From Littleborough—8, 9, 10, 11, a.m. ; 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, p.m.
Sunday Trains—8, 9, a.m.; 5⅓, 7, p.m.
Fares—1st class, 4s.; 2nd class, 2s. 6d; 3rd class, 1s. 6d.
Coaches join Trains at Littleborough.
<hr class="wst-rule wst-rule-center " The time allocated for running scripts has expired. />Manchester, Bolton, and Bury.
From Manchester—7, 8, 9, 10, 11, a.m.; 1½, 4, 5, 6, 7, p.m.
Sunday Trains—8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
From Bolton—7, 8, 9, 10, 11, a.m.; 1½, 4, 5, 6, 7, p.m.
Sunday Trains—9 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Fares—1st class, 2s. 6d.; 2nd class, 1s. 6d.
<hr class="wst-rule wst-rule-center " The time allocated for running scripts has expired. />North Union Railway,
From Preston to Liverpool or Manchester.
7, 8 20, and 9 45, a.m. ; 2 20, 4 20, and 6 27, p.m.
Liverpool to Preston—7¼, 8¾, 11, a.m.; 2½, 4¾, 7¼, p.m.
Manchester to Preston—7½, 9, 11¼, a.m.; 2¾, 5, 7¼, p.m.
Sunday Trains— 2nd class mixed, from Preston, 6¾ a.m.; 5½, 6 27
p.m.—Do. from Liverpool & Manchester—7 a.m.; 5½, 7¼,p.m.
Fares—1st class, 7s, 6d.; second class, 5s.
<hr class="wst-rule wst-rule-center " The time allocated for running scripts has expired. />Nottingham and Derby.
From Nottingham—7, 10½, a.m.; 3, 7, p.m.
Sunday Trains—7 a.m. and 6½ p.m.
From Derby—8, 9¼,* a.m.; 1, 4, 8, p.m.
Sunday Trains—8 a.m. and 8¼ p.m.
Fares—1st class, 3s. 6d.; 2nd class, 2s.; 3rd class, 1s.
The Train marked thus * will not stop at any of the Road Stations.
<hr class="wst-rule wst-rule-center " The time allocated for running scripts has expired. />Sheffield and Rotherham.
From Sheffield—Every hour, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
From Rotherham—Every hour, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

A Quarter
of a Mile
A Quarter
of a Mile
A Quarter
of a Mile
Min. Sec. Min. Sec. Min. Sec.
15 .. 1 .. 44 20½ .. 24¼ 37
7 30 2 .. 43 21 .. 23½ 38
5 .. 3 .. 42 21½ .. 23 39
3 45 4 .. 41 22 .. 22½ 40
3 .. 5 .. 40 22½ .. 22 41
2 30 6 .. 39 23 .. 21½ 42
2 8 7 .. 38 23½ .. 21 43
1 52 8 .. 37 24 .. 20½ 44
1 40 9 .. 36½ 24½ .. 20 45
1 30 10 .. 36 25 .. 18 50
1 22 11 .. 35 25½ .. 17 52
1 15 12 .. 34 26 .. 16 56
1 9 13 .. 33½ 26½ .. 15 60
1 4 14 .. 33 27 .. 14 64
1 .. 15 .. 32½ 27½ .. 13 69
.. 58 15½ .. 32 28 .. 12 75
.. 56 16 .. 31½ 28½ .. 11¼ 80
.. 54½ 16½ .. 31 29 .. 10 90
.. 53 17 .. 30½ 29½ .. 9 100
.. 54 17½ .. 30 30 .. 120
.. 50 18 .. 29 31 .. 6 150
.. 48½ 18½ .. 28 32 .. 200
.. 47 19 .. 27¼ 33 .. 400
.. 46 19½ .. 26½ 34      
.. 45 20 .. 25 36      
<div class="wst-center tiInherit " The time allocated for running scripts has expired.>

Great Western Railway.

London to Twyford—8, 9, 10, 12, a.m.; 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, p.m.
Sunday Trains—8, 9, a.m.; 5, 7, p.m.
Tyford to London—6, 9, 10, 12, a m.; 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, p.m.
Sunday Trains—6, 9, a.m.; 5, 7, p.m.
Fares—1st class, 7s.; 2nd class, 5s.

The time allocated for running scripts has expired.