Bunner v. Neil

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United States Reports, Volume 1 {1 Dall.}
Supreme Court of the United States
1406251United States Reports, Volume 1 {1 Dall.}Supreme Court of the United States



HIS caufe was removed by Habeas Corpus from the Court of Commn Pleas of Philadelphia County, and, on the trial , a verdict was found in favor of the Plaintiff, for Ł4.10. 8. which the defendant paid to the Prothonotary, and then moved to ftay proceedings, contending, that as the Plaintiff's demand was reduced below Ł.10. by a direct payment, and not by difcount, or fet off, the Plaintiff muft pay the cofts.

The Plaintiff, on the other hand, obtained a rule to fhew caufe, why the Defendant fhould not pay doubt cofts, under the Act of Affembly, which provides, that, if the defendant removes the caufe, and a fum under Ł.50 is found for the Plaintiff, the Defendant fhall pay double cofts.


After argument, by Swiƒt, for the Plaintiff, and Tilghman, for the Defendant, the rule to ſtay proceedings was made abſolute ; and the rule for payment of double coſts, was diſcharge.