Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Cæsar, Julius (1656?-1712?)

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1904 Errata appended.

1328967Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 08 — Cæsar, Julius (1656?-1712?)1886William Barclay Squire

CÆSAR, JULIUS (1656?–1712?), a physician and amateur musical composer who lived at Rochester, is only known as author of three convivial catches which appeared in the sixth edition of the ‘Pleasant Musical Companion’ (1720). Many of his prescriptions are preserved in Sloane MS. 2815, having been copied from original MSS. by Sir Hans Sloane. He was probably the same Julius Cæsar who was the son of Joseph Cæsar, a grandson of Dr. Gerard Cæsar of Canterbury, who is generally supposed to have been a grandson of Sir Thomas Cæsar [q. v.] This Julius Cæsar died at Strood, aged 55, on 29 April 1712.

[Hawkins's Hist. of Music, ed. 1853, p, 763; Lodge's Life of Sir J. Cæsar, with Memoirs of his Family, ed. 1827, pp. 41, &c.]

W. B. S.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.48
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

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207 ii 22 Cæsar, Julius: after (1720) insert Many of his prescriptions are preserved in Sloane MS. 2815, having been copied from original manuscript by Sir Hans Sloane