CSRT Classified Summary of Mohamed Ben Moujane

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CSRT Classified Summary of Mohamed Ben Moujane

Transcribed from page 90 of 90 of http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/foi/detainees/csrt/Set_53_3870-3959.pdf on April 15, 2007 from a version downloaded in early March 2006. The Department of Defense replaced the original file with a revised version with a brief Unsworn Statement on page 90.

114294CSRT Classified Summary of Mohamed Ben Moujane


(U) (Enclosure (2) to Combat Status Review Tribunal Decision Report)

(U) ISN#: 160

(S//NF) The Tribunal found the following classified evidence persuasive in making its determinations: Exhibit R-l 5, a JTF-GTMO Memorandum which documents how after arriving in Afghanistan the Detainee decided to leave his family for the Jihad and joined a group of Arab fighters led by Abu Khalid. The group traveled to the mountains and took up fighting positions against the Americans and the Northern Alliance. The memorandum also states that the Detainee has admitted to being a member of al Qaida and receiving training at the Al-Farouq training camp. Exhibit R-18 also documents the Detainee's travels and weapons training, lending support to the accuracy of the unclassified evidence.


(S//NF) The Tribunal found the following classified evidence unpersuasive in making its determinations: Exhibit R-12. This document purports to be information regarding this Detainee, but the name of the person referred to in the document does not appear to be that of the Detainee in question or any of his known aliases. The Tribunal chose not to consider this exhibit in any way when making its determination.


(U) The Tribunal also relied on certain unclassified evidence in reaching its decision. A discussion of the unclassified evidence is found in Enclosure (1) to the Combatant Status Review Tribunal Decision Report.

Enclosure (2)
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