Calcutta: Past and Present/Index

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1757896Calcutta: Past and Present — Index1905Kathleen Blechynden


Aaron Upjohn, 183
Adair, Captain, 180
Agg, Lieutenant James, 138
Agri-Horticultural Society's Garden, 100, 103
Alipore, 89
Alipore Road, 105
Aliverdy Khan, 31
Aliverdy's widow, 48, 147
Allypore Gardens, 105
Andrew's, St., Church, 85
Anne's, St., Church, 23, 53
Armenians, 27
Aga Nazar, 27
Coja Johannes, 221
Coja Serhaud, 16
Armenian Church, 27, 53, 78
Armenian Church, Chinsurah, 221
Armenian Convent, 173
Asiatic Society, 155
Auctioneer Tulloh, 143
Avenue, The, 23, 61
Aylmer, Rose, 165
Azim-u-Shan, Viceroy, 14

Baillie's Map, 185
Ball dress, 122
Bandel Church, 222
Bankshall, 72, 186
Baraset, 236
Barker, Sir Robert, 54
Barrackpore, 233
Harwell, 199
Barwell's house, 105
Battle of Bedarrah, 205
Battle of Calcutta, 58
Begum Johnson, 145
Bellamy, Rev. J., 42
Bellamy, Lieutenant, 42
Belvedere, 96, 100
Belvedere Road, 102
Bentinck Street, 6
Bhowainpore, 6
Billy Speke, 64
Bishop's College, 162, 175
Bishop Wilson, 139
Black Hole, 40, 45
Black Hole Monument, 44
Blaquiere, Mr., 143
Bodyguard stables, 202
Boitakhana, 212
Bon Mot, 137
Botanical Gardens, 161
Bouchier, Mr. R., 84
Bow Bazar, 4, 23, 68
Brentford church, 143
Bricklayers, 86
Alipore, 91
Hastings, 87
Kalighat, 88
Kidderpore, 108
British India Street, 6
Brooke, Captain, 2, 3
Budge Budge, 51
Burial Grounds
Mission, 82, 175

Death rate, 28, 151
Denis, Miss, 180
Dharmatola Ghat, 4
Dhurrumtollah Street, 68, 190
Dinner hour, 110
Ditch, The, 32
Docks, 186
Doctor Boughton, a 18
Doctor Busteed, 69, 91
Doctor Hamilton, 17
Doctor Hare, 157
Dress, 123
Drinks, 111
Duel. Hastings-Francis, 104
Dam Dum, 235
Dutch director, 227
Dutch fleet, 204
Dutch settlement, 219

Eden Gardens, 195
Ellis, Mr. Francis, 9
Embassy to Delhi, 15
Emperor Farruk Syar, 16, 22
Ensign, Yorke, 62
Entertainments, 115
Rose Aylmer's, 165
T. F. Chambers', 178
Hamilton's, 21
Begum Johnson's, 146
Sir William Jones's, 154
Coja Johannes's, 221
Lieut.-Colonel Kirkpatrick's, 167
Midshipman Speke's, 65
Richmond Thackeray's, 173
Esplanade, 73
Exchange, The, 121
Executions, 208
Eyre, Mr. Charles, 11
Eyre, Mr. Edward, 42

Fancy Lane, 198
Farruk Syar, Emperor, 16, 22
Father Parthenio, 143
Fay, Mrs., 96
Fireworks, 118
First Protestant missionary, 78, 84
Food, 28, 109
Fort Chapel, 54, 130
Fort William, 56, 86
Francis' house, 69
Francis' Lodge, 103
Francis-Hastings duel, 104
Free School, 84, 211
Free School Street, 211
Fulta, 49
Funerals, 153
Funeral of Sir W. Jones, 157
Funeral of Lieut.-Colonel Kyd, 164

Gillet's dock, 189
Government dock, 188
Government House, 72, 75, 197
Government Place, 198
Governor's house, 25, 71
Govindpore, 5
Govindpore Creek, 5, 98
Grandpré, M., 72, 135
Miss Aylmer's, 165
Chambers' vault, 177
Job Charnock's, 10
Surgeon Hamilton's, 21
Mrs. Hastings', 51
Begum Johnson's, 146
Guru Jones's, 174
Sir William Jones's, 153
Kiernander's vault, 175
Lieut.-Colonel Kirkpatrick's, 167
Lieut.-Colonel Kyd's, 164
Mark Mutty's, 177
Mrs. Sarah Pearson's, 77
Midshipman Speke's, 65
Richmond Thackeray's, 171
Mrs. Tiretta's, 176
Admiral Watson's, 65
Mr. John Wood's, 77, 151
Great tank, 25, 191, 206

Grosvenor passengers, 180
Grosvener wreck, 178

Hamilton, Captain, 23, 222
Hamilton, Surgeon W., 17
Hare, David, 198
Hare, Doctor, 157
Hare Street, 198
Hastings, 87
Hastings Bridge, 87
Hastings' duel, 104
Hastings' garden, 161
Hastings House, 91
Hastings, Mrs., 50, 98
Hastings Street, 4, 98
Hastings, Warren, 36, 50, 91
Hatkola, 4
Highest point in Calcutta, 194
Holwell, J. Z., 39
Holwell Monument, The, 44
Holwell's narrative, 40
Honeycomb, Mr. H., 93
Hookahs, 127
Hosea, Mr., Mrs., and Miss, 179
Hospital, 24, 75
Hughly, 8, 52, 214, 217
Hughly College, 221
Hughly Imambara, 221
Hyde, Rev. H. B., 11, 50

Ice, 35
Illuminations, 118
Imhoff, Mrs., 98
Improvement lotteries, 194
Investments, 124
Ives, Surgeon, 49

Jackson, Mr., 93
Jaffir, Ali, 66, 89
James, Colonel and Mrs. 180
James and Robert Kyd, 188
Japan, 155
Jaun Bazar, 68, 211
Johnson, Chaplain, 145
Johnson, Mrs., 145
Jones, Guru, 174
Jones, Sir W., 154
Judges' Court Road, 91

Kali Ghat Bridge, 88
Keene, Mr. H. G., 215
Khal-Kutta, 5
Kidderpore Bridge, 108
Kidderpore House, 105
Kiernander, Rev. J. Z., 77
King's Bench Walk, 195
Kirkpatrick, Lieut.-Colonel, 167
Kitty Kirkpatrick, 169
Kyd, Lieut.-Colonel R., 161
Kyd Street, 208
Kyd Street Tank, 208

Lal Bazar, 81
Lal Diggee, 81
Last Battle of Calcutta, 59
Logie, Mr. and Mrs., 180
Loretto House, 210
Lotteries, 193
Lyons Range, 199
Lyons, Thomas, 199

Maharaja Nobkisson, 138
Mahratta Ditch, 32
Main drain, 189
Maidan, 7
Major Tolly, 98
Mangoes, 35
Marshman, Dr., 225
Maps of Calcutta, 184, 185
Mapletoft, Rev. Robert, 204
Middleton Row, 210
Middleton Street, 211
Malitia, 202
Minchin, Captain, 202
Mint, 189, 194
Missionaries, Serampore, 224
Mission burial ground, 82, 175
Mission Church, 80
Mr. Eyre's house, 70
"Mistery," 87

Mrs. Fay, 96
Mrs. Hastings' house, 98
Mohunton's Ghat, 4
Rose Aylmer's, 165
Charnock's, 10
Holwell's, 44
Mrs. Johnson's, 146
Sir William Jones's, 153
Midshipman Speke's, 65
Richmond Thackeray's, 171
Mrs. Tiretta's, 176
Admiral Watson's, 65
Muckwah Thanna, 163
Mullick Barcoodar, 3

Nawab Aliverdy Khan, 31
Nawab Jaffir Khan, 66, 89
Nawab Shujah-ul-Dowlah, 116
Nawab Suraj-ud-Dowlah, 33, 58, 67
New Dock, 72, 186
Newman, Mr., 180
Nixon, Mr., 180

Old Church, 81
Old Court House, 84
Old Fort William, 14, 24, 45
Old Mint, 189
Old Post Office, 98
Old Post Office Street, 97
Old Powder Magazine, 138

Parade Ground, 202
Paddock, Hastings', 93
Palanquin, 132
Palkee bearers, 77
Park Street, 210
"Park, the," 25
Parthenio, Father, 143
Passage money, 126
Pathuriya Girja, 138
Peachie, Mr. Jeremiah, 9
Pearce, Colonel, 104, 236
Penn, the, 93
Plassey, 66
Pooni, 135
Portuguese, 79
Prices of food, 110
Prinsep, Mr. Charles, 102
Punch, 111

Recovery of Calcutta, 52
Refugees at Fulta, 50
Respondentia Walk, 195
Rev. J. Bellamy, 42
Rev. H. B. Hyde, 11, 50
Rev. W. Johnson, 145
Rev. J. Z. Kternander, 77
Rev. R. Mapletoft, 204
Rev. W. Parry, 77
Richmond Thackeray, 171
River bank, 194
Roman Catholics, 53
Rooie Hutta, 212
Rose Aylmer, 165
Roundel, 133
Royd Street, 210
Russell, Sir Henry, 166
Russell Street, 166, 210

Sankraal, 3
Sedan chairs, 134
Serampore, 223
Serampore missionaries, 224
Servants, 127
Shalimar, 162
Shore, Sir John, 158
Sichterman, Mr., 221
Siege of Calcutta, 37
Slaves, 158
Social conditions, 26, 107
Soondrie trees, 5, 192
Speke, "Billy," 64
Sterndale, Mr. R. C, 199-235
Alipore Road, 105
Avenue, the, 23, 61
Bankshall Street, 186
Belvedere Road, 102

Bentinck Street, 6
Boitakhana, 212
Bow Bazar, 23, 68
British India Street, 6
Camac Street, 210
Chitpore Road, 6
Chowringhee, 6
Church Lane, 198
Circular Road, 33
Clive Street, 69
Corkscrew Lane, 198
Cotton Street, 212
Creek Row, 191
Dalhousie Square, 25, 191, 202
Dhurrumtollah, 68, 190
Esplanade, 73
Fancy Lane, 198
Free School Street, 211
Government Place, 198
Hare Street, 198
Jaun Bazar, 68, 211
Judges' Court Road, 91, 94
King's Bench Walk, 195
Kyd Street, 208
Lai Bazar, 81
Larkin's Lane, 198
Lyon's Range, 199
Middleton Row, 210
Middleton Street, 211
Old Court House Street, 85
Old Post Office Street, 97
Park Street, 210
Respondentia Walk, 195
Rooie Hutta, 212
Royd Street, 210
Russell Street, 166, 210
Strand Road, 194
Sudder Street, 210
Swallow Lane, 212
Vansittart Row, 198
Waterloo Street, 6
Wellesley Place, 198
Wellington Square, 191
Wheler Place, 197
Stephenson, Mr. Edward, 16
Suraj-ud-Dowlah, 33, 58
Suraj-ud-Dowlah's death, 67
Surgeon Hamilton, 17
Surman, Mr. John, 15
Sutanuti, 4
Suttie, 229

Table decorations, 117
Tackshall, 186
Tanna Fort, 163
Tea, or Thé, 112
Thackeray, Charles, 172
Thackeray, Richmond, 171
Theatre, 71
"The Baboo" novel, 126
The Creek, 190
"The Last Supper," Zoftany's, 142
The Mahratta Ditch, 32
The Penn, 93
Thugs, 334
Tiretta's burial ground, 176
Tiretta, Mr. and Mrs., 176
Tittaghur, 234
Toasts, 113
Tobacco introduced, 214
Tolly, Major, 98
Tolly's Nullah, 5, 98
Tonjon, 135
Town Hall, 193
Tulloh, auctioneer, 143
Turner, Mr., 93

Upjohn, Aaron, 183
Upjohn's Map, 184

Vansittart Row, 198
Vernet, Mr., 221
Volunteers, 204

Waterloo Street, 6
Watts, Mr. W., 147
Wellesley College, 121

Wellesley Place, 198
Wheler Place, 197
Wilmot, Miss, 180
Window in St. Paul's, 139
Windows, 114
Wines, 112
Wood, Colonel Mark, 185, 210
Wood, Mr. J., 77, 151
Wood Street, 210
Wreck of the Grosvenor, 178
Writers' Buildings, 198

Yorke, Ensign, 62

Zeerut Bridge, 6
Zemindari rights, 14
Zoffany, 141
Zoffany's "Last Supper," 142