Canada Gazette/Volume I/No. 52/Militia General Orders, June 19, 1868

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Militia General Orders (1868)
June 19, 1868
273923Militia General Orders — June 19, 18681868


Ottawa, 19th June, 1868

General Orders,


No. 1.

Officers Commanding Corps and Battalions are requested to read publicly on the first parade of their Corps or Battalions after the receipt of this Order, the following extract from the existing Volunteer Militia Law.

"The Volunteer Force and every officer and man belonging to it, shall be subject to the Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Army, and shall from the time of being called out for actual service, and also during the period of annual drill prescribed by this Act or by any Act amending the same, or by any Order of the Commander in Chief, under the authority thereof, and also during the continuance of any drill or parade of his corps at which he shall be present, be subject to the Rules and Articles of War, and to the Act for punishing mutiny and desertion, and all other laws then applicable to Her Majesty's Troops in this Province, and not inconsistent with this Act."

No. 2.

Province of Ontario.

The Oshawa Grammar School Drill Association.

A Drill Association is hereby authorized at Oshawa, in the Regimental Division of Ontario, under the Command of Lt.-Col. Fairbanks, to be composed of the masters and pupils of the Oshawa County Grammar School, and to be styled the Oshawa Grammar School Drill Association.

By Command of His Excellency of the Right Honorable the Governor General and Commander in Chief.
P. L. MacDOUGALL, Colonel,
Adjutant General of Militia,
