Case 08-CR-1010 Session 610

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Operation Board Games
Case #08-CR-1010
Session 610

Rod Blagojevich and Rob Blagojevich
13 November 2008
369480Operation Board Games
Case #08-CR-1010
Session 610
Rod Blagojevich and Rob Blagojevich
CASE NUMBER:       08 CR 1010

PHONE:             Rod Blagojevich Home
SESSION:           610  Redacted Transcript
DATE:              November 13, 2008
TIME:              10:05 a.m.

SPEAKERS:      BLAGOJEVICH= Rod Blagojevich
               ROB = Rob Blagojevich

               *    *    *    *

         [PHONE RINGING]

 1       BLAGOJEVICH:              Hey.

 2       ROB:                      Hey.

 3       BLAGOJEVICH:              How we doin'?.

 4       ROB:                      Good.

 5                            [PORTIONS REDACTED]

 6       ROB:                      Uh, talked to Lon. And uh, he says
 7                                 Johnny Johnston is good for it.

 8       BLAGOJEVICH:              OK.

 9       ROB:                      He's gonna give you...ya know, he
10                                 didn't get it. But he said, ya
11                                 know, I'm good for it. I gotta just
12                                 decide what, what uh, accounts to
13                                 get it out of. And, and Lon's
14                                 going to talk to you about some
15                                 sensitivities legislatively tonight
16                                 when he sees you. With regard to
17                                 timing of all of this.

18       BLAGOJEVICH:              Right - before the end of the year
19                                 though, right?

20       ROB:                      Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, uh -
21                                 there was no waffling there, it
22                                 it just uh, ya know, we gotta, we just
23                                 gotta figure it out he'll
24                                 give you the specific details.

25       BLAGOJEVICH:              Oh good. He's going to be there
26                                 tonight, right?

27       ROB:                      He's going with ya.

28       BLAGOJEVICH:              Yeah.

 1       ROB:                      It's a basketball game?

 2       BLAGOJEVICH:              Yeah, with [REDACTED].

 3       ROB:                      Yeah, he yeah, he knew it was
 4                                 [REDACTED], United Center - wasn't
 5                                 sure what the venue was. But
 6                                 good.

 7       BLAGOJEVICH:              Ok, so...but clearly before the end
 8                                 of the year, right?

 9       ROB:                      Yeah, yeah.

10       BLAGOJEVICH:              He's down there right now with him
11                                 lobbying on a bill.

12       ROB:                      He was with him last night and he's
13                                 still down there.

14       BLAGOJEVICH:              Yeah, they're pushing a bill. So
15                                 that's probably what he wants to
16                                 wait on.

17       ROB:                      Well, whatever. I mean, I think
18                                 that's probably likely. He didn't
19                                 get into detail with me. [PORTIONS
20                                 REDACTED]

21                            [PORTIONS REDACTED]

         [END OF SESSION]