Category:Index pages of works originally in English
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Pages in category "Index pages of works originally in English"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 32,864 total.
(previous page) (next page)"
- Index:"$50.00 War Bond Poster" - NARA - 514244.jpg
- Index:"A Chicken in Every Pot" political ad and rebuttal article in New York Times - NARA - 187095.tif
- Index:"A modern Hercules", the tale of a sculptress (IA amodernherculest00wins).pdf
- Index:"Afghanistan" (1920) sheet music.pdf
- Index:"All About Liberty Bonds. What are They^ ... Why should I Buy Them... How Can I Buy them^ ... Where Can I Buy... - NARA - 512672.tif
- Index:"Annual Estimate for School Year 1915-1916." - NARA - 284608.tif
- Index:"Be ready for your war service-Join the Red Cross Student Reserve" - NARA - 513930.tif
- Index:"Become a nurse - Your country needs you" - NARA - 513583.tif
- Index:"Buck" taking the "pot" LCCN2008661588.tif
- Index:"Corporal R. Derby Holmes author of "A Yankee in the Trenches". Read The Book- Hear Him Lecture^ An American lad who was - NARA - 512454.jpg
- Index:"For the great empire of liberty, forward!" (IA forgreatempireof00schu).pdf
- Index:"Four Years in the Fight. The Women of France. We Owe Them Houses of Cheer. United War Work Campaign. Y.W.C.A.", ca. 191 - NARA - 512452.jpg
- Index:"Garnish Nets Correctly" - NARA - 514018.tif
- Index:"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" - Anita Loos.pdf
- Index:"GIVE^ United War Work Campaign." - NARA - 512697.tif
- Index:"He did his duty. "No finer military organization than the Marine Corps exists in the world." George Dewey. Admiral of t - NARA - 512468.jpg
- Index:"Help Swing The Needle To Democracy. Destruction Will Ensue.", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919 - NARA - 512458.jpg
- Index:"Homo Sum" being a letter to an anti-suffragist from an anthropologist.djvu
- Index:"I should have gone to the pro station" - NARA - 514564.tif
- Index:"I solemnly swear that I won't eat no more ice cream what's made with sugar nor no more candy what's made with sugar. Ho - NARA - 512512.jpg
- Index:"July 4th 1776. When our Declaration of Independence was Signed Loyal Americans were of one mind to Protect Life... - NARA - 514752.tiff
- Index:"Keep It Coming. We must not only feed our Soldiers at the front but the millions of women and children behind our lines - NARA - 512443.jpg
- Index:"Lee Keedick presents Lieutenant Pat O'Brien Royal Flying Corps in a startling lecture "My Escape From A Germany Prison - NARA - 512453.jpg
- Index:"Little American's Promise ...Signed, Address.", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919 - NARA - 512684.jpg
- Index:"Lubbers don't live - Oh learn a lesson from Joe Gotch" - NARA - 514926.jpg
- Index:"Make Every Minute Count For Pershing. Unites States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation.", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919 - NARA - 512446.jpg
- Index:"Member of the United States Food Administration. Please Hang This Card In Your Front Window.", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919 - NARA - 512510.jpg
- Index:"Military Courtesy" - NARA - 515010.tif
- Index:"N" Rays (Garcin).djvu
- Index:"Oh, Boy that's the Girl^ The Salvation Army Lassie. Keep Her On the Job. Nov. 11th- 18th. United War Work Campaign.", c - NARA - 512450.jpg
- Index:"Prices charged in this store will not exceed those indicated in the most recent list of Fair Prices applicable to this - NARA - 512556.jpg
- Index:"Read the official Bulletin...WAR Information...Ask For It Here.", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919 - NARA - 512604.jpg
- Index:"Red"·Fed·Memoirs-Hickey-1925.pdf
- Index:"Remember Belgium. Buy Bonds Fourth Liberty Loan.", ca. 1918 - ca. 1918 - NARA - 512441.jpg
- Index:"Rome's recruits" - a list of Protestants who have become Catholics since the Tractarian movement (IA romesrecruitslis00whitrich).pdf
- Index:"Round the world." - Letters from Japan, China, India, and Egypt (IA roundworldletter00fogg 0).pdf
- Index:"Save Food for World Relief. That crust of bread you wasted- That bit of meat you nibbled and left- That plate of left- - NARA - 512529.jpg
- Index:"Team Work Wins^ Your work here makes their work over there possible. With your help they are invincible. Without it the - NARA - 512448.jpg
- Index:"The Mummy" Volume 1.djvu
- Index:"The Mummy" Volume 2.djvu
- Index:"The Mummy" Volume 3.djvu
- Index:"The next war"; an appeal to common sense (IA thenextwarappeal01irwi).pdf
- Index:"The Nonsense of It," a printed pamphlet arguing for woman suffrage.djvu
- Index:"The World Cannot Live Half Slave, Half Free.", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919 - NARA - 512444.jpg
- Index:"They Are Giving All. Will You Send Them Wheat^ U.S. Food Administration.", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919 - NARA - 512442.jpg
- Index:"This Store is pledged to conform to the Sugar Regulations of the Food Administration. Your Sugar Ration is 2lbs. per mo - NARA - 512525.jpg
- Index:"This Store sells at FAIR PRICES as interpreted by U.S. Food Administration...", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919 - NARA - 512714.jpg
- Index:"To Everyone in This Plant- This plant is engaged upon government work every person here owes The United States A duty t - NARA - 512480.jpg
- Index:"Treat'em Rough^ Join The Tanks. United States Tank Corps.", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919 - NARA - 512447.jpg
- Index:"U.S. Marines "Soldiers of the Sea" For Full Information Apply Recruiting Station.", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919 - NARA - 512457.jpg
- Index:"Uncle Sam's Birthday. 1776- July 4th 1918. 142 Years Young and Going Strong.", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919 - NARA - 512445.jpg
- Index:"WATCH FOR THESE MARKS" - NARA - 516054.jpg
- Index:"We Must conserve Food To Keep the Wolf from our Own Door...Appalling Conditions Threaten America If We Waste Our Foods. - NARA - 512559.jpg
- Index:"We will help win the war^ Will You...", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919 - NARA - 512683.jpg
- Index:"Where Is God?" By Minot J. Savage Poetry.djvu
- Index:"Where The Victims Are...Save The Survivors- 3,950,000 starving people...Campaign for $30,000,000.", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919 - NARA - 512642.jpg
- Index:"WHY HELP GREMLINS" - NARA - 516157.tif
- Index:"Wonderful Opportunity For You. Ashore, On Leave. United States Navy", ca. 1917 - ca. 1917 - NARA - 512440.jpg
- Index:'"V " Depends on Me^ - NARA - 533863.jpg
- Index:'Birth of Burns' programme, Newcastle - 1859-01-25.jpg
- Index:'Black Lives' Nov 1928.pdf
- Index:'Ere's 'Olloway LP
- Index:'Tis Sixty Years Since.djvu
- Index:'Twas on the morn of sweet May Day (1).pdf
- Index:'Twixt land and sea - tales (IA twixtlandseatale00conr).pdf
- Index:'Way down East - or, Portraitures of Yankee life (IA waydowneast00smitrich).pdf
- Index:(1848) Observations on Church and State- JF Ferrier.pdf
- Index:(1852, November 2) Public Lecture.pdf
- Index:(1856) Scottish Philosophy—The Old and the New.pdf
- Index:(1856, Jul) Letter from Professor Ferrier.pdf
- Index:(1883) Corpus Poeticum Boreale - vol 1.djvu
- Index:(Ane hundred) godly lessons that a mother on her death-bed gave to her children.pdf
- Index:(Commercial character) The Joseph Fisher lecture in commerce, delivered at the University of Adelaide (IA commercialcharac00jessrich).pdf
- Index:(Covid-19) Lightening the load and preparing for the future.pdf
- Index:(I)nterlocutor.pdf
- Index:005 - The Opry House.webm
- Index:007 - The Barnyard Battle.webm
- Index:00763 2003 001 AC.jpg
- Index:01.12.21 Vice President Pence's letter to House Speaker Pelosi.pdf
- Index:010 Once a week Volume X Dec 1863 to Jun 64.pdf
- Index:02.29.20-US-Afghanistan-Joint-Declaration.pdf
- Index:02.BCOT.KD.HistoricalBooks.A.vol.2.EarlyProphets.djvu
- Index:020413 DOJ White Paper.pdf
- Index:03.BCOT.KD.HistoricalBooks.B.vol.3.LaterProphets.djvu
- Index:04.BCOT.KD.PoeticalBooks.vol.4.Writings.djvu
- Index:05.BCOT.KD.PropheticalBooks.A.vol.5.GreaterProphets.djvu
- Index:0569 Bk.pdf
- Index:06-24-1920 -The Story of the Jones County Calf Case.pdf
- Index:06.CBOT.KD.PropheticalBooks.B.vol.6.LesserProphets.djvu
- Index:09WYConstitution.pdf
- Index:10 Rules for Radicals.djvu
- Index:104-10106-10683 (JFK, April 26, 2018 release).pdf
- Index:10th April 1954 West African Pilot.pdf
- Index:10th August 1957 Southern Nigeria Defender.pdf
- Index:10th December 1954 Daily Comet.pdf
- Index:10th February 1960 Daily Times.pdf
- Index:11-796 c07d.pdf
- Index:116th United States Congress H. Res.0109 (1st session) - Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.pdf
- Index:116th United States Congress H. Res.4663 (1st session) - Freedom from Price Gouging Act.pdf
- Index:12 days angus.png
- Index:124 Cartridges for 15 Shillings and Sixpence Art.IWMPST10336.jpg
- Index:124 Cartridges for 15 Shillings and Sixpence Art.IWMPST7904.jpg
- Index:124 Cartridges for 15 Shillings and Sixpence Art.IWMPST7905.jpg
- Index:124-2009 Brunetti Obit.djvu
- Index:124174888-Wyden-Remarks-at-Memorial-for-Aaron-Swartz.pdf
- Index:15 a - San Francisco Chronicle Exorcist letter January 29 1974.jpg
- Index:15 decisive battles of the world (New York).djvu
- Index:15 decisive battles of the world Vol 1 (London).djvu
- Index:15 decisive battles of the world Vol 2 (London).djvu
- Index:1560 Geneva Bible.pdf
- Index:1582 Rhemes New Testament.pdf
- Index:1609 Doway Old Testament.pdf
- Index:1610 Douai Old Testament.pdf
- Index:161006-Eatt-Text of Royal Warrant Merchant Navy Medal for Meritorious Service.pdf
- Index:1644 Anabaptist Confession of Faith.djvu
- Index:1751 A collection of all the public acts of Assembly, of the province of North-Carolina now in force and use.pdf
- Index:1758, being a sketch of the founding of Pittsburgh.djvu
- Index:1789 Resolve of the Senate.djvu
- Index:17July2019TMC FFC agreement Radio Dabanga.pdf
- Index:1800 Report of the Joint Committee (Washington Monument).tif
- Index:1800 Report of the Joint Committee.jpg
- Index:1808 Poems - Table of Contents.pdf
- Index:1808 Poems by Felicia Dorothea Browne.pdf
- Index:1812 War Declaration.jpg
- Index:1819 Edinburgh Annual Register.pdf
- Index:1836 (33) Registration of Births &c. A bill for registering Births Deaths and Marriages in England.djvu
- Index:1836 (34) Marriages. A bill for Marriages in England.djvu
- Index:1843 Almanack
- Index:1852 ThomasSims Kidnapping Melodeon Boston4046905900.jpg
- Index:1852-08-08 Letter from W.S. Hall to his brother Frank
- Index:1861 vs 1882. "Co. Aytch," Maury grays, First Tennessee regiment; or, A side show of the show (IA 1861vs1882coaytc00watk).pdf
- Index:1862 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1862-63 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1863-64 Territory of Dakota Session laws.djvu
- Index:1864-65 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1865-66 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1866 Architecture Beejapur.pdf
- Index:1866 Architecture Dharwar Mysore.pdf
- Index:1866-67 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu
- Index:1867-68 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1868 wanted poster following McGees assassination.jpg
- Index:1868-69 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1870-71 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1871-08-12 Jacksons Oxford Journal - New School South Hincksey.png
- Index:1872-73 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1874-75 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1875-12-29 Fanny Cook to Catherine Munday
- Index:1877 Christadelphian Statement of Faith.pdf
- Index:1879 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu
- Index:1880. A Tramp Abroad.djvu
- Index:1881 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu
- Index:1881-01-22 Jacksons Oxford Journal - Death of Lord Camoys.png
- Index:1881-01-24 Ethel (ship) testemony from W. S. Hall.djvu
- Index:1882. The Prince and The Pauper. A Tale for Young People of All Ages.djvu
- Index:1883 Annual Report of the German Society of the City of New York.djvu
- Index:1883 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1885 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1887 Compiled Laws of Dakota Territory.pdf
- Index:1887 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1888 Cicero's Tusculan Disputations.djvu
- Index:1889 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu
- Index:1891 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1892 North Dakota Special Session Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1893 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1893-09-23 Chicago Tribune p. 14 Storm Damage Along the Midway.djvu
- Index:1894. Sawyer Abroad. By Huck Finn.djvu
- Index:1895 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1895-02-28 Letter to HA Hall
- Index:1897 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1899 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1899 The Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century.djvu
- Index:1900. The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, and Other Stories and Essays.djvu
- Index:1900; or, The last President (IA 1900orlastpresid00lock).pdf
- Index:1901 Boston Marathon.jpg
- Index:1901 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1902 Encyclopædia Britannica - Volume 25 - A-AUS.pdf
- Index:1902 Encyclopædia Britannica - Volume 26 - AUS-CHI.pdf
- Index:1902 Encyclopædia Britannica - Volume 27 - CHI-ELD.pdf
- Index:1903 Lhasa and Central Tibet by G. Ts. Tsybikoff.pdf
- Index:1903 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1905 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1907 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1909 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1909 sep 18 gk chesterton002.jpg
- Index:1909. Extract from Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven.djvu
- Index:1909. Is Shakespeare Dead? From My Autobiography.djvu
- Index:1911 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1913 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1914 & other poems (1915).djvu
- Index:1915 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1917 Dubliners by James Joyce.djvu
- Index:1917 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1917-06-10 - New York Tribune - The President's Note to Russia.tif
- Index:1918 Engineer Notebook - split.djvu
- Index:1918 North Dakota Special Session Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1919 North Dakota Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1919 North Dakota Special Session Session Laws.pdf
- Index:1920 - Engelsch-Nederlandsch Woordenboek DP.pdf