Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Mixed Marriage (supplement)

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From volume 16 of the work.

1495324Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) — Mixed Marriage

Marriage, Mixed.-Since the article on this subject was written, the following decisions have been issued by the Congregation of the Holy Office, 21 June, 1913. The dispensation from the impediment of disparity is never to be granted except with all the explicit guarantees or safeguards. If granted, it is not valid, and the ordinary can declare the nullity in such cases, without recourse to the Holy See for a definitive sentence. The prescription of the Decree "Ne Temere" on the asking and receiving by the parish-priest, for the validity of marriage, of the consent of the parties, in mixed marriages in which due-guarantees are obstinately refused by them, henceforth does not apply, but strict observance is to be paid to preceding concessions and instructions of the Holy See on the subject, especially of Pope Gregory XVI, Apostolical Letter, 30 April, 1841, to the Bishops of Hungary.