Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern/Annotated/Carol for St. Stephen's Day

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Sey̅t steuene was a clerk ı̅ ky̅g herowdꝯ halle,
& seruyd hı̅ of bred & cloþ, as euꝛ ky̅g be falle.

Steuy̅ out of kechon ca̅ wᵗ boris hed honde,
He saw a sterrʼ was fayr & bryȝt ouꝛ bedle̅ sto̅de;

He kyst a dou̅ þe borꝯ hed & went into þe halle,
I for sak þᵉ ky̅g herowdꝯ & þⁱ werkꝯ alle;

I forsake þᵉ ky̅g herowdꝯ & þⁱ werkꝯ alle;
Þꝛ is a chyld in bedle̅ born is betꝛ þan we alle.

Qᵘt eylyt þᵉ steuen, qᵘt is þᵉ be falle?
Lakkyt þᵉ eyþꝛ mete or drynk in kyng herowdꝯ halle?

Lakit me neyþꝛ mete ne drynk ı̅ ky̅g herowdꝯ halle,
Þꝛ is a chyld in bedle̅ born is betꝛ þa̅ we alle.

Qᵘt eylyt þᵉ steuy̅, art yᵘ wod or yᵘ gy̅nyst to brede?
Lakkyt þᵉ eyþꝛ gold or fe, or ony ryche wede?

Lakyt me neyþꝛ gold nor fe, ne no̅ ryche wede,
Þʳ is a chyld in bedle̅ born xal helpy̅ vs at oꝛ nede.

Þᵗ is al so soþ, steuy̅, al so soþ, j wys,
As þis capon crowe xal þᵗ lyth her in my̅ dych.

Þᵗ word was not so sone seyd, þᵗ word ı̅ þᵗ halle,
Þᵉ capon crew χρ̅s natꝰ est a mong þᵉ lordꝯ alle.

Rysyt vp my̅ turme̅towrꝯ be to & al be on,
& ledᵗ steuy̅ out of þis town, & stonᵗ hy̅ wᵗ ston.

Toky̅ he steuene & stonyd hy̅ in þe way,
& þꝛ for is his euy̅ on crystꝯ owy̅ day.
