Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern/De Natiuitate 1

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For works with similar titles, see De Nativitate.

An annotated version of this text is available.

2714122Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern — De Natiuitate1833


Proface, welcom, well come,
This tyme ys born a chylde of grace,
yt for vꝰ mãkynde hathe take.
A kyngs sone and an emperoure
ys comyn oute of a maydynys toure,
wt vꝰ to dwelle wt grete honowre.
This holy tyme of cristsmesse
All sorwe & synne we shulde relese,
And caste away all heuynesse.
The gode lord of this place entere
Seith welcome to all yt now apere
Vnto suche fare as ye fynde here.
Well come be this new ere,
And loke ye all be of gode chere,
Oure lorde god be at our denere.