Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland/Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal

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1926615Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland — Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great SealConstantine J. Smyth





John De Worchley, 1219, 3 Hen. III.

Fromund Le Brun, 1230, 14 Hen. III.

Ralph Nevile, Bp. of Chichester, 28 Sept. 1232, 16 Hen. III.

Geffrey Tubville, Archdeacon of Dublin, V. C.

Alan De Sanctafide, 1235, 19 Hen. III.

Robert Luttrell, treasurer of St Patrick's, 1236, 21 Hen. III.

Geffrey Tubville, Archd. of Dublin, 1237, 22 Hen. III.

Ralph, Bp. of Norwich, 1237

William Welward, 4 Nov. 1245, 30 Hen. III.

Ralph, Bp. of Norwich, 9 July 1249, 33 Hen. III.

Fromund Le Brun, 1259, 43 Hen. III.

Same continued by Edward I., 1272, 1 Edw. I.

Walter de Fulburn, 1283, 11 Edw. I.

William de Buerlaco, 1288, 1(5 Edw. I.

Thomas Cantoc, afiterwards Bp. of Emly, 1292, 20 Edw. I.

Walter de Thornburg, 1293, 21 Edw. I.

Adam Wodington, 1294, 22 Edw. I.

Thomas Cantoc, 1295, 23 Edw. I.—Continued, 1307, 1 Edw. II

Richard de Bereford, 1314, 7 Edw. II.

William Fitz John, Abp. of Cashel, 10 Aug. 1317, 11 Edw. II.

Roger Outlawe, or Utlagh, Prior of St. John of Jerusalem,—patent, 1321; pleasure; fee £40.—Nov. 13, 1324, he had a liberate for a quarters fee of £10.—B.T. 18 Edw. II. f. No. 30. He was Chancellor in 1326, Rot. Cl. 20 Edw. II. f. R. 1 and 5.

John L'Archer, Prior of St. John, Jerusalem,—patent, 1343.—May 18, 1344, he had a liberate for £20, being half a year's salary from 15 Nov. (17°) to 15 May following.—17 Edw. III. f. R. 4.

John Morice,—patent, Westminster, May 20, 1346.—B.T. 20 Edw. III. f. No. 30. His commission was read before the Lord Justice and council at Kylmehallock, 18 of August following.—Idem.

John Frowyk, Prior of the Hospital of St John, Jerusalem,—patent, 1357.—June 6, 1358, he had a liberate for £10, a quarters fee, due from 24 March last to 24 June.—Rot Cl. 32 Edw. III. f. R. 5 and d. 2.

John de Botheby,—patent, 1371.—Feb. 29, 1372, he had a liberate for £20, half a year's fee, from 20 August to 20 Febuary last. March 18, 1372, a liberate issued to pay the arrears due to him for the wages of six men at arms, and six archers on horse-back, being with him; which the King granted for his retinue at the King's pay for his safety and the custody of the Great Seal, during the continuance of the war, viz. from 1st to 28 August, £7 4s,; and from 29 August aforesaid, to 16 March following, being 200 days, £90: also, 19 March, he had a liberate of 12 marks, to defray the voyage of himself and men into England, whither, by the advice of the Privy Council, he was sent at his own expense, to declare to the King the state of the kingdom.—45 and 46 Edw. III. f. R. 1 and 4.

William Tany, Prior of St. John, Jerusalem,—vice Frier Thomas de Burly,—patent, March 2, 1374, Rot. Cl. 48 Edw. III. f. 11.—March 12, 1377, he had a liberate to receive the arrears of the yearly fee of £40, and the wages of six men at arms, and twelve archers, of his retinue, granted to him in the King's pay by his patent dated in England, during the time of his holding the chancellorship, viz., from 3 June, 50, to 20 June, 51 Edw. III., being the sum of £64 58,—Rot. Cl. 1 Richaxd II. f. R. 3.

John Keppock, Justice of the Common Pleas.—Lord Keeper—vice Tany, absent in England,—patent, April 13, 1375, B.T. 49 Edw. III. f. No. 80.

Robert, Abp. of Dublin,—patent, 1377.—He bad a liberate, dated at Tristeldermot, 29 March 1378, to receive as chancellor the sum of £20, in recompense of the expenses and labours he had sustained in the King's service, in attending as well the council lately held at Tristeldermot as the parliament lately held there on the Monday after Ash Wednesday last past, and continuing there for four weeks together.—Rot. Cl. 1 Ric. II. f. R. 2.

John Colton, Dean of St Patrick's.—Having by order of the Lord Lieutenant and council retained constantly four men at arms and eight archers on horseback, besides his domestics, and clerks for executing this office, that he might the more securely and honourably carry and govern (ducere et gubemare) the Seal in company of the Lord Lieutenant, in the marches, between the 23 June and 15 October, 1880, and between 2 May to 20 July last, he received two orders, 22 July 1381, upon the Treasurer, Barons, and Chamberlains of the Exchequer, to receive the wages of his said retinue, at the rate of 12d. for each man-at-arms, and 6d, for each archer, per diem.—5 Ric. II. 2a pars f. R. 1. He had a liberate, dated at Naas, 2 March, 1382, as late chancellor, of £8 16s., being his arrears from 28 Nov. to 19 Feb. last, viz., for half a quarter of a year and thirty-seven days, in part of his fee of £40 a year;—Idem R. 1;—and haying set forth that he had continued in Munster for a quarter of a year, under Edmund Earl of March and Ulster, L. L., for the execution of his office of Chancellor, with the same retinue, for the more safe and secure conduct of himself and the King's Seal, receiving no wages for his said men, as other Chancellors had used to receive, for six men-at-arms and twelve archers on the same account; that he had received almost none, or a very small profit from your Seal for that tune, and that after the sudden death of the said L. L., and the departure of his household and retinue from Cork, he had made his personal abode in those parts, for the safety and defence thereof against the Irish enemies and English rebels, who long before and then were daily in arms, and retained at his own expense, knights, esquires, and daily other defensible men on that occasion; prayed to be allowed some competent reward, which the King taking into consideration, and that he had kept the said men with him for the defence of the city and county of Cork to the day he was appointed and sworn Lord Justice, granted him £40 as a reward for the same, for which he had a liberate, dated at Cork, 19 January, 1882.—Idem, R. 7.

William Tany, Prior of St. John, Jerusalem,—Colton revoked,—patent, Westminster, Nov. 26, 1381.—Sworn 15 February, and 19, Dean Colton delivered the Seals to him.—5 Ric. II. 2a pars f. 8.—Mem. That 15 Feb. John Orrewell, the King's serjeant-at-arms, came to Kilkenny, and in the chamber of Alexander, Bp. of Ossoiy, Treasurer of Ireland, in the presence of the said treasurer, Sir T. Mortimer, knt, Wm. Forde, clerk, Walter Brigge, parson of the church of Trym, and other credible persons, produced to Frier W. Tany, certain letters patent under the Great Seal of England, constituting him Chancellor of Ireland, together with the King's letters under the Priyy Seal, directed to him, which the said Prior, in reverence of the King, gratefully and humbly accepted as he ought; as also a writ directed from England to the said Treasurer to administer the oath of office to him, which oath, after the said patent was read, he administered accordingly. Then follow the letters patent with a mandate of the same date, to all Abps., &c., to obey him as such.—5 Ric. II. 1a pars f. R. 11.

Alexander Balscot, Bp. of Ossory,—patent, 1385. Being about to repair to England, to transact divers affidrs of moment, and to go into several parts of Ireland before his departure, Robert Sutton, keeper of the Rolls, was appointed his deputy, and keeper of the Great Seal during his absence, and during pleasure.—Trym, Nov. 13, 1385, 9 Ric. II. f. R. 9 and 15.—But, his departure being postponed, Thomas de Everdon, the King's beloved clerk, was made his deputy and keeper of the Seal, during absence.—Trym, Jan. 12, l386.—On 20 January, the Chancellor went from Dublin to Howth, to take shipping, and delivered the Seal to the said Thomas.—Idem, R. 9.

Richard Plunket, Justice of the King's Bench,—patent, Tristeldermot, July 10, 1388,—pleasure.—12 Ric. II. d. R. 8.—Sir Robert de Preston, Keeper of the Great Seal, being now so engaged in the King's service with the Lord Justice, and that it would be necessary for him so to continue in several parts of Ireland, that he could not personally attend to seal writs, the said Richard was commissioned to seal and deliver writs to the proper officers for the execution of the same, notwithstanding that they were not sealed with the Great Seal, reserving the lawful and accustomed fee to the Keeper.—Idem—Peter Boe, Chief Justice of the King's Bench,—Same,—Patent, September 23, 1388.—Idem, B. 8.

Alexander Balscot, Bp. of Meath,—patent, Westminster, August 27, 1389.—13 Bic. II. f. 8, 9.—Sworn 25 October: and although the King had directed no writ out of England to Sir Robert de Preston, Keeper of the Great Seal, to deliver the same to him, yet, by advice of the Lord Justice, Treasurer, and Council, it was agreed that the Seal should be delivered to him by the said Keeper, and that the King's writ should be sent to him for that purpose, under the said Seal, which was issued accordingly.

Richard Northalis, Bp. of Ossory,—patent. May 29, 1393, (16.)— B.T. 17 Bic. 11. f. No. 54.

Alexander, Bp. of Meath,—patent, January 4, 1399.—Being obliged to attend the King's service in Munster, with the L. L. Stanley, John Kyrkeby Gierke, Master of the Rolls, was appointed his Deputy Chancellor, with a power also to set the Exchequer Seal to all writs, &c., in Leinster, Uriel, and Ulster, by patent, dated at Naas, 7 May, 1400.—B.T. 1 Hen. IV. 1a pars d. No. 111.

Thomas Cranley, Abp. of Dublin, vice the Bp. of Meath,—patent, August 23, 1401.—Being unable to execute the office on account of his great infirmity of body, and other reasons, Thomas de Everdon, Keeper of the Rolls, was appointed his deputy during his absence, 9 Not. 1402.— B.T. 4 Hen. IV. 1a pars f. No. 14. And the Abp. being so engaged and employed in the King's service, in the county of Dublin, about the expediting of divers affairs, that he could not conveniently attend Sir Stephen Lescropp, Deputy to the King's son, Thomas of Lancaster, L. L., with the Great Seal, the King, with the advice and consent of the said Lord Deputy Chancellor, and Privy Council, appointed Robert Sutton, Keeper of the Rolls, to be his deputy, to keep the seal, and to execute all things relating to the office of Chancellor dming his absence, by patent, dated at Kilkenny, 7 March, 1404.—B.T. 6 Hen. IV. 1a pars f. No. 1.

Richard Rede, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and John Bermyngham, 2d Justice of the King's Bench, jointly or severally, made deputies to the Abp. for the same reason.—Trym, February 13, 1404.—B.T. 6 Hen. IV. 2« pars d. No. 38.

Sir Laurence Merbury, Knt.,—patent, July 14, 1407.—Usual fees;—and 23 of that month, the King, considering the great expense of supporting the dignity of this office, granted him 6s. 8d. a day: and considering further his services in the wars of Ireland, and the charges he had been at, granted him all the said fees for nine years, with a clause in his patent that he should not be removed upon any complaint without an opportunity given him of making his defence before the Privy Council.—B.T. 8 Hen. IV. f. No. 68.

Patrick Barrett, Bp. of Ferns,—patent, June 13, 1410.—B.T. 13 Hen. IV. f. No. 49.

Thomas Le Botillier, Prior of St. John of Jerusalem.—The Lord Deputy being about to go into the counties of Dublin, Meath, Louth, Kildare, and Carlow, for the good government and safety of those parts, and to resist the English rebels and Irish enemies, and Patrick, Bp. of Ferns, being employed in the defence of the county of Wexford, and not being able to leave that country vtdthout manifest hazard of the destruction of the inhabitants, it was agreed by instrument, dated at Kilkenny, 4 May, 1412, that Robert Sutton, Keeper of the Rolls, should be appointed Deputy Chancellor in the meantime, and Keeper of the Great Seal.—Idem.

Thomas Cranley, Abp. of Dublin, vice the Bp. of Ferns,—patent, 1412.

Sir Laurence Merbury, Knt.,—the Abp. revoked,—patent, Kenilworth, March 2, 1413, (19.)—A mandate, dated at Westminster the same day, was directed to the Abp., Lord Justice, and Lord C, to deliver the office and all things relating thereto to him: and on the 18 September, 1414, his said patents being read within the Council Chamber in Christ Church, the Abp. delivered the Great Seal into his custody, and he was sworn Lord Chancellor.—B.T. 2 Hen. V. f. Nos. 5, 61, 62, 63, 127.—Also by patent, dated at Naas, 26 February following, he had a grant of 10s. a day increase of pay, which had been enjoyed by some other Chancellors.—Idem.—And 13 March, 1415, Roger Hawkenshaw, 2d Justice of the Common Pleas, and Richard Assewell Clerke, were commissioned to hear and determine causes in Chancery during his absence in different parts of the kingdom, to administer justice to the King's liege subjects who could not repair to the Court of Chancery to prosecute their just causes by reason of the distance and danger of the way.—B.T. 2 Hen. V. 1a pars f. No. 112.—And the King considering the weighty affairs which Sir Laurence Merbury, his Chancellor, had to prosecute in England, granted him leave to transact them to the feast of St. Peter ad vincula ensuing, and appointed his beloved clerk, Hugh Banent, Deputy to the said Chancellor, to occupy the said office as he had heretofore done, by Privy Signet, dated 21 March, 1420: And memorandum, that, 22 March, he was sworn deputy C.—B.T. 8 Hen. V. f. No. 25.

William Pitz Thomas, Prior of St. John, Jerusalem,—Merbury absent,—patent, Drogheda, May 24, 1421.—Appointed during pleasure, by the L. L. and Council, in the absence of Sir Laurence Merbury, who was in England from 1 August; on the said 21 August, at Drogheda, the L. L., in the presence of the Council, received the Great Seal into his own custody, from Hugh Banent, Treasurer, and caused the said patent to be sealed therewith, after which he sealed up the said Seal in a certain leather bag, with his own seal, and delivered it to the said Hugh, to keep in the treasury till the Chancellor should be sworn, who was sworn on the 25 at Athboy, and on 28 had the seal delivered to him.—B.T. 9 Hen. V. No. 45.

William Yonge, Archdeacon of Meath,—patent, 1422.—Appointed during pleasure, (probably during Sir L. Merbury's absence,) and had an increase of 58, a day wages, from 19 October, the day he was sworn.—B.T. Rot. Cl. 1 Hen. VI. 1a pars f. No. 15.

Sir Laurence Merbury, Knt.,—patent, October 4, 1422.—Memorandum, that on Friday, 11 December, consideration being had in the chamber of Richard, Abp. of Dublin, Lord Justice, and within the castle of Trim, that the King, 4 October last, had appointed Sir L. Merbury, Knt., his Chancellor, without providing in his patent any daily fees for the support and finding of the clerks of said Court, servants, horses, and other customs, which it was necessary he should maintain in the said office, it was agreed and ordained that he should receive 6s. 8d. a day, from Monday, 7 December last, the day he was sworn.—Idem, No. 16.

Richard Talbot, Abp. of Dublin,—patent, Westminster, May 19, 1423.—Fee £40.—Sworn 13 July, in his chamber in St. Sepulchre's palace, before the Privy Council.—Whereas on Tuesday, 13 July, upon consideration had by the Lord Justice and Council, at the palace of St. Sepulchre, near Dublin, that the King, on 19 May, by letters patent under the Great Seal of England, by advice and assent of his Great Council, had appointed the Abp. to be Chancellor of Ireland during pleasure, with the ancient fees, but no mention being made in the said patent what fees he should daily receive the King, as well for the support and maintenance of the clerks of the Chancery, his men-servants and horses, as other charges and customs incumbent on him as Chancellor, it was agreed and ordained that he should receive 10s. a day wages, from the said 13 July, the day he was sworn, whilst he should continue to be Chancellor, out of the revenues of Ireland.—B.T. 1 Hen. VI. 1a pars f. Roll. No. 28. and 2a pars f. No. 32. also Rot Cl. 5 Hen, VI. f. R. 3. William Fitzthomas, Prior of St. John, Jerusalem,—Talbot dismissed,—patent, April 25, 1426—Sworn 26.—He continued to 5 August, and was again appointed 8, and so continued to 10 September following.—Rot. Cl. 5 Hen. VI. f. R. 3, 8.

Sir Richard Fitz Eustace,—Fitzthomas revoked,—patent, September 10, 1426.—Sworn 15.—Fee, £40, and 6s. 5d. a day for wages, continued to 27 December following.—B.T. 5 Hen. VI. f. No. 1.

Richard, Abp. of Dublin,—Fitz Eustace revoked,—patent, Westminster, 23 October, 1426.—Sworn 12 January following.—Same fee, and 10s. a day.—Idem, R. CI. R. 4. and 6 f. R. 1.

Master Thomas Chase,—patent, before May 1441 (19.)—Rot. Cl. 20 Hen. VI. f. R. 24.

Richard Wogan, Chaplain,—patent, 1446 (24.)—William Chevir was deputy to the Lord Chancellor Wogan.—39 Eliz. 1a pars d. R. 23.

Edmond Goldhall, Bp. of Meath,—patent, 1451. Prim. Mey's Reg. IV. 66.

Sir John Talbot, son and heir to John, Earl of Shrewsbury, L. L.,—patent, 1454,—Behr. 32.

John Dynham,—patent, Westminster, Nov. 5, 1460.—Life.—39 Hen. VI.—By patent, dated at Westminster, 1 January, 1461, (39.) he had a grant during life for the exhibition and support of the clerks of the Chancery of £53 6s, 8d, a year, issuing out of the fee farm rent of Drogheda, payable by the hands of the mayor and sheriffs of that town, or of the sheriffs, which grant was confirmed by King Edward IV., as also his office of Chancellor, 2 May, 1461; and having appointed Sir Robert Preston, Lord of Gonnanstown, to be his deputy during his pleasure, the King confirmed that appointment the said 2 May.—Sworn same day.—1 Edw. IV. f. R. 4.

Sir William Welles, (son of Leon, Lord Welles,)—vice Dynham,—patent, Westminster, 8 July, 1461.—Life.—The King sent a precipe, dated at Bristol, 7 September following, to Thomas Fitzmorice, Earl of Kildare, Sir Robert Preston, Sir Christopher St. Lawrence, Sir Rowland Fitz Eustace, Sir Nicholas Barnwell, C. J. of the King's Bench, Sir Robert Dowedale, C. J. of the Common Pleas, Sir Thomas Plunket, William Sutton, and all his liege people, signifying that he had sent over for Ireland a new Great Seal by Sir William Welles, Knt, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and enjoining them to obey the said Chancellor, whom he had sworn into that office before himself in Chancery at Westminster, and to make use of that Seal, and no other; and that all grants under any other Seal, from the first day of his reign, should be vacated and of no force, which, by the tenor of this vnit or precipe, he cancelled.—1 Edw. IV. R. 7.

John, Earl of Worcester, 1462.

Thomas Fitzgerald, 7th Earl of Kildare, for life, confirmed by parliament, 25 January, 1463, 2 Edw. IV.

Robert Allaunston, 1468, 8 Edw. IV.

Sir William Dudley, 1469, 9 Edw. IV.

Robert Fitz Eustace, Lord Portlester, 1472, 12 Edw. IV.

The same, and John Taxton, jointly and to the survivor, confirmed by act of parliament, 10 April, 1472, 12 Edw. IV.

Gilbert de Venham, 1474, 14 Edw. IV.

Sir Rowland Fitz Eustace, 1474.

William Sherwood, Bp. of Meath, 1480, 20 Edw. IV.

Laurence de St. Laurence, 1481.

William Sherwood, Bp. of Meath, 5 August, 1481, 21 Edw. IV.

Walter Champflower, Abbot of St. Mary's, L. K., 1482.

Sir Robert de St. Laurence, Baron of Howth, 10 July, 1483, 23 Edw. IV.

Thomas Fitz Gerald, of Lackagh, constituted by parliament, 1483.

Robert Fitz Eustace, Lord Portlester, 1486, 1 Hen. VII.

Alexander Plunket, 11 June, 1492, 7 Hen. VII.

Henry Dean, Prior of Llanthony, and Bp. of Bangor, 13 Sept. 1494, 10 Hen. VII.

Walter Fitzsymons, Abp. of Dublin, 6 August, 1496, 11 Hen. VII.

William Rokeby, afterwards Bp. of Meath, 1498, 13 Hen. VII.

Walter Fitzstmons, Abp. of Dublin, 1501, 16 Hen. VII.

Nicholas St. Laurence, Lord of Howth, 11 June, 1509, 1 Hen. VIII.

Walter Fitzsymons, Abp. of Dublin, 1509, 1 Hen. VIII.

Sir William Compton, for life, 6 November, 1513, 5 Hen. VIII.

William Bokeby, Abp. of Dublin, 24 March, 1515, 6 Hen. VIII.

Hugh Inge, Abp. of Dublin, for life, 1527, 19 Hen. VIII.

John Alan, Abp. of Dublin, 19 Sept. 1528, 20 Hen. VIII.

George Cromer, Abp. of Annagb, 5 July, 1532, 24 Hen. VIII.

Sir John Barnewall, Knt, Lord of Trimletstown,

George Cromer, Abp. of Armagh, superseded,—patent, Westminster, 16 August, 1534.—Pleasure.—25, 26, 27 Hen. VIII, fac. R. 7.—The Abp. had been appointed Lord Chancellor and Keeper of the Great Seal, during pleasure, by patent, dated at Westminster, 5 July, 1532, (24,) in the room of John Alen, clerk, (Abp. of Dublin, elect,) who had been so appointed, 19 September, 1528, (20,) during pleasure.—Rymer, vol. XIV., p. 438, 24, 25. f. R. 1.—Vol. XIV. p. 268.

"By the King.

"Bight trusty and well beloved, and trusty and Tight well beloyed, we greet you well, letting you witte, that upon certain considerations us moving, having assigned our right trusty and well heloved counsellor, the Lord of Trimletstown, to repair thither, we he contented that he shall continue in the office of our Chancellor. Wherefore we wool and command you, and every of you, not only to accept and esteem him as thereto appertaineth, and that ye the Master of our Rolls, deliver unto him our Great Seal, being now in your custody, but also ye our Deputy, permit and suffer him to enjoy the same roume, with all commodities, and preeminencies thereto belonging, and especially the nomination and disposition of such benefices of our gift as be under the yearly value of 20 marks Irish, as ye tender our pleasure, and will avoid the contrary. Given under our signet, at our city of Winchester, 26 September (1534). To our right trusty and well beloved Sir William Skeffyington, Knt., Deputy of our land of Ireland, and to our trusty and right well beloved all other of our Council there."—27, 28, 29, 30. f. R. 25.

John Alen, Master of the Rolls, Lord Keeper.—Lord Trimletstown deceased, 25 July, 1538,—patent, July 31, 1538.—" He was chosen by the Lord Deputy and council in the great chamber, within the hospital of Kilmainham."—28, 29, 30. fac. Roll 17, and 28, 31. R. 11. 12.—A new appointment of same,—patent, Westminster, October 18, 1538.—Behaviour,—fee, 100 marks sterling out of the customs of Dnblin, Drogheda, and Dundalk,—30, fac. The only thing upon the roll.—"In my right hearty wyse I commend me unto you. And for as much as the King's pleasure is, that John Aleyne, now Lord Chancellor of the land of Ireland, shall have like diets, rewards, commodities, and profits for the exercising of that roume, as Patrick, Bishop of Ferns, Richard, Apb. of Dublin, or Roland Eustace, some-time chancellors of the same, or any other before them, severally had and perceyvied, I require you make search in the records of the King's treasury there, whereby ye may know the perfect truth thereof. Ye make like allowance of the premises unto the said Chancellor that now is, from the day of his admission into the same roume, during the time that he shall continue and be Chancellor there, without deduction or diminishing of any part or parcel thereof, according to the King's pleasure in that behalf. Thus fare ye well. At my house in London, the 3d day of April, your lovmg friend, Thomas Cromwell." " To my right loving friend, William Brabazon, under Treasurer of Ireland."— 27, 28, 29, 30. d. R. 3.—" Accordingly, there being no mention made in his patent of any daily fee to be paid him for the better support of the dignity and charge of the office of Lord Chancellor, and upon searching the Rolls and evidences of the Exchequer,it being found that Alexander, Bp. of Meath, Thomas, Abp. of Dublin, Thomas Chace, William Welles, Knt., Walter Devereux, Knt., Thomas Fitzmaurice, Earl of Kildare, Edmund Dudley, Knt, Roland Fitz Eustace, Knt, and William, Bp. of Meath, Chancellors, had each received, hesides the said stated fee, the wages of 6s. 8d. sterling a day, the King granted the same to the L. C. Alen, by patent dated 19 April, 1543, (34,) pursuant to letters from Westminster, 5 March preceding."—34 d. R. 10, 3.

Sir Thomas Cusake, Knt., Master of the Rolls,—L. C. Alen absent,—patent, Greenwich, 1 May, 1546, (38).—Pleasure.—" Henry VIII., by the Grace of God, King of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the faith, and of the Church of England and also of Ireland in Earth the Supreme head : To our trusty and right well beloved Counsellor, Sir William Brabazon, Knt., Lord Justice, John Alen, Knt., L. C, and all other our counsellors, ministers, and subjects of our realm of Ireland, to whom in this case it shall appertain, greeting; Whereas for sundry great and urgent considerations touching the commonwealth and state of that oiur reahn, knowing the long experience of you our Chancellor in the same, we have resolved to call you to our presence, to the intent that, upon consultation with others and you, touching the order and state of that realm, such final resolutions may be taken in all things as shall appertain: We let you witte, that knowing the wisdom, good discre- tion, learning, and other good qualities of our trusty servant and counsellor Sir Thomas Cusake, Knt, Master of our Rolls, we have appointed him to have the custody of our Great Seal during the absence of you our said Chancellor, unto whom our pleasure is that the said Seal shall be delivered, &c. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patents. Witness ourself at Greenwich, the first day of May, in the 38 year of our reign."—Per ipsum Regem. Powele.

Sir Richard Rede,—Alen removed,—patent, Westminster, 6 November, 1546.—Pleasure.—Fee, 100 marks.—To receive from Michaelmas last the like fees as J. Alen or any other received; and that he might the better support the dignity of his office, the King grants him the fee of 300 marks sterling, as increase of salary, payable out of the customs of Dublin, Drogheda, and Dundalk.—38 Hen. VIII. 8 fac. R. 8.

Sir Richard Rede, Lord Keeper,—former patent determined,—patent, 26 February, 1547.—1 Edw. VI.—His appointment of L. C. being determined by the death of King Henry VIIL, and for that great damage might ensue by the want of sealing with the Great Seal, unless a remedy be applied for the same, the King appoints him Keeper of the Great Seal during pleasure. The fiant is signed by the Privy Council.—1 Edw. VI. 1a pars f. R. 17.—Same continued by a new patent, dated Westminster, 24 March, 1547.—Same fees, 300 marks sterling.—Idem. R. 5.

Sir John Alen, of Alen's Court, near the Newbridge, Co. Kildare, Knt.,—Rede removed,—patent,Westminster, 22 April, 1548.—2 f. R. 14—With the same fees from Easter last as Sir Richard Rede had received.

Sir Thomas Cusake, of Lesmollen, late of Cusingeston, Co. Meath, Knt.,—Alen absent.—The King revoking the L. C. Alen to his presence, and having been well informed of the wisdom, learning, good experience, and grave behaviour of Sir T. Cusake, appoints him Chancellor, by Privy Seal, at Windsor, 5 August, 1551, and his patent for that office to be presently sent in to him. And likewise, in consideration of his diligent, faithful, and chargeable service, his Majesty added £100 a year to his present allowance, to begin at Christmas next, and directed the treasurer to pay the same, by letters dated at Westminster, 23 Nov. 1551.—5 d. R. 8, 9.—Same continued,—patent, Westminster, 2 October, 1553.—1 Mary, 1a pars f. R. 1. By Privy Seal, dated at Westminster, 14 Dec. 1553, the Queen thus writes,—"We have received advertisement and good report from our Deputy and other of our council of that realm, of your good behaviour, industry and diligent service exhibited unto us and our dear brother King Edward V I., (whose soul God pardon,) as well in your own office as supplying the room of our Deputy during the absence of the same, for which we yield unto you our right hearty thanks; and like as we have arguments sufficient of your good perseveration and continuance, so shall ye find us, your good Lady, mindful and inclined to regard you and your said service to your comfort; letting you wytt, that at this present, by our letters addressed to our said Deputy, we have given order that by his discretion, and the rest, ye shall be reasonably considered for your entertainment in respect of your travel and charges sustained in our said service, not doubting but our said Deputy will ensue our pleasure therein as appertaineth." 1. 1a pars d. R. 3.

Sir William Fitzwilliam, L. K.—Cusake resigned, 3 July, 1555,—patent, 7 August, 1555.—Pleasure.

Hugh Curwen, Abp. of Dublin,—patent, Greenwich, 13 Sept 1555.—Fee, £100 a year, and 10s. a day.—2 and 3 Philip and Mary. f. R. 2. "And it appearing by a certificate under the Exchequer Seal returned into Chancery, that the fee of £100 a year, and the diet of 10s. a day, Irish, were placed upon the establishment for the late Lord Chancellor Alen, the Queen (28 March) directed the same to be paid to him from the date of his patent, and on 31 they were placed upon the establishment."—Idem. d. R. 1. —By Privy Seal, dated at Greenwich, 1 October, 1555, the L. C. was directed not to pass any pardon, lease, reversion of farm, or other grant of any office by appointment, or at the request of any officer or other person, except by special command by Privy Seal from England.—Sworn 24 October, 1555, and the oath enrolled.—2 and 3 f. R. 3.

Hugh, Abp. of Dublin,—continued,—patent, 14 December, 1558.—By letters patent signed by most of the Privy Council, and by another patent of the same date, he was constituted Commissioner of the Great Seal for hearing causes.—1 Eliz. fac. R. 1 .

Hugh, Abp. of Dublin,—a new appointment,—patent Westminster, 8 June, 1559, L. C. and Keeper, with power to hear causes.—Sworn 8 August, before the Lord Justice at Thomas Courte.—R. 27. and Rymer, vol. XV. p. 528.

Hugh, Abp. of Dublin,—a new appointment,—Privy Seal, Hampton Court, 5 Oct. 1562,—patent, Dublin, 18 Not. 1562.—To hold as he then held it, with the fee of £ 100 Irish per annum, the diet or wages of 10s, a day, and all other perquisites. —5. facie R. 1.

Robert Weston, LL.D.—Abp. of Dublin resigned,—Privy Seal, Westminster, 10 June, 1567,—patent, 10 June, 1567.—With the usual fees, to be received from the fourth day of his appearance before the Lord Deputy of Ireland.—9 d. R. 10.—" Whereas by your sundry letters addressed on the behalf and at the special instance of the Abp. of Dublin, now our Chancellor of that realm, you have made suit unto us to disburthen him of the exercise of that office, like as we have well weighed the considerations by you alledged to move the same, and thereupon condescended to revoke him, with determination to bestow upon him the Bishoprick of Oxford, so we have made by good deliberation a new choice for supply of that room of Chancellor, by naming thereunto our trusty and well beloved, Doctor Weston, Dean of the Arches here, a man for his learning and approved integrity thoroughly qualified to receive and possess the same; upon whose arrival, and exhibiting unto you our letters patent jointly with these our letters, our pleasure is you shall confer with the said Abp., and after declaration made unto him, as well of our grant for his revocation and translation to a Bishoprick in England, as of this our said choice of Doctor Weston, ye shall require him to deliver our Great Seal now in his custody into your hands, signifying to him that he may at his own choice be admitted to the Bishoprick of Oxford at his coming over hither in his own person, or otherwise by his procuration; which being done, you shall deliver our said Great Seal to the trust and custody of the said Doctor Weston according to our letters patent made unto him thereof. We are further pleased, for some increase of his living whilst he remains in our service there, to give unto him the Deanery of St. Patrick's, whereof the Abp. of Armagh is now Dean, and yet is to leave it at our order, as we know he will; and therefore we will, that you move the said Abp. to surrender the same, and thereupon cause Doctor Weston, our Chancellor, to be fully admitted under such form as other Deans of that place have hitherto obtained and held the same; nevertheless, for that our special meaning is, that he shall yield over that Deanery again unto our disposition, whensoever he shall leave the office to be our Chancellor; you shall, before his acceptation thereof, take bonds of him to our use, in such sum as shall be fit in such a case, that he shall duly accomplish our intent and pleasure for the surrender of it in form aforesaid, &c. And whereas the Archbishoprick of Dublin shall be presently void with the said Chancellorship, by the revocation of the said now Abp., we have determined to confer the same, by way of translation, upon the Abp. of Armagh, authorizing you therefore to give order that he may fully enjoy the said Archbishoprick of Dublin, by way of translation, upon this vacation thereof. Dated at Westminster, 10 June, 1567."—9 d. R. 9.

Adam, Abp. of Dublin, L. K.,—Weston deceased, 29 May, 1573,—patent, 25 May, 1573, by the Lord Deputy and council. — Pleasure.—Original Fiant, 15 Eliz.

William Gerhard,—patent, Gorhambury, 23 April, 1576.—17 d. " with the Deanery of St Patrick's annexed."

Adam, Abp. of Dublin, L. K.,—Gerrard absent in England,—patent, 15 Sept. 1577;—again 10 Oct. 1579,—Fiant, 21;—and again, 21 Nov. 1579, with power to hear causes, &c., Piant, 22.—Same continued—Gerrard deceased,—patent, Weldhall, 16 August, 1581, 23 Eliz.—Same L. K.—Elected on Queen Elizabeth's death,—patent, 9 April, 1603.—1 Jac. I. 1a pars d. R. 3.—A new commission—Privy Seal, Holyrood House, 28 March, 1603,—patent, Dublin, 20 April, 1603.—Having been appointed L. C. by patent, dated at Weldhall, 16 August, 23 Eliz., during pleasure, and that grant becoming void by her death, the same was renewed to him (pro fidelitate industria sana consdentia atque doctrina) by Privy Seal, dated at Holyrood House, 28 March, directed to the Lord Deputy Mountjoy, and by Privy Seal dated there the next day, directed to the Chancellor and Privy Council, during pleasure, with the same fees as had been enjoyed by him, by Sir William Gerrard, or Robert Weston, (the rents and emoluments of the Deanery of St. Patrick's excepted).—1. 1a pars f. R. 3.

Thomas Jones, Bp. of Meath, Sir James Ley, C. J. K. B., Sir Edmund Pelham, Chief Baron, and Sir Anthony St. Leger, Master of the Rolls, Custodes Sigilli, and any three or two of them,—Abp. of Dublin deceased, 5 April, 1605,—patent, 6 April, 1605.—3 Jac. I. 1a pars d. R. 21.

Thomas Jones, now Abp. of Dublin,—Abp. Loftus deceased,—Privy Seal, 14 Oct. 1605,—patent, 8 Nov. 1605.—3 Jac. I. 1a pars d. R. 46.

Sir William Jones, C.J. K. B., Sir William Methwold, C. B., Sir Francis Aungier, Master of the Rolls, or any two of them. Lord Keepers,—Abp. Jones deceased, 10 April 1619,—patent, 10 April, 17 Jac. I. 1a pars d. R. 5. Sir Adam Loftus, Knt., (after. Viscount Loftus of Ely,)—Abp. Jones deceased,—Privy Seal, Westminster, 26 April,—patent, Dublin, 13 May, 1619.—Idem. R. 11.

Adam, Viscount Loftus of Ely,—continued,—Privy Seal, 30 March,—patent, 11 April, 1625.—1 Charles I. 1a pars f. R. 3.—"Pursuant to Privy Seal, dated at Westminster, 9 April, 1625, he had a grant by patent, 5 May following, for the support of the dignity of his office, of one full moiety of all the fines of and for all original writs issuing out of the Court of Chancery: Also by Privy Seal of the above date, the fee of 6s. 8d. a day. By the Privy Signet of 12 May 1627, the Lord Chancellor Loftus was ordered to repair to the Court in England without delay, to attend the King's further pleasure and direction, and to deliver the Great Seal to the Lord Deputy Falkland, who was to grant the custody thereof to any four, of the Privy Council, and to any two or more of them resident in or near Dublin, as he should think fit; and by another commission to appoint the Master of the Rolls, one of the Second Justices of each bench, and second Baron of the Exchequer, and all the Masters of the Chancery in ordinary, any three or more of them, to hear and determine causes in Chancery, with an order for enrolling two Commissions sent over as precedents; which follow upon the Roll: Accordingly, the Primate, &c., were appointed Commissioners of the Seal, and Francis Lord Aungier, of Longford, Master of the Rolls, Sir Christopher Sibthorpe, and John Philpot, Justices of the Benches, Sir L. Parsons, Baron of the Exchequer, Henry Mainwaring and Thomas Carey, Masters in Chancery, Commissioners to hear causes,—30 May 1627. 3 Car. I. 1a pars f. K 13, 15. The cause for which the King commanded his Lordship's repair into England requiring a clear examination and a judicious solemn hearing, was for some time retarded by other weighty affairs of state, until the King, attended with his Privy Council, took a full hearing at several times of those informations, objections, and charges that were laid against him, both concerning his supposed undutiful behaviour towards his Majesty in the business of raising money for his service in Ireland, and his miscarriage in the execution of the great place and charge he held for distributing justice and executing the office of Chancellor. The first his Majesty thought fit to have examined in Ireland, to clear some varying allegations that were made on both sides, and for that purpose directed his commission to some persons of quality and trust; and to all the rest his Lordship having made so full and direct answer as cleared his innocency, and justified his proceedings to the satisfaction of the King and his Council, in all the parts of charges that were urged against him, his Majesty sent him to resume his office, and directed the Lord Deputy presently upon his arrival to cause the Great Seal to be delivered to him, and that he be fully restored to the free execution of his office of Chancellor."—Southwicke, 1 Angost 1628.—4 Car. I. 2a pars d. R. 39.

James, Abp. of Armagh, Henry Lord Dowcra, Sir William Parsons, and Sir Adam Loftus,—Lord Ely absent,—Privy Seal, 12 May,—patent, 30 May, 1627. The Chancellors absence was dated 30, and they to continue Keepers of the Seal until his Majesty should otherwise determine.—3. 1a pars f. R. 3.

Robert, Lord Dillon, Sir Adam Loftus, Vice-treasurer, Christopher Wandesford, Master of the Rolls, and Sir Philip Mainwaring, Knt., Secretary of State, L.K.—Lord Ely removed,—patent, 25 May, 1638. The King for some special considerations, having taken the Seal into his own hands, and being given to understand that the occasions of daily use of the Seal, as well for his own service as for expediting the business of his subjects, were many, great, and daily, which appertained to his Royal office to have dispatched, committed the keeping thereof to their care and trust.—14 Car. I. 7a pars f. R. 2.

Sir Richard Bolton, Knt.,—Viscount Loftus removed,—Privy Seal, Westminster, 6 Dec. 1639,—patent, 15 Jan. 1640.—Pleasure—"Whereas, upon a full and deliberate hearing before us and our Council of several of the misdemeanours and irregularities charged against the Viscount Loftus of Ely, our Chancellor of Ireland, he hath been by ourself and our said Council declared unfit to hold that place any longer; and for as much as it is most fitting that our justice, in a place of so great eminency, should he administered to our subjects in that kingdom by a person both of approved integrity and judgment, we have resolved to confer that place of Chancellor upon our right trusty and well beloved Counsellor Sir Richard Bolton, now Chief Baron of our Court of Exchequer there, of whose integrity, abilities, and faithfulness, both in our service and in the execution of the place which he now holds, you have given us so good testimony; we therefore direct you to pass patent to him accordingly, &c. And our will and pleasure is, that you cause our Great Seal of that our kingdom, formerly sequestered by our directions in the hands of certain Commissioners, to he received from them, and delivered to the said Sir Richard Bolton with that ceremony which in such cases is usual."—15 Car. I. 1a pars d. R. 11. "And for his better encouragement, the King, by Privy Seal, dated at Westminster, 31 Jan. 1640, (2a pars d. R. 5.) directed that he should have a grant of the moiety or half of the profits arising to his Majesty upon the fines of original and finable writs in Chancery; to hold to his own use and benefit, from 6 Dec. last, the day he was declared Chancellor by the King." Accordingly, he passed patent for the same 30 March, 1640.—16 Car. I. 5a pars f. R. 1. And the King, considering as well the great trusts and weighty employments incident to the said office of Chancellor, and the great charges and expenses which he must necessarily undergo for the decent and honourable support of the dignity of that great place, and the acceptable services done to the King and his father, as also of the smallness of the standing fee and perquisites belonging to said office, had resolved that he should wholly employ himself in the execution and charge of that great office and place, and those he trusts and employs; to which end and purpose his Majesty, of his bounty, for reward of his good services, and as an especial mark of favour towards him, and for his better support in his office, gave him £500 a-year during his continuance in that office, by Privy Seal, dated at West- minster, 15 July, and by patent at Dublin, 26 August 1640.—16 Car. I. 2a pars d. R. 14.

Richard Pepys, Chief Justice K. B., Sir G. Lowther, Chief Justice C. P., Miles Corbet, Chief Baron—Commissioners of the Great Seal under Oliver Cromwell—Privy Seal, 14 June, 1655. "Oliver Protector: Right trusty and right well beloved Counsellor, we greet you well. It being our will and pleasure that our trusty and well-beloved Richard Pepys, our Chief Justice, assigned to hold pleas before us in our Court of Upper Bench in Ireland, Sir Gerrard Lowther, our Chief Justice of our Court of Common Bench in Ireland, and Miles Corbet, our Chief Baron of our Exchequer there, be Commissioners of our Great Seal of Ireland, and have power to rule and manage the businesses of and in our Chancery within that our dominion, as the Chancellor or Keeper of the Great Seal hath had in times past, and shall so continue until we otherwise order: We therefore hereby will and command you, that forthwith upon your receipt of our Great Seal of Ireland, which we now send unto you herewith, (by our trusty and well-beloved Sir John Temple, Knt., Master of the Rolls in our said Chancery,) you dispose of and deliver it into their hands and custody for that purpose, and administer unto them the oath herewith sent you; and for so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant in this behalf. Given under our Signet, at Whitehall, the 14 day of June 1655.—To our right trusty and right well-beloved Counsellor, Charles Fleetwood, our Deputy of Ireland. The Form of the oath: Whereas you are appointed by his Highness the Lord Protector, with the approbation of his Council, one of the Lord Commissioners of the Great Seal of England, you shall swear, that well and truly, according to your skill and knowledge, you shall perform your duty in the execution of the said office, according to law, equity, and justice; and that you will duly and faithfully issue forth and send abroad writs of summons to Parliament, at the time and in the manner expressed in the instrument, intituled The Government of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, publickly declared at Westminster, the 16 day of Dec. 1653."—1659, 1a pars f. R. 31. The like oath for the Lord Keeper and Lord Chancellor mutatis mutandis.

William Steele,—Privy Seal, Westminster, 20 August, 1656.—Pleasure.—"Oliver, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominion thereto helonging. To all to whom these presents shall come, and particularly and more especially to the people of and belonging to the Commonwealth within our dominion of Ireland, greeting. Know ye, that we, looking upon it as our duty to provide for the due administration of justice unto the people of this Commonwealth, and the dominions thereof, and for well managing public affairs under us, by appointing persons of learning, worth, and eminency, and of approved integrity, unto places of public trust and judicature; and we having had very much experience of the great wisdom, judgment, and discretion of our right trusty and well-beloved William Steele, Chief Baron of our Exchequer in England, have assigned, constituted, and appointed, and by these presents' (as a mark of honour and favour, and in testimony of our good acceptance of his many eminent and faithful services done to the public) do assign, constitute, and appoint him the said William Steele to be Chancellor and Keeper of our Great Seal of Ireland, during pleasure, as fully, amply, and beneficially to all intents and purposes as Sir Richard Bolton, Knt., or any others, held the same. And we do by these presents command and require all and singular person and persons in our said dominion of Ireland, to be duly observant and obedient to our said Chancellor or Keeper of our Greal Seal of Ireland, and from time to time and at all times to be aiding and assisting unto him in all things as becometh. Witness ourself, at Westminster, 20 August 1656.—By writ of Privy Seal.—Beale."

William Steele,—continued by Richard Cromwell,—patent, Westminster, 11 Oct. 1658.—7a pars f. R. 4. Order by R. Protector to use all the Seals of the late Protector, until new ones are engraved.—1658.—8a pars m. 37 f.

Sir Maurice Eustace, Knt., Prime Serjeant,—upon the Restoration,—patent, Westminster, 9 Oct. 1660.—Fee £l,000. His patent is not enrolled, but recited in Abp. of Dublin's appointment as Lord Keeper. "In regard his estate was become weak by reason of the late rebellion, and that the salary heretofore allowed for the Chancellor was not sufficient to support the dignity of that place, his Majesty granted to him the annuity of £1,500 out of the customs, docquet poundage, and subsidies of the city of Dublin and town of Drogheda; and in regard of the great charge which he was and had been at in providing himself in a fit manner for the said place, the King directed the first payment of the said pension, as also his allowance as Chancellor, to begin and be paid to him at Michaelmas last. Provided always, and we do by these presents signify and declare, that this our special favour is extended by us to him the said Sir M. Eustace, towards the recompense of his former sendees and of his sufferings, and the same not to be drawn into example for the time to come."—Privy Seal, Whitehall, 18 Sept.

Michael, Abp. of Dublin, Lord Keeper, by the Lord Deputy and Council,—Eustace deceased, 22 June,—(17 Car. II 3a p. f. R. 26,)—patent, June 24, 1665.—Fee £1,000—(appointed Lord Keeper only)—Harr. Again appointed by the King, —Privy Seal, Hampton Court, 7 July,—patent, 17 July, 1665, Harr.—17. 1a pars d. R. 3. and 2a pars f. R. 29.—Whereas in the late establishment for civil affairs, his Majesty found that there was allowed amongst the constant fees and allowances to Sir M. Eustace the fee of £1,000 sterling, as also the yearly sum of £809 17s, 6d,which last sum was to be continued to the said Sir Maurice during his grant, but to cease afterwards; and now, least any scruple might arise whether or no the King intended to grant to the Abp. both the said constant allowances, his Majesty, by Privy Seal, dated at Whitehall, 19 Feb. 1666, declared that they both should be paid and continued to him during his continuance in the office of Chancellor, and ordered the same to be inserted in the new intended establishment, with a caution that only £ 1,000 sterling a-year be continued to the succeeding Chancellor. The patent for this passed 15 May, 1666.—17, 18, 19, Car. II 3aq pars f. R. 16. also 18. 2a pars d.R. 4.

Michael, now Abp. of Armagh,—continued,—Privy Seal, Whitehall, 19 Feb.—patent, 2 March, 1685.—Pleasure.—1 James II. 2a pars f. R. 3.

Sir Charles Porter, Knt,—Primate removed,—Privy Seal, Whitehall, 22 March,vpatent, Dublin, 16 April 1686.—He had a grant of the fee or allowance of £l500 a year for exercising the said office, upon the establishment, and the former allowance of £1000 a year to the late Lord Chancellor to determine from Lady day last.—Privy Seal, 21 April,—patent, 15 June, 1686.—2 Jac. II. 4a pars d. R. 29.

Sir Alexander Fitton, Knt.,—Porter removed,—Privy Seal, Whitehall, 13 Jan.—patent, 12 Feb. 1687.—A grant was made to him as Chancellor, of the allowance of £1000 a year, the former fee, and an additional sum of £500 a year, as Sir C. Porter had been allowed, to commence from Christmas last.—Privy Seal, 17 May,—patent, 6 July, 1687.—3 Jac. II. 1a pars d. R. 1.

Richard Pyne, Sir Richard Ryves, Knt., and Robert Rochfort, Keepers of the Seal,—patent, 1 August, 1690.—King William, Harris's tables, p. 113.—An order or letter from the Lords Justices, dated at Clancarty House, Dublin, 25 Oct. 1690, is directed to these three Commissioners of the Great Seal, for the receiving of Bills and Answers.—(2 William and Mary. 1a pars d. R. 12.)

Sir Charles Porter, Knt.,—Fitton removed,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 3 Dec.—patent, Dublin, 20 Dec. 1690.—2 W. & M. 1a pars d. R. 18.—Sworn same day in the Council Chamber.—Hanaper Docq. Book.

Francis, Abp. of Dublin, Edward, Earl of Meath, and William Hill, of Hillsborough, Commissioners,—Porter absent,—Privy seal, Whitehall, 13 Oct.,—patent, 31 Oct. 1693.—5 W. & M. 2a pars d. R. 50.

Edward, Earl of Meath, Francis, Earl of Longford, and Murrough, Viscount Blessington, Commissioners; the two latter in the room of the Abp. and Mr. Hill, both deceased.—Privy Seal, Whitehall, 2 Nov.,—patent, 17 Nov., 1693.—5. 4a pars d. R. 26.

Sir John Jeffryson, Justice of the Common Pleas, Thomas Coote, Justice of the King's Bench, and Nehemiah Donnellan, Baron of the Exchequer, Commissioners—Porter deceased;—until the King should appoint a Chancellor, any two to execute the office,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 31 Dec, 1696,—patent, 12 Jan. 1697.—9 William III. 3a pars f. R. 24.

John Methuen,—Privy Seal, 24 Jan.,—patent, Dublin, 11 March, 1697.—9 W. III. 2a pars f.R. 16.—Sworn 31 May, 1697, in the Council Chamber,—Hanaper Office.

Edward, Earl of Meath, Francis, Earl of Longford, and Murrough, Viscount Blessington, Commissioners.—Methuen absent,—Privy Seal, Dec.,—patent, 21 Dec., 1697.—9 W. III. 1a pars d. R. 30, and 3a pars f. R. 43.

John Methuen,—continued,—Privy Seal, Windsor, 26 July,—patent, 25 August, 1702.—1 Anne, 2a pars d. R. 22.

Sir Richard Cox, Knt, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas,—Methuen resigned—Privy Seal, St, James's, 29 July,—patent, 6 August, 1703.—2 Anne, 3a pars d. R. 24.

Richard Freeman, Chief Baron.—Cox removed—Privy Seal, Kensington, 12 June,—patent, 30 June, 1707.—6 Anne, 1a pars f. R. 36.

William, Abp: of Dublin, Robert, Earl of Kildare, and Thomas Keightly, Commissioners,—Freeman deceased, 20 Nov., 1710,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 22 Nov.,—patent, 28 Nov. 1710, dated and signed by the Privy Council.—9 Anne, 1a pars f. R. 57.

Sir Constantine Phipps, Knt.,—Freeman deceased,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 22 Dec. 1710,—patent, 22 Jan. 1711.—Pleasure.—9 Anne, 1a pars f. R. 62.

Alan Brodrick, (after. Viscount Middleton),—Phipps removed,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 30 Sept. 2a pars f. R. 5.—patent, 11 Oct., 1714.—1 George I. 1a pars f. R. 13.

Edward, Abp. of Tuam, Henry, Baron Farrard, and John, Baron Tullamore, Commissioners.—Brodrick absent,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 18 June,—patent, 6 July, 1716.—2 Geo. I. 2a pars f. R. 44.

Same Commissioners,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 25 Nov. 1717,—patent, 7 Jan. 1718.—4 Geo. I. 2a pars d. R. 43.

A new commission,—Privy Seal, Hampton Court, 4 Oct.,—patent, 3 Nov., 1718.—5 Geo. I. 1a pars d. R. 20.

Edward, Abp. of Tuam, William, Viscount Mountjoy, John, Bp. of Meath, Henry, Baron Farrard, and John, Baron Tullamore, Commissioners,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 3 Feb.—patent, 22 Feb.1722.—8 Geo. I. 2a pars d. R. 10.

Richard West,—Lord Middleton resigned,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 29 May,—patent, 23 July, 1725.—11 George I. 2a pars d. R. 48.

Thomas Wyndham, (after. Baron Wyndham of Finglas,)—West deceased, 3 Dec. 1726, and buried 6, at St. Anne's,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 13 Dec.—patent, 21 Dec. 1726.—Fee £2000.—13 George I. 1a pars d. R. 51.—Continued,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 31 July,—patent, 12 August, 1727.—l George II. 1» pars f. R. 16.

John, Abp. of Dublin, Richard, Viscount Molesworth, and Arthur, Bp. of Meath, Commissioners,—Wyndham absent,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 4 Sept.—patent, 18 Sept. 1736.—10 Geo. II. 1» pars d. R. 31.

Robert Jocelyn, (after. Baron Newport and Viscount Jocelyn,)—Wyndham resigned,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 30 August,—patent, 7 Sept. 1739.—Fee, £2500.—13 Geo. II. 1a pars d. R. 12.

Charles, Abp. of Dublin, Humphrey, Earl of Lanesborough, and Charles, Baron Tullamore, Commissioners,—Lord Jocelyn absent, for the recovery of his health,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 9 Sept.,—patent, 17 Sept. 1756.—30 George II. 2a para f. R. 9.

John Bowes, (after. Baron Bowes of Clonlyon,)—Viscount Jocelyn deceased,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 11 March,—patent, Duhlin, 22 March, 1757.—30 George II. 4a pars f. R. 5.

Charles, Abp. of Dublin, Humphrey, Earl of Laneshorough, Charles, Earl of Charleville, and Sir William Yorke, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, Commissionera,—Lord Bowes ahsent,—Privy Seal, Kensington, 10 June, —patent, 10 July, 1760.—34 George II. Sola para f. R. 9.

John, Baron Bowes, of Clonlyon,—continued,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 19 Jan.,—patent, 6 Feb.—Pleasure.—Inrolled 7 Feb. 1761.—1 Geo. III.—Letters patent passed the Great Seal 24 June, inrolled 8 July, appointing the Judges, together with the Masters in Chancery, to act in the event of the death or absence of the Chancellor.—1 Geo. III. 3a p. m. 49 d. R. 3.

Ford, Earl of Cavan, Charles, Viscount Ranelagh, and William, Bp. of Meath, Commissioners, to act during the Chancellor's ahsence in England,—patent, 22 June,—Inr. 12 July, 1764.—4 Geo. III. 2a p. m—16, 17, 18, f. R. 12.—License of absence in England to the Chancellor for the recovery of his health.—The Chief Justice appointed Speaker in the House of Lords for the then Session, on occasion of the illness of the Chancellor,—patent, 17 Sept. 1764,—Inr. Jan.,—5 1a p. m. 37 f. R. 11.—A commission passed appointing the Chancellor one of the Lords Justices, to act during the absence of the Earl of Northumberland, Chief Governor, conformably to the instructions which should be given by the said Earl,—Privy Seal, 8 Feb.,—patent, 22 Feb. 1766.—6. 2a p. m. 2 d. R. 16.—Lord Annally was appointed Speaker of the House of Lords, in pursuance of a Kings Letter, dated St. James's, 28 Feb., 1766.—Memorandum from the Hanaper Records:—His Excellency John, Lord Bowes, died at his house near Drumcondra, 22 July, 1767. The Great Seal, purse, and mace, were taken by his purse bearer to the other Lords Justices, at the Castle, and there locked up until the 3 of August. On that day a grant was sealed in Council to Arthur, Abp. of Dublin, Frederick, Bp. of Cloyne, and Thomas, Lord Howth, of the custody of the Great Seal to them, or one of them. The Abp. being present, was sworn, when the Great Seal was delivered to him, the other Lords Commissioners upon their return to Dublin were sworn into office; but the Abp. kept the Seal.—Patent, 3 August, 1767.—7. 2a p. m. 7 d. R. 20.

Hon. James Hewitt, one of the Justices of the King's Bench[1],—John, Baron Bowes, deceased,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 24 Nov. 1767,—patent, 9 Jan. 1768.—Pleasure.—Inr. 11 Jan.,—8 Geo. III. 1a p. m. 2 d. R. 21. Commissioners were appointed to hear causes in the event of the death or absence of the Chancellor,—patent, 3 March,—Inr. 25 March, 1769.—9 Geo. III. 1a p. m. 41 d. R. 23.

1780. A King's Letter appointing Commissioners of the Great Seal, 4 July,—patent, 6 Sept.,—20 Geo. III. 4a p. m. 27 f. R. 61.

1788. The Abp. of Dublin, Sir Hugh Carleton, Chief Justice of the Conmion Pleas, and Sir Samuel Bradstreet, one of the Justices of the King's Bench, Commissioners,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 9 June,—patent, 14 July,—Inr. 15 July, 1788.—28. 3a p. m. 39. d. R. 99.

Same Commissioners,—Lord Lifford deceased,—Dublin, 5 May 1789.—29 Geo. III. 2a p. m. 16. 19 d. R. 101. Memorandum from the Hanaper Records : Lord Lifford died at his house in Sackville-street, on Tuesday, 28 April, 1789. The same evening the Great Seal was taken by his son, Mr. Serjeant Hewitt, to the Lord Lieutenant at the Castle, and all business was postponed until Tuesday the 5 May following, when the Commissioners being immediately sworn into office, the Great Seal, purse, and patent were delivered to them by the L. L., but his Grace the Abp. kept the Seal.

John Fitzgibbon, Attorney General,—Lord Lifford deceased,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 13 June,—patent, 20 June, Inr. 23 June, 1789.—29 Geo. III. 3a p. m. 23. 24. f. R. 102.

Abp. of Dublin, Lord Clonmel, and Lord Carleton, the two Chief Justices, Commissioners,—Lord Fitzgibbon absent in England,—Privy Seal, 6 Sept.—patent, 21.—Pleasure.—Inr. 22 Sept. 1790.—30 Geo. III. 4a p. m. 13, 17. d. R. 111—without prejudice to Lord Fitzgibbon's patent. A commission passed the Great Seal appointing the twelve Judges, together with the four Masters in Chancery, or the twelve Judges and the four masters for the time being, or any three or more of them, to hear and determine causes in Chancery, in the absence of the Chancellor, or in case of his death.—Privy Seal, 26 August,—patent, 2 Oct.,—Inr. 12 Nov. 1791.—32 Geo. III. 1a 3, 5, pag. R. 116. Upon license of absence the Seals are given in Commission to the Abp. of Dublin and the two Chief Justices,—Privy Seal, 26 March,—patent, 2 April,—Inr. 22 April 1793.-33 Geo. III. 2a p. 13, 17. p. R. 122. License to go to England for the recovery of his health was granted to Lord Clare, in pursuance of his Majesty's letter,—Privy Seal, 18 Sept.,—patent, 25 Sept.—Pleasure.—Inr. 27 Sept 1797: Earl Clonmel, Lords Carleton and Yelverton. Commissioners.—37 Geo. III. 3a p. 82. pag. R. 153.

The Chancellor was appointed Lord High Steward of Ireland, for the trial of Robert, Earl of Kingston "to perform, occupy, and exercise that office for this term only, with all things belonging and appertaining to the said office in this behalf," —Privy Seal 4 May,—patent, 16 May.—Inr. 17 May 1798.—38 Geo. III 4a p. 25. pag. R. 159. K. L. 41. 2a p. 4. pag.R. 175. The two Chief Justices and the Chief Baron, Commissioners of the Great Seal,—Privy Seal, 26 Sept.—patent, 8 Oct.—Pleaaure.—Inr. 8 Oct. 1798.—38 Geo. III. 6a p. 9. pag. R. 161—K. L. 41. 2a p. 59. pag. R. 175. A license was granted to Lord Clare to absent himself in England from his office. There is a clause expressly dispensing with the statute on that head. All allowances, emoluments, and fees reserved to him,—Privy Seal, 7 Sept.—patent, 16 Sept.—Inr, 18 Sept. 1799. Lords Kilwarden, Carleton, and Sir Michael Smith, Commissioners.—39 Geo. III. 2a p. 117. pag. R. 181.—K. L. 40. 2a p. 10. pag. R. 169.—41. 2a p. 104. pag. R. 175.

1800. The Chief Justices of the two Benches and the Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Commissioners, on account of the Chancellor s absence in England,—Privy Seal, 25 Nov.—patent, 12 Dec. 1800, Inr. same day.—41 Geo. IIL 1» p. 11 pag. R. 186. See 41. 2a p. 138. pag. R. 175.— K. L. 41. 2a p. 141. pag, R. 175.

1802. Memorandum from the Hanaper:—John, Earl of Clare, died at his house in Ely-place, Dublin, on Thursday, 28 Jan. in this year, at one o'clock in the morning. The Great Seal and purse, &c., were as usual, taken to the Castle, and all business was suspended until Saturday the 6 Feb. following. In pursuance of his Majesty's letter, dated St. James's, 30 Jan., a warrant issued from the Castle of Dublin, that a Commission be forthwith passed, to take effect on the death of the Lord Clare; and naming the Chief Justices of the two Benches, together with the Chief Baron, Commissioners of the Great Seal. This never passed the Great Seal.—Inrolled 8 Feb. 1802.—42 Geo. III. 5» p. 154. p. R. 184.— K. L. 44. 1a p. 93. pag. R. 192.

1802. John, Baron Redesdale,—John Earl of dare deceased,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 15 Feb.,—patent, 15 March.—Pleasure.—Inr. 16 March 1802.—42 Geo. III. 2a p. 218. pag. R. 187. By Privy Seal 7 July, a pension of £4,000 per annum to Lord Redesdale, with condition not to be in operation so long as any office was held by the grantee of equal or greater emolument; and if less, then so much of this grant to stand as should make the emoluments of both not less than £4,000 per annum.—Inr. Dublin, 31 July.—42. 2a p. 103. pag. R.. 169. The two Chief Justices and the Chief Baron were appointed Commissioners of the Great Seal during the Chancellor's absence, they or one of them,—Privy Seal 8 Feb.,—patent, 21 March.—Inr. 28 March 1803.—43. 4a p. 87. pag. R. 183. A license of absence in England on his private affairs was granted to the Chancellor,—Privy Seal and patent, 30 May.—Inr. 1 June, 1803.—43. 3a p. 75. pag. R. 188. On the same day, the two Chief Justices, and the Chief Baron were appointed Commissioners by a separate instrument. King's letter, appointing Commissioners for hearing causes in Chancery. The twelve Judges for the time being, together with the Masters in Chancery, were appointed Commissioners to act in case of the absence or death of the Chancellor for the time being, and also in case of the occasional illness or death of the Master of the Rolls for the time being, at the request of the said Chancellor,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 3 Dec,—patent, 24 Dec. 1804.—Inr. 3 Jan. 1805.—45 Geo. III. 1ap. 67. pag. R. 198. A license to go to England was granted to the Chancellor, 27 March,—Privy Seal 6,—patent 18 March 1805. Same day, the two Chief Justices, Chief Baron, and the Master of the Rolls were appointed Commissioners to receive the Great Seal, and the L. L. was required to command the Chancellor to deliver up to himself the Seals, to he redelivered to the Commissioners; who (upon the arrival of George Ponsonhy, and upon his. passing the letters patent hereafter mentioned, also upon his duly taking the oath of supremacy, together with the oath of office) were then authorized to deliver it up to George Ponsonhy, without any further warrant, commission, or authority,—Privy Seal, 25 Feb.—patent, 4 March 1806,—Inr. same day.—46. 6a p. 1. pag. R. 203.

1806. George Ponsonby, his Majesty's Counsel learned in the Law,—Letters patent to Lord Redesdale revoked,—Privy Seal, 14 Feb.—patent, 25 March.—Pleasure.—Inr. 26 March 1806.—46 Geo. III. 4a p. 11. Pag. R. 226. A pension for life of £4,000 per annum, to commence from the day he shall have signed the office of Chancellor, or be removed, was granted, to continue during such periods as he shall not execute the said office, or any other office of profit under the crown, so as that the salary of the same, together with this grant, shall not exceed the sum of £4,000 per annum,—Privy Seal, 5 June,—patent, 20 June,—Inr. same day. A license was granted to the Chancellor to be absent during pleasure, without prejudice to his patent,—Privy Seal, 13 August,—patent, 8 Sept.—Inr. 9 Sept. 1806. Same day, the Chief Justices, Chief Baron, and Master of the Rolls, were appointed Commissioners of the Great Seal; all or any of them to do all acts.

1807. Right Hon. Thomas, Baron Manners, of Foston in the county of Lincoln,—letters patent to John Ponsonby revoked,—Privy Seal, 23 April,—patent, 1 May 18 07.—Pleasure.—Inr.1 May—without fine, great or other. A grant of £4,000 per annum for life, to commence from the day he shall resign the office of Chancellor, or be removed, during such periods as he shall not execute any office, &c., as in the former grants; in pursuance of the Act passed in the year 1800.—Privy Seal, 7 May—2a or Numerical Series, No 2, page 53.—Patent, 23 May.—Inr. 26 May 1807.—47 Geo. III. 3a p. 125. pag. R. 206.

1809. The Great Seal in Commission, 24 July; the two Chief Justices, the Chief Baron, Master of the Rolls, and the Hon. Denis George, one of the Barons, Commissioners.

1810. The Great Seal in Commission 6 August, same Commissioners.

1811. Leave of absence during his Majesty's pleasure, and until further order, granted to the Chancellor, without prejudice, &c.—Privy Seal, 26 July,—patent 30 July,—Inr. 31st, 1811. Same day, the Chief Justices, Master of the Rolls, Hon. Robert Day, 2d Justice of the King's Bench, and the Chief Baron, were appointed Commissioners.—Privy Seal, Carlton House, 18 July.

182. Leave of absence given to the Chancellor during his Majesty's pleasure, without prejudice, &c.,—patent, 20 July,—Inr. same day—No 7, page 27. The Chief Justices, Chief Baron, Baron George, and Mr. Justice Day, were appointed Commissioners—Privy Seal, Carlton House, 18 July.

1813. The Great Seal in Commission,—same Commissioners,—5 August.—Hanaper, 2d or Numerical Series, No 1. P. 48. 134.

1815. Commission to W. Downes, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, Sir William McMahon, Master of the Rolls, John, Baron Norbury, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, Standish O'Grady, Chief Baron, or any one or more.—Prince Regent's letter, Carlton House, 17 June,—patent, 5 July 1815—Pleasure—Inr. 17. A separate instrument for the license of absence to Lord Manners follows, dated as above.—2d or Numerical Series, No. 3, page 77, 79.

1816. A Commission to W. Downes, C. J. K. B., Sir W. McMahon Master of the Rolls, John, Baron Nrobury, C. J. C. P., Standish O'Geady, Chief Baron, or any one or more.—P. R. L. Carlton House, 8 July 1816,—patent, 25 July,—Inr. 27.—Pleasure.—License of absence to Lord Manners dated as above.

1817. The two Chief Justices, Master of the Rolls, and Denis George, Baron of the Exchequer, Commissioners.—P. R. L. Carlton House, 20 June.

1818. Same Commissioners.—P. R. L., Carlton House, 6 June,—patent, 29 June,— Inr. 6 July; the license of absence same date.

The following entries are in the King's Letter Book, at the Irish Department, Westminster.

1819. Commission to the Chief Justices, Master of the Rolls, and Chief Baron,—17 July.

1820. King's Letter to authorize the use of the old Great Seal until a new one was made. "George, R. Right trusty and right entirely beloved cousin and counsellor, and ever right trusty and well-beloved counsellors[2], we greet you well, and have thought fit hereby to signify to you that it is our will and pleasure that the Great Seal of that part of our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Ireland, and the other Seals belonging to our Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, remaining in the custody of the respective officers and ministers in that part of our said United Kingdom, be made use of by them in sealing all things that shall pass their respective offices, until we shall order other Seals to he made, with our own Royal name and Inscription; and you are to signify our pleasure therein accordingly, as well to our Chancellor as to all other our ministers there whom it may concern; and for so doing this shall he as well unto you as unto them a sufficient warrant; and so we hid you heartily farewell. Given at our Court at Carlton House, the 30th day of January 1820, in the first year of our reign. By his Majesty's command,


1820. 1 George IV.—Commission of the Great Seal. No Commissioners named.—Carlton House, 24 June.—Same 23 July.

1821. Commission, November 19.

1822. Commission to Chief Justice Bushe, Sir Wm. McMahon, Lord Norbuby, Standish O'Grady, and the Hon. R. Jebb.—Carlton House, 19 June.

1823. Commission to the same persons as before, viz.—the Chief Justices of the two Benches, Chief Baron, Master of the Rolls, and Mr. Justice Jebb.—12 June.

1824. Same Commissioners.—July 26.

1825. King's Letter for Commission of the Great Seal during the absence of the Chancellor in England.—Same Commissioners as in the preceding, with the Hon. Charles Burton.—Carlton House, 1 July.

1827. Right Hon. Sir Anthony Hart,—Lord Manners resigned,—patent, 5 Nov.—8 Geo. IV.

1830. Lord Plunket,—Sir A. Hart resigned,—patent, 23 Dec.—1 Wm. IV.

1835. Sir Edward Burtenshaw Sugden,—Lord Plunket resigned,—patent, 13 Jan.

1835. Lord Plunket,—Sir E. Sugden resigned,—patent, April 30 5 Wm. IV.

  1. In England, after created Lord Lifford.
  2. The Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council.