Civilization and Barbarism/Errata
Page 30th, line 1st, for Christian read Chilian.
" " line 16th, for Ariste read Triste.
" 130th, line 2d from below, for crisis social read social crisis.
" 136th, line 9th, for fifty-foot soldiers read fifty foot-soldiers.
" 248th, line 4th, for Agacucho read Ayacucho.
" 255th, line 1st, for mountaineers read montoneros.
" 262d, line 1st, for mountaineers read montoneros.
" 264th, line 17th, for sacreligious read sacrilegious.
" 276th, lines 4th and 5th from below, for pyramids read desert of Sahara.
Page 284th, line 13th, for cathedral read pulpit.
" 308th, line 1st from below, strike out Doctor.
" 321st. line 8th, for Jachel read Jachal.
" 322d, lines 6th and 8th, for Leprida read Laprida.
" 323d, lines 3d and 8th from below, for Rickard read Richard.
" 327th, lines 12th and 13th from below, for Antonio read Nazario.
" 330th, line 7th from below, for Brinuela read Brizuela.
" 343d, line 9th, for Uspellata read Huspellata.
" " line 10th, for Sagrana read Lagrano.
" 345th, line 15th from below, for Radies read Kadies.
" 353d, lines 1st and 5th, for Bolivar read Bolivia.
" " " " for under whom read where.
" 359th, line 16th from below, for Durqué read Durqui.
" 360th, line 8th, for Sanatuolas read San Nicolas.
" " " from below, for Durqué read Durqui.
" 367th, line 9th, for Durqué read Durqui.
" 373d, line 15th, for Belgrave read Belgrano.
" 374th, line 3d from below, for Dr. Francia, the tyrant of Paraguay spent, read From France were sent.
Page 374th, line 2d from below, for in read to foster.
" 378th, line 16th, for Commander-in-chief read Chief-of-staff.
" 585th, line 1st, for Commander-in-chief read President.