Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Baton Rouge

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Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

1657656Collier's New Encyclopedia — Baton Rouge

BATON ROUGE (-rözh), city, capital of the State of Louisiana and of East Baton Rouge parish; on the Mississippi river, and several railroads; 89 miles N. W. of New Orleans. It is built on a bluff on the E. bank of the river, and commands a fine view of the surrounding territory. Architecturally, it possesses much interest, because of the mixture of French and Spanish styles. The Capitol is a structure in the Elizabethan style, showing also Gothic windows and battlemented towers. Baton Rouge contains the State University, occupying the old United States Arsenal, the State Agricultural and Mechanical College, the State Asylum for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, the State Penitentiary, an insane asylum, two orphans' homes, a collegiate institute, and other institutions. The city has National and State banks; several daily and weekly newspapers; and a large trade with the surrounding cotton and sugar growing regions. It was here, on Jan. 26, 1861, that the State Convention adopted the ordinance of secession; on May 7, 1862, the city was taken by the United States forces; on August 5, following, a determined Confederate attack was repulsed; and the city was held by the Union troops till the close of the war. Baton Rouge was the capital of the State from 1847 to 1864, when the seat of government was removed to New Orleans, but on March 1, 1882, it was again located in this city, where it has since remained. Pop. (1910) 14,897; (1920) 21,782.