Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste Jules

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Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

2648286Collier's New Encyclopedia, Volume 1 — Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste Jules

BERNADOTTE, JEAN BAPTISTE JULES (ber-na-dot′), a French general, afterward raised to the Swedish throne, was the son of an advocate of Pau, born Jan. 26, 1764. He enlisted at 17, became sergeant-major in 1789, and subaltern in 1790. In 1794 he was appointed a General of Division, and distinguished himself greatly in the campaign in Germany, and on the Rhine. In 1798 he married Mademoiselle Clary, sister-inlaw of Joseph Bonaparte. The following year he became for a short time Minister of War, and on the establishment of the Empire was raised to the dignity of Marshal of France, and the title of Prince of Ponte-Corvo. On the death of the Prince of Holstein-Augustenburg, the heir apparency to the Swedish crown was oflFered to the Prince of Ponte-Corvo, who accepted with the consent of the Emperor, went to Sweden, abjured Catholicism, and took the title of Prince Charles John. In the maintenance of the interests of Sweden, a serious rupture occurred between him and Bonaparte, followed by his accession, in 1812, to the coalition of sovereigns against Napoleon. At the close of the war the Emperor of Austria and other sovereigns tried to restore the family of Gustavus IV. to the crown; but Bemadotte, retaining his position as Crown Prince, became King of Sweden on the death of Charles XIII., in 1818, under the title of Charles XIV. He died March 8, 1844, and was succeeded by his son Oscar.