
Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Manchester (N. H.)

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Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

1877393Collier's New Encyclopedia — Manchester (N. H.)

MANCHESTER, a city and one of the county-seats of Hillsboro co., N. H.; on the Merrimae river and on several branches of the Boston and Maine railroad; 56 miles N. of Boston. It derives water power for manufacturing from the Amoskeag Falls in the Merrimae, by means of a system of canals. There are the Elliott and Sacred Heart Hospitals, the Woman's Aid Home, United States Government Building, public library, high school, and training school. The city has waterworks supplied by gravity from Lake Massabesic, electric light and street railroad plants, several National banks, daily and weekly newspapers, and more than 30 churches. The chief industrial plants are the great Amoskeag, Stark, Manchester, and Amory cotton mills. The city also has manufactories of locomotives, fire engines, machinery, hosiery, shoes, etc. Pop. (1910) 70,063; (1920) 78,384.