
Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Sloane, William Milligan

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Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

1127032Collier's New Encyclopedia — Sloane, William Milligan

SLOANE, WILLIAM MILLIGAN, an American historian; born in Richmond, O., Nov. 12, 1850; was graduated at Columbia in 1868; studied in Berlin and Leipsic (1872-1876), and during part of that time was private secretary of George Bancroft, then minister at Berlin. He was for several years a professor at Princeton, later Professor of History at Columbia. He published: “The French War and the Revolution,” “Life of James McCosh,” in 1897 brought out a very important “Life of Napoleon,” in four volumes. His later works include: “The French Revolution and Religious Reform” (1901); “The Balkans” (1914); “Party Government in America” (1915).