Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Springfield (Missouri)

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Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

1805037Collier's New Encyclopedia — Springfield (Missouri)

SPRINGFIELD, a city and county-seat of Green co., Mo.; on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern, and the St. Louis and San Francisco railroads; 130 miles S. of Jefferson City. It is on the summit of the Ozark Mountains in a rich lead and zinc section, and has a healthful climate. There are Drury College (Cong.), a normal school, high school. United States Government building, street railroad and electric light plants, St. John's Hospital, National and Confederate cemeteries, National and State banks, and daily and weekly newspapers. It has two extensive railroad shops, wagon and carriage factories, a foundry and iron works, and other industrial plants. In the early part of the Civil War several battles occurred in the city and vicinity, in one of which (known as the battle of Wilson's Creek, Aug. 10, 1861), the Federal general, Nathaniel Lyon, was defeated and killed. Pop. (1910) 35,201; (1920) 39,631.