Collier's New Encyclopedia (1921)/Springfield (New Jersey)

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Edition of 1921; disclaimer.

1805038Collier's New Encyclopedia — Springfield (New Jersey)

SPRINGFIELD, a village in Union co., N. J.; on the Rahway river and on the Lackawanna railroad; 8 miles S. W. of Newark. It has several churches and manufactories of paper, shoes, and hats. Springfield is celebrated as the scene of a battle between the American and British forces, June 23, 1780. The British, under General Knyphausen, advanced from Elizabethtown about 5 o'clock in the morning. They were opposed by General Greene, but owing to the superior number of the enemy he was compelled to evacuate Springfield, which was then burned by the British. During the action the Rev. James Caldwell, chaplain in the New Jersey brigade, is said to have distributed the hymn books from the neighboring Presbyterian Church among the soldiers for wadding, saying at the same time, “Now put Watts into them, boys.” This battle prevented further advance on the part of the British. The American loss was about 72 and that of the British about 150. Pop. (1920) 1,715.