Complete Encyclopaedia of Music/B/Baur, Charles Alexis

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71140Complete Encyclopaedia of Music — Baur, Charles AlexisJohn Weeks Moore

Baur, Charles Alexis, was born at Tours, in France, in 1789. Both his father and mother were professors of the harp and piano in that town, and gave their son instructions on those instruments. At the age of sixteen Baur went to Paris, and became a pupil of the celebrated Naderman. In the year 1820 he went to London, where he established himself as professor of his instrument, and published some pleasing music for the harp, piano, and flute, among which we may name "Le Caravan, by Gretry, arranged for the Harp." (Harm. Inst.) "Duet for the Harp and Flute." (Id.)