Constab Ballads/To Inspector W. E. Clark

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Constab Ballads (1912)
by Claude McKay
To Inspector W. E. Clark
4209095Constab Ballads — To Inspector W. E. Clark1912Claude McKay
To Inspector W. E. Clark

(On His Return)

We welcome you, dear Sir, again;
But oh! de comin’ brings us pain,
For though we greet you glad to-day,
Once more you’re bound to go away:
We grieve now deeper than before
To know you’ll be wid us no more.

We fought o’ meetin’ you in gladness;
But no, our hearts are filled with sadness
To learn why we must part from you,
An officer so dear an’ true:
Our prayer is dat de Fates will bless
You an’ your kin wid health an’ peace.

Farewell, dear Sir, farewell again!—
A farewell fraught wi’ deepest pain:
De very ringin’ o’ de bell
Sounds like a wailin’ of farewell;
We feel it deeply, to de core,
To know you’ll be wid us no more.