Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996/Unamended

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Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
enacted by the Constitutional Assembly of South Africa
as originally adopted

This is the original text of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, as it was adopted on 18 December 1996, and as it came into force on 4 February 1997.

497066Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 — as originally adoptedenacted by the Constitutional Assembly of South Africa

To introduce a new Constitution for the Republic of South Africa and to provide for matters incidental thereto


Chapter 1
Founding Provisions
Chapter 2
Bill of Rights
Chapter 3
Co-operative Government
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
The President and National Executive
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Local Government
Chapter 8
Courts and Administration of Justice
Chapter 9
State Institutions Supporting Constitutional Democracy
Chapter 10
Public Administration
Chapter 11
Security Services
Chapter 12
Traditional Leaders
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
General Provisions
Schedule 1
National Flag
Schedule 2
Oaths and Solemn Affirmations
Schedule 3
Election Procedures
Schedule 4
Functional Areas of Concurrent National and Provincial Legislative Competence
Schedule 5
Functional Areas of Exclusive Provincial Competence
Schedule 6
Transitional Arrangements
Schedule 7
Laws Repealed


We, the people of South Africa,

Recognise the injustices of our past;

Honour those who suffered for justice and freedom in our land;

Respect those who have worked to build and develop our country; and

Believe that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity.

We therefore, through our freely elected representatives, adopt this Constitution as the supreme law of the Republic so as to—

Heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights;

Lay the foundations for a democratic and open society in which government is based on the will of the people and every citizen is equally protected by law;

Improve the quality of life of all citizens and free the potential of each person; and

Build a united and democratic South Africa able to take its rightful place as a sovereign state in the family of nations.

May God protect our people.

Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika. Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso.
God seën Suid-Afrika. God bless South Africa.
Mudzimu fhatutshedza Afurika. Hosi katekisa Afrika.