Crazy Jane (1820)/Down the Burn Davie

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For other versions of this work, see Down the Burn Davie.
3235603Crazy Jane — Down the Burn Davie1820Robert Crawfurd


When trees did bud and fields were green,
broom bloom'd fair to see;
When Mary was complete fifteen,
love laugh'd in her ee .

Blythe Davie's blinks her heart did move,
to speak her mind thus free,
Gang down the burn Davie, love,
and I shall follow thee.

Now Davie did each lad surpass,
that dwelt on this burn-side,
And Mary was the bonniest lass,
just fit to be a bride

Her cheeks were rosy, red and white,
her een were bonny blue,
Her looks were like Auroia bright,
her lips like drooping dew.

As down the burn they took their way,
what tender tales they said!
His cheeks to hers he aft did lay,
and with her bosom play'd.

Till baith at last impatient grown
to be mair fully blest,
in yonder vale they lean’d them down,
love only saw the rest.

What pass'd, I guess, was harmless play
and naething sure unmeet,
For ganging hame I heard them say,
they lik’d a walk sae sweet

And that they aften should return,
such pleasures to renew,
Quoth Mary, Love, I like the burn,
and ay shall follow you.