Cutter of Coleman-street/Act 3 Scene 6

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4533760Cutter of Coleman-street — Act 3: Scene 6Abraham Cowley
Scene 6.

Enter Jolly, Cutter.

Joll.So, now the Widdow's gone, I may breathe a little; I believe really that true Devotion is a great Pleasure, but 'tis a damn'd constraint and drudgery me-thinks, this Dissimulation of it. I wonder how the new Saints can endure it, to be always at the work, Day and Night Acting; But great Gain makes every thing seem easie; And they have, I suppose, good Lusty Recreations in private. She's gone, the Little Holy thing, as proud as Lucifer, with the Imagination of having been the Chosen Instrument of my Conversion from Popery, Prelacy, and Cavalerism, she's gone to bragg of't to Joseph Knock-down, and bring him to Confirm me. But Cutter, thine was the best Humor that ever was begot in a Rogues Noddle, to be Converted in an instant, the Inspiration way, by my example! It may hap to get thee Tabitha.

Cut.Nay, and I hit just pat upon her way, for though the Mother be a kind of Brownist, (I know not what the Devil she is indeed) yet Tabitha is o' the Fifth Monarchy Faith, and was wont to go every Sunday a-foot over the Bridge to hear Mr. Feak, when he was Prisoner in Lambeth house, she has had a Vision too her self of Horns, and strange things.

Joll.Pish! Cutter, for the way that's not material, so there be but enough of Nonsense and Hypocrisie; But Cutter, you must reform your Habit too, a little; Off with that Sword and Buff and greasie Plume o' Ribbons in your Hat. They'l be back here presently, do't quickly.

[Exit.Cut.Ile be chang'd in an instant, like a Scene, and then Ile fetch 'em to you.