Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century/Paulinus, bishop of Trèves
Paulinus (4), St., 6th bp. of Trèves, between St. Maximinus and St. Bonosus,
one of the foremost Gallic champions of orthodoxy against Arianism. He was probably
consecrated in 349. In 351, at the council of Sirmium, Paulinus seems to have boldly
championed the orthodox cause. The letter of condemnation of Athanasius tendered
for his signature he scornfully rejected, exclaiming that he would sign the condemnation
of Photinus and Marcellus, but not of Athanasius (Sulpicius Severus, Hist. Sacr.
ii. 37, Migne, Patr. Lat. xx. 150). At the council of Arles in 353 Paulinus's
fate was decided. The emperor Constantius there decreed the banishment of bishops
who should refuse to subscribe the condemnation of Athanasius. Paulinus remained
steadfast, and, after being condemned by the bishops, was driven into exile in Phrygia,
to parts inhabited by heathen and heretics. This occurred in 353 or, at latest,
in 354, not 356, as Jerome gives it. He died in 358 or 359. The church of his name
outside the walls was one of the earliest at Trèves (Wilmowsky, Der Dom zu Trier,
p. 11).
For his life see, further, the passages from the works of Athanasius collected, Boll. Acta SS. Aug. vi. 669 sqq.; Hilarius, ad Const. Aug. lib. i.; Lib. contra Const. Imp. 11; Fragr. Migne, Patr. Lat. x. 562, 588, 631.