Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Abas (biography)

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ABAS (Ἄβας) 1. A Greek sophist and rhetorician about whose life nothing is known. Suidas (s. v. Ἄβας: compare Eudocia, p. 51) ascribes to him ἱστορικὰ ἀπομνήματικα and a work on rhetoric (τέχνη ῤητορική). What Photius (Cod. 190. p. 150, b. ed. Bekker) quotes from him, belongs probably to the former work. (Compare Walz, Rhetor. Graec. vii. 1. p. 203.)

2. A writer of a work called Troica, from which Servius (ad Aen. ix. 264) has preserved a fragment. [L. S.]