Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Araros

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ARA′ROS (Ἀραρώς), an Athenian comic poet of the middle comedy, was the son of Aristophanes, who first introduced him to public notice as the principal actor in the second Plutus (B. C. 388), the last play which he exhibited in his own name: he wrote two more comedies, the Κώκαλος and the AioXoffΑἰολοσίκωνiKuv, which were brought out in the name of Araros (Arg, ad Plut. iv. Bekker), probably very soon after the above date. Araros first exhibited in his own name B. C. 375. (Suidas, s. v.) Suidas mentions the following as his comedies: Καινεύς, Καμπυλίων, Πανὸς γοναί, Ὑμέναιος, Ἄδωνις, Παρθενίδιον. All that we know of his dramatic character is contained in the following passage of Alexis (Athen. iii p. 123, e.), who, however, was his rival:

καὶ γὰρ βούλομαι
ὕδατός σε γεῦσαι· πρᾶγμα δ᾽ ἐστί μοι μέγα
φρέατος ἔνδον ψυχρότερον Ἀραρότος

[P. S.]