Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Menander, Arrius

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2172565Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology — Menander, Arrius1870Various Authors

MENANDER, A′RRIUS, a Roman jurist, who lived under Septimius Severus and Antoninus Caracalla, the son of Severus. Caracalla succeeded his father A. D. 211. Menander was a Consiliarius, or a member of the Consilium of Caracalla, as appears from a passage of Ulpian (Dig. 4. tit. 4. s. 11. § 2), coupled with the fact that Ulpian wrote his Libri ad Edictum, which contain the passage just cited, under the reign of Caracalla. Aemilius Macer, who wrote in the time of Alexander Severus, cites Menander. There are six excerpts in the Digest from a work of Menander, entitled "Militaria, or De Re Militari;" and Macer, who wrote on the same subject, also cites Menander as an authority.

[G. L.]