Dictionary of Indian Biography/Broughton de Gyfford, John Cam Hobhouse, Baron

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2894306Dictionary of Indian Biography — Broughton de Gyfford, John Cam Hobhouse, BaronCharles Edward Buckland


Son of Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. born June 27, 1786: educated at Bristol, Westminister and Trinity College, Cambridge: friend of Byron and travelled with him on the Continent: committed to Newgate from Dec. 14, 1819, to Feb. 29, 1820, for breach of privilege of the House of Commons: M.P. for Westminster, 1820: succeeded as Baronet in 1831: Secretary at War, 1832–3: Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1833, resigned: M.P. for Nottingham, 1834: Commissioner of Woods and Forests: President of the Board of Control, April 23, 1835, to Sep. 4, 1841: again from July 8, 1846, to Feb. 3, 1852: on his advice the appointment of Lord Heytesbury in 1835–6, to succeed Lord W. Bentinck as Governor-General was cancelled: he supported Lord Auckland's Afghan policy: M.P. for Harwich in 1848: made a peer in 1851: K.C.B. in 1852: died June 3, 1869: wrote his Recollections of a Long Life, and a number of papers on literary, classical, political and historical subjects.