Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Carr, Robert James

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1904 Errata appended.

516830Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 09 — Carr, Robert James1887Augustus Charles Bickley

CARR, ROBERT JAMES (1774–1841), bishop of Worcester, the son of the the Rev. Colston Carr, a schoolmaster at Twickenham, who was afterwards vicar of Ealing, was born in 1774 at Twickenham. He received his primary education in his father's school. and afterwards went to Worcester College, Oxford. In 1797 he married Nancy, daughter of John Wilkinson of Roehampton, by whom he had a numerous family, of which only four children survived him. In the following year he was ordained by the Bishop of Salisbury, and, after holding some unimportant preferments for a short time, was presented to the vicarage of Brighton. In 1806 he graduated M.A. While he was vicar of Brighton his eloquence commended him to the prince regent, and a friendship was commenced which only terminated with the death of George IV. In 1820 he was appointed dean of Hereford, and in the same year he took the degrees of B.D. and D.D. Four years later he was consecrated bishop of Chichester, and, along with his bishopric, held a canonry in St. Paul's Cathedral. He was also appointed clerk to the closet, an honorary position which he held until the accession of Queen Victoria, when he was dismissed in account of a strict adherence to his political principles. In 1831 he was translated to the bishopric of Worcester, in fulfillment, as it was understood at the time, of a promise made by the late king. Carr was the prelate who attended George IV during his last illness. He devoted himself almost entirely to his episcopal duties, and, although constant in his attendance at the House of Lords, took little interest in politics. He was one of the bishops who voted against the Roman Catholic Relief Bill, and, if he did not speak against the measure, allowed his opinions to be seen by the number of petitions against it which he presented. Although strict in the enforcement of religious observances, he had a decided leaning towards the evangelical school of thought. He died in 1841, aged 67, at Hartlebury Palace, near Worcester, from paralysis, and was buried in the churchyard of the parish. His only published works were sermons preached for charitable objects.

[Annual Register, 1841: Times; Record; Worcestershire papers.]

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.56
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
176 ii 21 f.e. Carr, Robert J.: after George IV insert He was prebendary of Salisbury 1819-24, of Chichester 1821-4, and of Hereford 1822-4
177 i 7 for in 1841 read on 24 April 1841