Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Casali, Andrea

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1383212Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 09 — Casali, Andrea1887Lionel Henry Cust

CASALI, ANDREA (1720?–1783?), painter, a native of Cività Vecchia, was born about 1720 (or 1724). He received his early art education at Rome under the painter Sebastiano Conca, and painted several pictures for churches in that city. At the end of 1748 he was employed to paint the transparencies which formed part of the decorations set up in St. James's Park to celebrate the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle (signed 7 Oct. 1748). These were afterwards engraved by Grignion, Scotin, and others. After the great fire at Fonthill Abbey he was employed by Mr. Beckford to paint the ceiling of the Egyptian Hall in the new building. About 1758, when the church of St. Margaret, Westminster, was repaired, he painted two figures of St. Peter and St. Paul for the altar. He also painted a picture of the ‘Adoration of the Magi’ as an altar-piece for the chapel of the Foundling Hospital; this, however, was afterwards removed to make way for an altar-piece by Benjamin West. In 1760 the Society of Arts awarded to him the second premium of fifty guineas for his picture representing the story of ‘Gunhilda, empress of Germany.’ In 1761, however, he gained from the same society the first premium of a hundred guineas for his picture of ‘Edward the Martyr stabbed by the directions of his mother Elfrida.’ About this year he received the distinction of knighthood in his own country, since he is always described subsequently as ‘Chevalier’ Casali. From this year onwards he was a constant exhibitor at the London exhibitions. About 1769 he seems to have returned to Rome, but continued to exhibit in London until 1783, after which year we have no further trace of him. His pictures are chiefly historical, though he painted sacred and classical subjects as well. Cleverly painted and carefully executed, they are too theatrical in composition, and frequently tawdry in colour. Among his principal works, besides those already named, were: ‘Lucretia bewailing her Fate,’ engraved by Ravenet and by himself; ‘Jupiter and Antiope,’ engraved by Chambars; ‘Children at Play,’ two pictures engraved in mezzotint by J. G. Haid; ‘The Adoration of the Magi’ (mentioned above), engraved by R. Laurie. He did several etchings from his own pictures, and also one of ‘The Virgin and Child,’ after Raphael.

[Redgrave's Dict. of English Artists; Heineken's Dictionnaire des Artistes, vol. iii.; Gandellini's Notizie degli Intagliatori, viii. 78; Andresen's Handbuch für Kupferstich-Sammler, vol. i.; Edwards's Anecdotes of Painters; Gent. Mag. 1760, p. 198; Annual Register, 1761; Nagler's Künstler-Lexikon, vol. ii.; manuscript information, Anderdon Collection, in the Print Room, British Museum.]