Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Goulston, Theodore

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414809Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 22 — Goulston, Theodore1890Norman Moore

GOULSTON or GULSTON, THEODORE, M.D. (1572–1632), physician, son of William Goulston, rector of Wymondham, Leicestershire, was born in 1572. He entered at Merton College, Oxford, was elected a fellow in 1596, and graduated M.A. 8 July 1600, and M.D. 30 April 1610. He had before practised at Wymondham, and after taking his final degree settled as a physician in the parish of St. Martin-extra-Ludgate in London, and was admitted a fellow of the College of Physicians 29 Dec. 1611. He was elected censor in 1615, 1616, 1625, and 1626. In 1619 he published in London 'Versio Latina et Paraphrasis in Aristotelis Rhetoricam,' with a dedication to Prince Charles in Latin prose, and his notes and Latin version were reprinted in the edition of the Greek text published at Cambridge in 1696. In 1623 he published 'Aristotelis de Poetica liber Latine conversus et analytica methodo illustratus,' with a dedication in Latin verse to Prince Charles. He also wrote 'Versio, variae lectiones, et annotationes criticae in opuscula varia Galeni,' which was published in 1640, with a preface by his friend Thomas Gataker [q. v.] He had in his own time a well-earned reputation for general learning and a considerable practice as a physician. He died at his house in St. Martin's on Ludgate Hill 4 May 1632, and by his will, dated 26 April 1632, left 200l. to the College of Physicians of London to found a lectureship, to be held in each year by one of the four youngest doctors of the college. These lectures have been annually delivered since 1639, to the great advantage of medicine in England.

[Munk's Coll. of Phys. i. 157; Wood's Athenae Oxon.; Works.]