Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Haydock, Richard (1552?-1605)

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1412079Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 25 — Haydock, Richard (1552?-1605)1891Thompson Cooper

HAYDOCK or HADDOCK, RICHARD, D.D. (1552?–1605), Roman catholic divine, born about 1552, was the second son of Vivian Haydock, esq., of Cottam Hall, near Preston, Lancashire. His mother, Ellen, daughter of William Westby, esq., of Westby, Yorkshire, and Mowbreck Hall, Lancashire, had a sister married to George Allen, brother of William Allen the cardinal. His father, nearly twenty years after the death of his wife, went in 1573 to the English College, Douay. Richard accompanied him, and in 1577 was ordained priest. In the following year he accompanied the professors and students when the college was transferred to Rheims. He was one of the first selected by Dr. Allen to help in founding the English College at Rome, and took the college oath at its formal opening on 23 April 1579. He was sent to England in 1580 with twenty-eight other priests, six of whom, including his younger brother George, were executed. After labouring on the mission for nearly ten years he was invited to Rome by Cardinal Allen, who made him his maestro di camera. He now resumed his studies, and was created D.D. After the cardinal's death in 1594 he remained in Italy some years in close friendship with Father Robert Parsons. In 1602 he left Rome for Douay College, and thence proceeded to Lancashire, and perhaps afterwards to Ireland, as it appears that he held the dignity of dean of Dublin (Knox, Letters and Memorials of Card. Allen, p. 375). He returned to Douay in June 1603. He died at Rome in 1605.

His works are: 1. ‘An Account of the Revolution in the English College at Rome; wherein he was a person chiefly employed by the malcontents,’ dated 9 March 1578–9. Printed in Tierney's edit. of Dodd's ‘Church History,’ vol. ii. pp. cccl–lxxi. In the disputes concerning the administration of the English secular college of Rome Haydock supported the jesuits, and the students demanded his expulsion from the college. 2. ‘An Ample Declaration of the Christian Doctrine,’ translated ‘by R. H., Doctor of Divinitie,’ from the Italian of Cardinal Bellarmin, Douay, 1604, 4to; St. Omer, 1624, 48mo.

[Bridgewater's Concertatio Ecclesiæ Catholicæ, f. 133; Dodd's Church Hist., ii. 69; Douay Diaries; Foley's Records, ii. 141, 225, iii. 42, 44, 515, vi. 28, 42, 68, 130, 221, 518, 739; Gillow's Bibl. Dict.; Gillow's Haydock Papers, pp. 21, 25, 32, 35–9; Knox's Letters and Memorials of Card. Allen, p. 467.]