Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Howard, Edward (d.1675)

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613810Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 28 — Howard, Edward (d.1675)1891Gordon Goodwin

HOWARD, EDWARD, first Lord Howard of Escrick (d. 1675), was the seventh son of Thomas, first earl of Suffolk (1561-1626) [q.v.], by his second wife, Catherine, widow of Richard, eldest son of Robert, lord Rich, and eldest daughter and coheiress of Sir Henry Knevet of Charlton, Wiltshire. At the creation of Charles, prince of Wales, 3 Nov. 1616, he was made K.B. (Metcalfe, Book of Knights, p.168), and was raised to the peerage as Baron Howard of Escrick in Yorkshire on 29 April 1628. With the Earl of Berkshire he enjoyed the sinecure office of farmer of his majesty's greenwax (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1638-9, p.624). On 8 Feb. 1639 he expressed his readiness to attend Charles on his journey to York with such equipage as he could command (ib. Dom. 1638-9, p. 439); but when it was moved in the House of Lords on 24 April 1640 that supply should have precedence over other questions he voted against the king (ib. 1640, p. 66). He was one of the twelve peers who signed on 28 Aug. 1640 a petition to the king, which set forth the popular grievances and the dangers attendant on the expedition against the Scots. With Lord Mandeville he presented it to Charles at York, and besought him to summon a parliament and settle matters without bloodshed (ib. Dom. 1640-1, p. 15). In May 1642 he was again despatched to the king at York to deliver the declaration of both houses of parliament respecting the messages sent to them by Charles concerning Sir John Hotham's refusal to admit him into Hull. He refused to obey the king's order to carry back his answer to parliament, on the ground that his instructions were to remain at York, and use his best endeavours in averting war. Charles, after warning him not to 'make any party or hinder his service in the country,' bade him attend the meeting of county gentlemen on 12 May (ib. Dom. 1641-3, p. 317). The commons ordered reparation to be made to him for his losses in the war in 1644 (Commons' Journals, iii. 659), and on 2 June 1645 resolved that he should have the benefit of the two next assessments of the twentieth part discovered by his agents (ib. iv. 159). After the abolition of the House of Lords in 1649 Howard consented to become a member of the commons, where he represented Carlisle (ib. vi. 201). He was also appointed a member of the council of state 20 Feb. 1650, and served on various committees (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1650, pp. 5, 17). On Colonel Rich's death he was given the command of his regiment (ib. Dom. 1655, p. 377). In July 1650 Howard was accused by Major-general Harrison of taking bribes from wealthy delinquents. A year later he was convicted, discharged from being a member of the house, and from bearing any office of trust, and sentenced to be imprisoned in the Tower, and to pay a fine of 10,000l. He, however, escaped imprisonment on the plea of ill-health, and the fine was not exacted, but he passed the remainder of his life in obscurity (Commons' Journals, vols. vi. vii.) He died on 24 April 1675, and was buried in the Savoy (Clutterbuck, Hertfordshire, ii. 46-7). By his marriage in December 1623 to Mary, fifth daughter of Sir John, afterwards Lord, Boteler, of Hatfield, Woodhall, and Braintfield, Hertfordshire (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1623-1625, pp. 132, 134), he had four sons and a daughter. Thomas (d. 1678) and William[q. v.], the first and second sons, became successively second and third barons, and on the death, without issue, in 1715, of William's eldest son Charles, who succeeded his father as fourth baron in 1694, the title became extinct.

[Authorities cited; Burke's Extinct Peerage.]