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Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Jenynges, Edward

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1399504Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 29 — Jenynges, Edward1892Ronald Bayne

JENYNGES, EDWARD (fl. 1574), poet, was author of ‘The Notable Hystory of two faithfull Louers named Alfagus and Archelaus. Whearein is declared the true fygure of Amytie and Freyndship. Much pleasaunte and delectable to the Reader. Translated into English meeter by Edwarde Ienynges. With a Preface or Definytion of Freyndshyppe to the same. Imprinted … by Thomas Colwell,’ 1574, 4to, pp. 184, bl. letter. The poem was licensed to Colwell in 1565. It is founded on the story of Orestes and Pylades. The preface on friendship consists of twenty-two seven-line stanzas; the poem itself is in a ballad metre of eight-line stanzas. Probably Jenynges was also author of ‘A Briefe Discovery of the Damages that happen to this Realme by disordered and unlawfull diet. The Benefites and Commodities that otherwise might ensue. With a persuasion of the people for a better maintenance to the Navie. Briefly compiled by Edward Jeninges,’ 1593, 4to. This is dedicated to Charles Howard, afterwards earl of Nottingham, lord high admiral, and contains three seven-line stanzas ‘to the Reader.’ There is a paper by Jenynges in the Lansdowne MS. No. 101, ‘On the Utility to the Realm by observing days for Eating Fish only.’ It is addressed to Lord Burghley.

[T. Corser's Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, viii. 303; Arber's Stationers' Registers, i. 297; Ritson's Bibl. Poet. p. 257; Brit. Mus. Cat.]