Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Jobson, Francis

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1399883Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 29 — Jobson, Francis1892Robert Dunlop

JOBSON, Sir FRANCIS (d. 1573), lieutenant of the Tower, was apparently of Yorkshire descent. He connected himself with the Dudley family through his marriage with Elizabeth Plantagenet, third daughter and coheiress of Arthur, viscount Lisle, natural son of Edward IV, and Elizabeth, his wife, sister and coheiress of John Grey, viscount Lisle, and widow of Edmund Dudley. At the time of the suppression of the monasteries he appears to have been appointed a member of the court of augmentations, and in that capacity he acquired considerable property, chiefly in and about Colchester. He fixed his residence at Monkwike, in the out-parish of West Doniland, the reversion of which had been granted by Edward VI to his wife's half-brother, John Dudley, earl of Warwick. But the latter gave it to Jobson in consideration of large sums which Jobson had lent him, and of the care which Jobson had bestowed on his children. Jobson was knighted in the reign of Edward VI, and in the same reign was appointed surveyor of woods belonging to the court of augmentations north of the Trent, and also master and treasurer of the crown jewels. On 20 Aug. 1564 he was appointed lieutenant of the Tower in the room of Sir Richard Blount. He died at Monkwike on 11 June 1573, and was buried in the church of St. Giles, Colchester, leaving issue John, who married Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of Sir Richard Pexall of Beaurepaire, master of the buckhounds to Queen Elizabeth; Edward, who succeeded him, and married, first, Mary, daughter and coheiress of Edmund Markaunt of Dunham Hall, Essex, and, secondly, Mary, daughter and coheiress of John Bode of Rochford; also Henry, Thomas, and Mary.

[Morant's Colchester, ii. 29, 36, 44; Morant's Essex, i. 186, ii. 325; Sandford's Genealogical Hist. p. 452; Visitation of Essex (Harl. Soc.); Collins's Peerage, ix. 462; Collins's Sydney Papers, preface, pp. xxx, xxxiv; Tanner's Notitia Monastica; Nichols's Collect. Topogr. viii. 263; Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries (Camden Soc.), p. 239; Add. Charter 1995; Egerton MS. 2723, f. 89; Lansdowne MSS. 106, 172; Cal. State Papers, Hen. VIII, xi. 591, Dom. Eliz. 1561 14 Nov., 1564 20 Aug., Addend. 1570 p. 312, 1572 p. 380, Ireland Eliz. i. 385; Cal. Hatfield MSS. i. 443; Hist. MSS. Comm. 3rd Rep. pt. iii. p. 153, 7th Rep. p. 190, 8th Rep. p. 89, 10th Rep. pt. ii. p. 42. Sir Francis Jobson is not to be confounded with the Francis Jobson who was actively engaged in surveying the forfeited estates of the Earl of Desmond in Munster, and who with his brother Humphry appears to have settled in Ireland.]