Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Jones, Thomas (1756-1807)

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1904 Errata appended.

1400796Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 30 — Jones, Thomas (1756-1807)1892Daniel Lleufer Thomas ‎

JONES, THOMAS (1756–1807), tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge, born at Berriew in Montgomeryshire, 23 June 1756, was educated at Shrewsbury school, and was admitted at St. John's College, Cambridge, 28 May 1774, but migrated 27 June 1770 to Trinity College. He was senior wrangler in 1778, having acted as tutor to the second wrangler, Herbert Marsh [q. v.], subsequently bishop of Peterborough, who became his lifelong friend. He graduated B.A. in January 1779, and was the same year appointed assistant tutor at Trinity College; he was elected fellow 1 Oct. 1781, proceeded M.A. 1782, and in October 1787 was appointed tutor, an office which he held till his death in London 18 July 1807. He was buried in the burial-ground of Dulwich College, and a bust and tablet to his memory were placed in the ante-chapel of Trinity College.

Jones's reputation as a mathematical tutor was very high, and his lectures were notable for their clearness and methodical arrangement, but the number of his pupils overtaxed his strength. He only published a ‘Sermon on Duelling’ (on Exodus xx. 13), Cambridge, 1792, 4to, preached 11 Dec. 1791, as a warning to the younger members of the university soon after a fatal duel had taken place in the neighbourhood, and a very spirited and widely circulated ‘Address to the Volunteers of Montgomeryshire,’ Shrewsbury, which is reprinted in the Powysland Club Collections, xi. 261–4. His friend Marsh published a ‘Memoir of the late Thomas Jones,’ Cambridge, 19 Feb. 1808, which was reissued in Aikin's ‘Athenæum’ (1808); in the ‘Encyclopædia Londinensis,’ xi. 256–8; and separately as a broadsheet at Welshpool.

[Memoir, ut supra; Baker's History of St. John's College, Cambridge, ed. Mayor, ii. 757, 778, 779, 802; Collections of Powysland Club, xi. 254–64; Romilly's Cantabr. Graduati; Evans's Cat. of Engraved Portraits.]

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.170
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
168 i 32 Jones, Thomas (1756-1807): for Paintings read Portraits