Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Maxey, Anthony

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706874Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 37 — Maxey, Anthony1894Gordon Goodwin

MAXEY, ANTHONY (d. 1618), dean of Windsor, apparently a native of Essex, was educated on the foundation at Westminster School (Welch, Alumni Westmon. ed. 1852, p. 54), whence he was elected to Trinity College, Cambridge, on 18 April 1578 (College Admission Register), and graduated B.A. in 1581, M.A. in 1585, B.D. in 1594, and D.D. in 1608 (University Register), but he failed to obtain a fellowship at Trinity. James I, out of admiration for his florid pulpit eloquence and dislike of tobacco, made him his chaplain, and on 21 June 1612 appointed him dean of Windsor and registrar of the order of the Garter (Le Neve, Fasti, ed. Hardy, iii. 375). Maxey was a simonist of the first water. He offered money to Sir Henry Hobart [q. v.] for preferment (letter in Tanner MS. cclxxxiii. 195), and two months before his death made the highest bid for the vacant see of Norwich (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1611-18, p. 532). He died on 3 May 1618, and was buried in the church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London, his wife having predeceased him without issue. By will he made liberal provision for his poor kinsfolk and servants, but 'unto Roger my cooke, beinge verye lewde in his tongue, and besides corrupting my clarke, Roberte Berrye, with tobacco and drinckinge,' he bequeathed nothing, 'neyther in money nor mourninge cloke.' He left his books, or as many as the authorities cared to take, to 'our publique library,' presumably that of the university of Cambridge (will registered in P. C. C. 47, Meade).

Maxey published three sermons preached before the king, with the title 'The Churches Sleepe' and 'The Golden Chaine of Mans Saluation, and the fearefull point of hardening,' 3 pts. 8vo, London, 1606; 3rd edit. 1607. Other editions, with additional sermons, were issued in 1610, 1614, 1619, and 1634.

[Information from J. Willis Clark, esq., and William White, esq.; Cole MS. xlv. 295; Cat. of Books in Brit. Mus. to 1640; Hackman's Cat. of Tanner MSS. p. 1022; Cat. of Harsnett Library, Colchester, p. 110.]