Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Robert of Bridlington

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667432Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 48 — Robert of Bridlington1896Charles Lethbridge Kingsford

ROBERT of Bridlington (fl. 1170), or Robert the Scribe, theologian, was a canon regular of Bridlington priory in Yorkshire, and became fourth prior of that house about 1160. He died before 1181. Leland says that he was buried in the cloister of his monastery before the doors of the chapter-house, his tomb bearing the inscription ‘Robertus cognomento Scriba quartus prior.’ He owed his name of Scribe to his many writings. His works were chiefly commentaries on various portions of the Bible; Leland says that he saw the manuscripts of them in the library at Bridlington. The following appear to be extant: 1. ‘Expositio in Pentateuchum,’ inc. ‘Post collectam quæstionum de operibus sex dierum’ (MS. Trinity Coll. Oxon. 70), where Robert is wrongly called a Cistercian. 2. ‘Super Prophetas duodecim minores,’ inc. ‘Teste beato Jeronimo’ (MS. St. John's Coll. Oxon. 46). 3. ‘Expositio super Psalmos Davidis,’ inc. ‘A quibusdam fratribus diu rogatus’ (MS. Laud. Misc. 454 in the Bodleian). 4. ‘In Cantica Canticorum,’ inc. ‘Tres sunt qui testimonia’ (MS. Balliol Coll. 19, where, in Coxe's ‘Catalogue,’ it is suggested that this is really by John Whethamstede. In York Cathedral MS. 9 there is a copy of Frater Robertus ‘In Cantica’). 5. ‘Prophetiæ’ (Bodl. MS. 2157). Leland says he saw a copy of Robert's commentary on the Epistles of St. Paul at Queens' College, Cambridge (Collectanea, iii. 10). Robert is also credited with ‘Dialogus de Corpore et Sanguine Domini;’ a treatise, ‘De Ecclesia Catholica;’ sermons; and some other commentaries.

[Leland's Comment. de Scriptt. 202; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.-Hib. p. 657; Wright's Biogr. Brit. Litt. Anglo-Norman, p. 268; Dugdale's Mon. Angl. vi. 284; Coxe's Cat. MSS. Coll. Aulisque Oxon.]