Dictionary of National Biography, 1904 errata/Volume 14

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Dictionary of National Biography



N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line  
v ii 10 List of Writers: insert G. J. G . . . . G. J. Gray
20 for R. M. J. J. read R. J. J.
1 ii 19 Dampier, Thomas: for Sherborne read Sherburn
21 after favour, insert He was prebendary of Durham from 1778 to 1808.
10 i 24 Dance, Charles: for Charles read George
11 ii 33 Dance, alias Love, James: for son read brother
12 f.e.
Dancer Thomas: for 1810 read 1811
30 i 21 Daniel, Samuel: for Edmundes's read Edmondes's
38 for Hayward read Hayman
ii 4 f.e. for MS. 3942 read MS. 3943
31 i 39 for 241489 read 24489
33 ii 10 Daniell, John F.: after 1842. insert He was foreign secretary of the Royal Society from 1839 till 1845.
36 ii 3 f.e. Danvers, Sir Charles: after p. 119). insert He was elected M.P. for Cirencester in 1586.
40 ii 17 Danvers, Sir John: after Danvers insert sat in the House of Commons as M.P. for Arundel in 1610, for Montgomery in 1614, for the university of Oxford in 1621, and for Newport (I. of W.) in 1624. He was re-elected for Oxford University in 1625, 1626, and 1628
43-45 omit and about 1640 . . . . a political career
14 f.e. after parliament insert for a fifth time
43 ii 15 Darby, George: after Great Britain, insert He was M.P. for Plymouth from 1780 to 1784, and an elder brother of Trinity House from 1781 till his death.
48 i 12-13 D'Arcy, Robert, 4th Earl of Holderness: for one of the principal secretaries of state read secretary of state for the south
17 for and took charge of read but was transferred to
ii 8 for earl of Leeds read duke of Leeds
53 ii 20 Darcy, Thomas, Lord Darcy: after was insert Dowsabella, daughter and heiress of Sir Richard Tempest of Bibblesdale. His second wife was
28-33 omit He afterwards married . . . . xiii. 127 b).
57 i 22 Darling, Sir Charles H.: for 1865 read 1862
6-5 f.e. for the only daughter read in 1851 Elizabeth Isabella Caroline, only daughter
3 f.e. for survived him read died on 10 Dec. 1900
61 i 7 Darling, Sir Ralph: after 90th insert (1823-37) and after 41st insert (1837-48)
8 after 69th foot insert (1848 till death)
65 i 18 Darnell, Sir Thomas: for 15 Nov. read 22 Nov.
27 for Heveringham read Heveningham
31 for 22 Nov. read 28 Nov.
66 ii 16 f.e. Darracott, Risdon: for Darratt read Darracott
69 ii 19 Dartiquenave, Charles: after (illegible text)w s insert from 1706 to 1726
25 after king's gardens insert ga (illegible text) June 1726,
26 for succeeded read expected to (illegible text)ceed
27-33 for This succession was apparently disputed . . . . into a public road. He read But the latter office was ferred (15 May) on Richard Arundel, M.P. for Knaresborough, who he (illegible text) post till his appointment as master of the Mint in 1787, when Thomas (illegible text) [ q . v.] became surveyor of roads. Dartiquenave lived
84 ii 8 Darwin, Charles Robert: for 1875 read 1864
90 i 18 f.e. Daubeney, Giles, Lord Daubeney: after Bridgewater. insert He was M.P. for Somerset in the parliament of 1477-8.
93 i 8 Daubeny, Charles: for Ferrick read Terrick
94 i l.l. for Antiquakeristica read Antiquakeriana
98 i 14 f.e. Daunt, Achilles: after him insert in 1875
99 ii 9 Davenant, Charles: for (1683-9) read (1678-89)
101 ii 19-20 Davenant, John: for in 1641 read on 20 April 1641
108 ii 5 Davenant, William (d. 1681): for La Motte read La Mothe
109 ii 8 f.e. Davenport, Sir Humphrey: after 1613 insert He seems to hav been elected M.P. for Brackley on 16 Oct. 1588.
l.l. for Elliot read Eliot
112 i 2 f.e. Davenport, Bichard A.: far June read Jan.
118 ii 28 David I: for Cutton Moor read Cowton Moor
35 for L'Esper read L'Espec
120 ii 10 f.e. for Newbury read Newburgh
123 i 29 David, Edward: for R. M. J. J. read R. J. J.
129 i 13 Davidson, Thomas (1838-1870): for Onnam Row read Oxnam Row
130 i 5 Davidson, Thomas (1817-1885): after death insert (16 Dec. 1885)
28 'Davidson, William: for Keates read Keats
131 i 15 Davies, Benjamin: for in 1875 read on 19 July 1875
28-29 Davies, Catherine: for Madame Mauprat, the second sister read Madame Murst, the third sister
31 for Italy read Naples
32 for a niece of Byron read absurdly described by Miss Davies as a niece of Byron
34 omit in a very interesting manner
3 f.e. Davies, Cecilia: for Lyson read Lysons
183 ii 16 Davies, Christian: for 1842 read 1742
138 i 39 Davies, James: after Herefordshire insert in 1853
143 i 46-48 Davies, Sir John: omit and in the same year . . . . iii. 173)
ii 8-9 for Newcastle-under-Lyne read Newcastle-under-Lyme
145 i 11 f.e. Davies, John (1627?-1698): for on the title-page read in the dedication
ii 47 for 1634 read 1654
50-51 for 'Hierocles, or read 'Hierocles on
147 i 28 Davies, Jonathan: after Windsor insert (gazetted April 1782)
154 ii 33 Davies, Robert (1769?-1835): for Nantglas read Nantglyn
158 i 15 Davies, Sir Thomas: for 1679) read 1680)
31 after knighted, imert He was alderman of Farringdon Without from 1667 till death.
16 f.e. for a wit read Littleton
10 f.e. for 1679 read March 1679-80
167 ii 37-38 Davis, J. P.: for J. P. read John Philip and for (d. 1862) read (1784-1862)
168 i 8 for in September read on 28 Sept.
171 i 43 Davis, Richard B.: for in March read on 13 March
172 ii 18 f.e. Davis, William (1627-1690): for Sudbury read Sodbury
174 ii 27 Davison, Alexander: after in arrear. insert In the 'All the Talents' administration of 1806-7 Davison served as treasurer of the ordnance.
176 ii 31 Davison, James W.: after Maria Duncan insert [See Davison, Maria Rebecca]
177 ii 11 f.e. Davison, John: for grammar school read cathedral school
l.l. for For a few years read From 1824 till death
178 i 2 for in 1826 read on 19 Dec. 1825
178 i 5-6 Davison, John: for in 1834 read on 6 May 1834
8 after Cathedral, insert On 20 July 1819 he married Mary, daughter of Robert Thorp, elder brother of Charles Thorp [q. v.]; by her he left four sons and six daughters.
180 i 5 f.e. Davison, William (1541?-1608): after attendance on her. insert He was elected M.P. for Knaresborough in the same year.
184 i 19 f.e. Davy, Charles: for Suffolcienses read Suffolcenses
196 ii 12-13 Davy, Martin: omit notwithstanding the latter's whig principles
15 for the whig ministry read the tory ministry
17 omit a gross political job
18 after Chichester insert in 1832
43 for Beechy read Beechey
211 ii 22-20 f.e. Dawes, Lancelot: for Shortly after this . . . prebendaryship read In 1619 he was preferred to a prebendal stall
7 f.e. for the rebellion read the civil war
3 f.e. for February 1653-4 read (according to Le Neve) 18 May 1655
214 ii 10 f.e. Dawes, Sophia, Baronne de Feuchfcres: for Louis XIII read Louis XVIII 216 i 22 Dawes, Sir William: for 1696 read 1697
30 after regular course, insert He was vice-chancellor of Cambridge University in 1698.
ii 31 for 1713 read 1713-4
38 for in 1724 read on 30 April 1724
219 ii 38 Dawson, Abraham: after Thomas insert [q. v.]
13 f.e. for Paul read Paull
220 i l.l. Dawson, Benjamin: for nephew read brother
223 i 30 Dawson, Henry: for Water Street read Waterhouse Lane
227 i 1 Dawson, John: for Thomas read Joseph
4 f.e. for Cheetham read Chetham
228 ii 12 f.e. Dawson, Robert K.: after the civil division insert in Feb. 1836
11 f.e. for 1 April read 28 March
6-4 f.e. Dawson, Thomas: for a dissenter . . . . began life as read and brother of Abraham Dawson [q. v.] He entered Kendal Academy in 1746 and Glasgow College in 1749, and graduated M.D. there on 8 June 1753. In March 1754 he became
l.l. omit went to Glas-
229 i 1-2 for gow University . . . . 1753 read and paid back to the Presbyterian Fund what had been granted for his education.
231 ii 19 Day, George: after orator insert (1528)
20 after 1537 insert holding the office of vice-chancellor during the same year
233 ii 9-11 Day, John (fl. 1606): for but there is no record . . . . left the university, read He was admitted there 24 Oct. 1592, and was expelled for stealing a book from the library, 4 May 1593.
243 i 22 Day, William (1529-1596): after iii. 135). insert On 29 Aug. 1569 he was presented by the queen to the rectory of Lavenham, Suffolk.
244 i 2 after 39, 50. insert He also wrote a 'Narratio de Festivitate D. Georgii in reginali Palatio Westmonasteriensi,' etc., extant in Harl. MS. 304, f. 144.
245 i 34 Dayes, Edward: for Abbey read Hall
ii 2 for Bradley read Brayley
9 Dayrolles, Solomon: after Dayrolles insert or Dayrolle
247 ii 18 Deacon, Thomas.: for now known read known till 1886
251 i 34-38 Deane, Sir Anthony: for and comptroller of the victualling . . . . printed or manuscript, read He was commissioner of the navy from 1672 to 1675, comptroller of the victualling in November 1675, comptroller of the storekeeper's accounts March-June 1680, and commissioner of the navy for general business 1686-8. According to Le Neve's Pedigrees of Knights (p. 127) he was knighted in Feb. 1660-1.
259 ii 45 Deane, Sir Thomas: for Sept. read Oct.
264 ii 35 De Brie, Dick T.: for Dick read Dirk
14 f.e. for Lamb read Lant
265 i 11 De Caux, Salamon: for 1630 read 1626
ii 40 for in 1630 read on 6 June 1626
266 i 30 Decker, Sir Matthew: after East India Company insert from 1713 to 1743, being deputy governor 1720-1 and 1729-30, and governor 1725-6 and 1730-3
31 after parliament insert as a tory from 1719 to 1722
ii 48-49 for 'a gentleman named Richardson' read William Richardson
9 f.e. for one writer read Joseph Massie
268 ii 29 De Critz, John: for Sir Francis Meres read Francis Meres [q. v.]
270 ii 21 Dee, Duncan: for was chosen read was a common pleader of the city of London 1682-90, a judge of the Sheriff's court 1690-1700, and was
22 for in 1700. read from 1700 till death. He was also commissioner of appeals in the excise 1713-4.
280 ii 28 Deering, John P.: after before mentioned, insert He was elected A.R.A. in 1826.
35-36 for After the passing of the Reform Bill he became M.P. read From 1847 till his death he was conservative M.P.
283 i 12 f.e. Defoe, Daniel: for 1602-3 read 1702-3
284 ii 12 for St. Edmund's Bury read Bury St. Edmund's
285 ii 39 for increased read injured
287 i 16 after Secret insert History
293 i 10-9 f.e. De Gex, Sir John P.: for Mr. Macnaghten . . . . appeal in ordinary) read Steuart Macnaghten (already co-author of 'Macnaghten and Gordon's Reports')
294 i 7 Degge, Sir Simon: for 1669 read 1669-70
299 ii 17 f.e. Dekker, Thomas: for (verse) read (prose)
303 ii 22-24 De Lancey, Oliver (1749-1822): for by Susannah, daughter of General Sir William Draper, K.B. read (whose daughter Susannah married General Sir William Draper, K.B.)
304 i 31 after 18 Nov. insert 1790
33 for 1792 read 1794
ii 13 f.e. De Lancey, Oliver (1808-1837): for Henry read Howe
305 i 19 f.e. De Lancey, Sir William H.: for 4 Feb. 1813 read 4 April 1815
18 f.e. for John read James
17 f.e. for Douglas read Dunglass
308 ii 15 f.e. Delany, Mary: for 1742 read 1744
9 f.e. for Bucklands read Buckland
309 i 18 for in 1724 read on 8 March 1725
310 i 12 f.e. Delany, Patrick: for 1758 read 1718
ii 14 for 1789 read 1729
313 ii 18 De La Hue, Thomas: for in 1866 read on 7 June 1866
314 i 11 Delaune, Gideon: for London in 1630. read Dowgate Ward 17 Jan. 1625-6, and was discharged as an alien a week later,
ii 8 f.e. Delaune, Paul: after island insert in 1655
315 i 41-43 Delaune, Thomas: for but on finding . . . . refused to interfere, read Calamy sent no reply to Delaune's appeal, but tried hard to get him off (see Calamy, Benjamin).
316 i 13 f.e. Delaune, William (1659-1728): for Amherst read Amhurst
ii 22 Delaval, Edward H.: after now extinct, insert On Lord Delaval's death in 1808 he succeeded to his entailed estates at Seaton- Delaval and Doddington.
317 i 16 for his brother's house, read his house, Parliament Place, Westminster, and was buried in the nave of Westminster Abbey. There are several portraits of him at Doddington Hall,
ii 15-14 f.e. Delavall, Sir Ralph: for continued a member of the board of read was appointed a lord of the
14 f.e. for till May 1694 read in 1693, serving till May 1694
8 f.e. after parliament insert as a tory
319 i 20 Delepierre, Joseph O.: .for 78 read 77
331 i 30 Demainbray, Stephen C. T.: after royal chaplains insert from 1802 till his death, fifty-two years later
334 ii 15 f.e. Dempster, George: for 1762 read 1761
11 f.e. for twenty-eight read twenty-nine
343 i 17 f.e. Denham, Sir James Stewart (1712-1780): for Stewart read Steuart and so through the article.
344 i 20 for Westshield read Westshields
344 i 9 f.e. De nham, Sir James Stewart (1744-1889): for Stewart read Steuart
7 f.e. for Stewart Debenham read Steuart Denham
ii 31 for Goodtrees read Westshields
32 for 1781 read 1784
345 i 41 for 1813 read 1815
46 for He was never married read He married Alicia, daughter of William Blacker of Carrick, co. Armagh. He had no issue.
347 ii 20 Denham, Sir John: after the Bath, insert He was M.P. for Old Sarum from 1661 till his death.
349 ii 24 for 1678 read 1669
350 i 33 Denis, Sir Peter: for Heydon read Hedon
351 i 4 for in 1750 Miss Pappet read on 2 Sept. 1750 Miss Pappet, natural daughter of John James Heidegger [q. v.]
26 Denison, Albert, 1st Baron Londesborough: for 1826 read 1828
31 after parliament insert as a whig
352 i 21 Denison, Edward (1801-1854): for Estwicke read Estwick
33 after Salisbury, insert He was prebendary of Southwell (1834-7).
354 ii 40 Denison, John E., Viscount Ossington: after D.C.L. insert He was president of the Royal Agricultural Society in 1857.
355 i 5 Denison, William J.: for He sat read As a whig he sat 360 ii 34 Denman, Thomas, 1st Lord Denman: for Knowles's read Knowlys's
361 i 4-3 f.e. for he found he could not . . . . Nottingham read he contested Leinster unsuccessfully
365 ii 23 f.e. Denne, Henry: for was presented to the living read became curate (not vicar)
22 f.e. for Pyrton read Pirton
366 i 1 for Conversion read Conversation
ii 16 for public read several
28-29 for not printed till 1796 read (April) 1645 reprinted in 1796, and 1854 (see 'Records of Fenstanton' in Hanserd Knollys Soc., 1850)
35 for Antiquakeristica read Bibliotheca Antiquakeriana
372 i 34 Dennis, John: for Thomasin read Thomson
ii 13 Dennis, Sir Thomas: for 1560?) read 1561)
22 for While sheriff read He was M.P. for Devonshire in 1529 and 1533. While sheriff of the county
14 f.e. after his death insert on 18 Feb. 1560-1
375 i 23 Denny, Sir William: for (fl. 1653), who read (d. 1676), author, son of William Denny, recorder of Norwich, who died in 1642 (MS. Addit. 19126, ff. 292, 299 b). He
26 for 'Peleconicidium read 'Pelecanicidium
27 for 1653 read 1651
35-36 omit There was a recorder . . . . in Charles I's reign
40-41 for apparently before the Restoration read in June 1676
379 ii 29 Denton, John: for 1708) read 1709)
16 f.e. for 1708 read 1708-9
386 ii 5 f.e. De Quincey, Thomas: for Cotton read Landon
392 ii 10 Derham, William: for Stoughton read Stoulton
395 ii 16 Dering, Sir Edward: for was chosen read had sat in the House of Commons as M.P. for Hythe in 1625, and was now
406 ii 32 Des Granges, David: for Modresfield read Madresfield
408 ii 17 Despard, Edward M.: for James read John
410 i 21 Despard, John: after 1805 insert was colonel of the 8th garrison battalion Aug.-Dec. 1809
417 ii 37 Despenser, Thomas le, Earl of Gloucester: for Duke of Kent read Earl of Kent
425 ii 15 Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex: for (1567 read (1566
17 for 10 Nov. 1567 read 19 Nov. 1566 (Sloane MS. 1697, f. 54 6)
426 i 16 for Llanfey read Lamphey (or Llanffydd)
429 i 4 f.e. for Ark Royal read Due Repulse
431 ii 28 for published read circulated
443 ii 21 Devereux, Walter, 1st Earl of Essex: after Essexadd and second Viscount Hereford
4 f.e.
Devereux, Walter, 1st Earl of Essex: for Llanfey read Lamphey (or Llanffydd)
ii 16 f.e. for said to be read erroneously said to be
14 f.e. for and read was
13 f.e. after antiquary insert and was copied by Cole; Cole's copy
448 ii 14 f.e. Devisme, Louis: for He was afterwards read He was concurrently
13 f.e. after Ratisbon insert (1769-73)
12 f.e. after finally insert in 1773
455 ii 24 D'Eyncourt, Charles T.: for retiring in 1852 read being defeated at the roll in 1852, and retiring