Dictionary of National Biography, 1904 errata/Volume 16

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Dictionary of National Biography



N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line  
2 ii 2-1 f.e. Draper, Edward A.: for the commissioners of inquiry . . . . Colonel Joseph read the fellow commissioners with Picton for the administration of Trinidad. Colonel William
4 ii 3 f.e. Draper, Sir William: for 860 read 869
2-1 f.e. omit under the Rev. Mr. Bryant
5 ii 6-5 f.e. for He was appointed lieutenant-governor read In 1761 he had been appointed governor
10 i 17 f.e. Drayton, Michael: for unstained read unstayed
12 i 19 for Cathedral read Abbey
23 i 33 Drummond, Annabella: for 1897 read 1867
2 f.e. for Walter, earl of Fife read Robert, earl of Fife
25 i 12-10 f.e. Drummond, George: for His father . . . . was educated, read His father, George Drummond, was first master of the Edinburgh Merchants' Hall in 1681.
ii 5 for 1715 read 1723
8-9 for the same year read 1715
26 after (Grant, i. 365). insert He was a commissioner of excise for a first time 1725-7.
26 i 29 for the abolition read his surrender
30 for appointment read reappointment
27 ii 9 f.e. Drummond, Sir Gordon: for 1824 read 1823
28 i 41 after 1819, insert of the 71st in 1824 and of the 49th in 1829,
42 after transferred insert in 1846
17 f.e. for 1837 read 1827
31 i 8 f.e. Drummond, James, 1st titular Duke of Perth: for March read May
34 ii 10 Drummond, John, 1st Lord Drummond: for 1684 read 1484
39 i 7 Drummond, Robert H.: for earl read viscount
46 i 8 Drummond, William (1585-1649): for He married about 1614 read About 1614 he fell deeply in love with
10-11 for His wife died within the year, read A marriage was arranged, but before it could take place the lady died, in 1615.
ii 32 for he married a second wife, read at length he married. His wife was
51 i 27 Drummond, Sir William: omit two
28 for ments, those of 1796 and 1801 read ment, 1796-1802
54 i 31 Drury, Sir Dru: for constable read lieutenant
57 i 12 Drury, Joseph: for Charles Kean read Edmund Kean
63 ii 7 Drury, William: (ft. 1641) for 1621 read 1641
72 i 16 Dryden, John: for Mackay read Marlay
78 i 38 Dubois, Edward: for About 1833 read In 1833
42 for 1846 read 1845
84 ii 5 Ducarel, Andrew C.: for Herring read Seeker
7 for Terring read Tarring
91 i 13 f.e. Duckett, George: for 1722 read 1722-3
95 ii 37 Duckworth, Sir John T.: after 1810. insert He was colonel of marines 1797 to 1801, and M.P. for Bomsey from 1812 till death.
97 ii 20 f.e. Dudley, Ambrose, Earl of Warwick: for fourth son read third son
19 f.e. for 1514 read 1547
99 i 20 f.e. Dudley, Dud: for 1611 read 1612
ii 13 for In 1619 read On 22 Feb. 1621-2
15 for thirty-one read fourteen
27-28 for an extension of the patent for fourteen years read a special exemption of his patent from the statute of monopolies
10 f.e. for In 1630 Dudley read On 2 May 16.38 Dudley, together with Sir George Horsey, David Ramsay, and Roger Foulke
8-4 f.e. for a new patent 'not only . . . . pit-coal and peat.' read a new patent for twenty-one years 'for the sole making of iron into any sort of cast-works with sea or pit coals, peat, or turf, and with the same to make the said iron, into plate works or bars, and likewise to refine all sorts of metals.'
102 i 27 Dudley, Edmund: for Dudley's widow read Edmund Dudley's widow
103 ii 29 Dudley, Sir Henry B.: for 1817 read June 1815
107 i 29 Dudley, Lady Jane: for 'Zurich Letters' read 'Original Letters'
109 ii 32 Dudley, John, Duke of Northumberland: for Lord Thomas Seymour read Thomas, Lord Seymour
37 after conduct, insert From 1548 to 1550 he was president of Wales.
111 i 16 f.e. omit Sir
4 f.e. for the fifth son read a younger son
3 f.e. for in 1555 read on 10 Aug. 1557
120 i 27 Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester: for tomb read church
122 i 11 Dudley, Sir Robert, styled Duke of Northumberland: for 1573 read 1574
15 after Effingham. insert He was born at Sheen House, in Surrey, 7 Aug. 1574.
20-21 for in May 1573, two days before his own birth at Sheen, read in the winter of 1573
10-9 f.e. omit kept by Owen Robin
8 f.e. for 1587 read 1588
2 f.e. for in 1589 read on 20 Feb. 1589-90
ii 49 for 1605 read 1603 and after Dudley insert who
50 omit and
52 for a month or so later read in July 1605
123 ii 2 for Carbello Castle read Villa Castello
8 for Carbello read Villa Castello
l.l. after Tyburn insert 17 March 1718
124 i 13 for (1600). read (1600); this was reprinted, with an admirable preface by Mr. G. F. Warner, for the Hakluyt Society, 1899.
ii 13 after years); insert J. Temple-Leader's Life of Sir Robert Dudley, Florence, 1895;
3 f.e. Dudley, William: after 1466, insert prebendary of Apthorp (1466) and of Stillington (1470) in York Cathedral,
l.l. after 1473, insert was canon of Windsor 1471,
129 i 41 Duff, James, 2nd Earl of Fife: for Scotch read Irish
ii 4 Duff, Sir James: for He was promoted read He was M.P. for Banffshire 1784-9, was colonel of the 50th foot from 1798 till death, and was promoted
132 i 20 Duffet, Thomas: for Dryden afterwards wrote: read Sir William Soames in his version of 'Boyleau's Art of Poetry,' published in 1683 (reissued as 'revised by Dryden in 1710'), wrote:
ii 38 Duffus, Lords: omit this cross reference
134 i 10-12 Dugard, William: for and his peace made with parliament . . . . upon his death-bed, read In 1694 Dr. Gill and Francis Bernard reported that Henry Hills told them many years before,
17 after 'Eikonoklastes.' insert (Wagstaffe's Vindication of King Charles, 1711, p. 117). Lauder revived the improbable tale in his 'Charles I Vindicated from Plagiarism,' 1754 (pp. 19, 27, 31).
5-4 f.e. for saved him formerly . . . . life read previously done him like service
142 ii 20 Dugdale, Sir William: after Windsor herald insert Oct. 1676
144 i 18 Duigenan, Patrick: for 1785 read 1790
29 for 1790 read 1791
20 f.e. after Armagh insert in 1798, and was returned by the same constituency
5 f.e. omit the catholic
ii 7 f.e. Duke, Richard: for (1659? read (1658
150 i 11 Dunbar, Agnes, Countess of Dunbar and March: for March read second Earl of March
153 i 28 f.e. Dunbar, George: for Coddingham read Coldingham
167 i 3 f.e. Duncan, John (1796-1870) '.for the Secession read the Anti-burgher Secession
170 i 31 Duncan, Jonathan (1756-1811): for in 1795 read 12 Nov. 1794
175 ii 6 Dunch, Edmund: after 1708 insert He was deprived of the office in 1710
176 i 27 Duncombe, Sir Charles: after before that date, insert He was alderman of Broad Street ward 1683-6.
ii 7 before Under Charles II insert Duncombe was one of the six clerks in chancery 1682-3. From 1685 to 1687 he was M.P. for Hedon, in Yorkshire.
24 for that constituency read after being M.P. for Yarmouth (I. of W.) 1690-5, Downton
28 after London insert which he contested unsuccessfully in 1700-1, 1701, and 1702,
4 f.e. for five years (1703-8) read less than a year (April 1703 to 29 Feb. 1703-4)
178 ii 8 f.e. Duncombe, Thomas S.: for 1821 read 1820
179 ii 32
for Havre read Ham
183 i 18 f.e. Dundas, Charles, Baron Amesbury: for 1774 read 1775
184 ii 26 Dundas, Sir David (1735-1820): for 1797 read 1820
14 f.e. for 1804 read 1803
185 i 16 after York, insert He was colonel in chief of the rifle brigade, 1809 till death.
ii 16 Dundas, Sir David (1799-1877): for in the following April read on 17 Feb.
20 for April read March
186 i 31 Dundas, Francis: for In 1795 read He was A.D.C. to the king from 1793 till he was made major-general in 1795. In Oct. 1794
9 f.e. for Young read Yonge [q. v.]
ii 3-4 for After the 94th . . . . in 1818 read In 1809
8 for 1787 read 1817
191 i 23 f.e. Dundas, Henry, 3rd Viscount Melville: after 1829. insert He was M.P. for Kochester 1826-30 and Winchelsea 1830-1.
ii 7 after 1860 insert was colonel of the 100th foot 1858-62 and of the 82nd foot 1862-3, and was
16 Dundas, Sir James, 1st Lord Arniston: omit first
192 i 9 f.e. Dundas, Sir James W. D.: after Durham, insert He was clerk of the ordnance 1838-41, and was M.P. for Greenwich 1832-4, for Devizes 1836-8, and for Greenwich again 1841-52.
5 f.e. for in 1846 read from 1846 till 1852
193 ii 8 f.e. Dundas, Robert, 2nd Lord Arniston: omit second
194 i 15 Dundas, Robert, of Arniston (1685-1753): for of Arniston read Lord Arniston
195 i 1 Dundas, Robert, of Arniston (1713-1787): for of Arniston read Lord Arniston
ii 24-25 for Sir Hay Campbell read Alan Wight
27 for 1796 read 1801
32 for 1796 read 1799
4 f.e. Dundas, Robert S., 2nd Viscount Melville: for just of age read twenty-three years old
196 20 f.e. Dundas, Thomas: after 68th foot insert (appointed May 1794)
197 i 34 Dundas, William: after M.P. for the insert Crail boroughs in 1794; he was elected for the
17 f.e. for Cullen read Inverary, Elgin, Banff, Cullen, Kintore district of burghs
15 f.e. before On 26 March insert He was a lord of the admiralty from 1812 to 1814
7 f.e. for seven read twenty-six
200 i 1 Dunk, George M., 2nd Earl of Halifax: for twice resigned (in June read resigned in June
2 omit and again in June 1757), and and both
3 omit occasions and of his resignation was
22 f.e. after state insert for the North
19 f.e. for secretaryship continued in read the secretaryship for the South passed into
206 i 13 f.e. Dunlop, James (d. 1832): for 1817 read 1814
10 f.e. for 1813 read 1812
7 f.e. for His grandson, the late Sir James read His son John
208 ii 18-17 f.e. Dunlop, John C.: for is announced by Messrs. George Bell & Sons, read was published under Mr. H. Wilson's editorship in 1888.
216 ii 11 f.e. Duns, Joannes Scotus: for It bears the inscription read An inscription on a wooden tablet is said to have run
221 i 40 Duns table, John: after music, insert Other musical compositions by him are now in the Imperial Library at Vienna, in the Biblioteca Estense at Modena, in libraries at Home, Bologna, and Dijon (cf. Times, 21 Feb. 1893).
233 ii 10 Dunthorn, William: for (d. 1489) read (d. 1490)
239 ii 21 Duport, James: after stall and insert resigning
22 after deaconry insert (1641)
240 i 32 for died read was buried
33 omit and was buried
242 i 23 Duppa, Brian: for 1629 read 1628
ii 4 f.e. for 16 March read 26 March
248 i 2 f.e. Duppa, Richard: after political character ' insert (i.e. Richard Glover, 1712-1785 [q.v.])
246 i 31 Dnrand, Sir Henry H.: for Polhampton read Polehampton
248 i 8 f.e. Duras, Louis, Earl of Feversham: for In the same year read From 1685 to 1689 he was colonel of the 1st troop of horse guards. In 1686
3 f.e. after (ib. i. 476). insert In 1688-9 he was lord-lieutenant of Kent.
250 i 17 D'Urban, Sir Benjamin: for and in 1821 read in 1820 he was made governor of Antigua and in 1824
18-20 for British Guiana, whence he was transferred . . . . in 1825. read Demerara and Essequibo. These settlements were combined in 1831 with Berbice to form the colony of British Guiana, of which D'Urban wag then appointed first governor.
23 for lieutenant-governor read governor
24 omit of the eastern district
27 after 1837 insert when he was succeeded at the Cape by Major-General (Sir) George T. Napier
28-31 omit and in 1842 appointed . . . . Napier, K.C.B.
39-40 omit which he did after some opposition in 1848.
ii 11 f.e. Durel, John: before On the death of Earle insert for translation into Latin
257 ii 17 f.e. Durham, Sir Philip C. H. C.: after G.C.B. insert He was elected tory M.P. for Queenborough in 1830 and for Devizes in 1834.
261 ii 10 f.e. Durie, John: for Wetteran read Wetterau
10-9 f.e. for Heilebron read Heilbronn
262 i 6 for council read counsel
32 for Hildersheim read Hildesheim
272 i 4 Duval, Claude: after 1669-70 insert cf. art. 'Morton, Sir William'
276 i 32 Dwnn, Lewys: for usual read accepted
277 ii 29 Dwyer, Michael: after Grattan insert erroneously
33-34 for according to Ross read Ross is correct in stating that
35 after Sydney insert and being buried in the Devonshire Street cemetery there
281 ii 17 Dyce-Sombre, David O.: for grandfather read, great-grandfather
285 i 42-43 Dyer, George: omit who had entered . . . . was a Grecian.'
ii 6 f.e. after Watts, insert Another portrait is in the Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge.
287 i 35 Dyer, Sir James: for king's bench read common pleas
ii 20 Dyer, John: for Calthorp read Catthorpe
313 i 51-52 Eagles, Thomas: for For the last few years of his life read From 1809 till death
316 ii 9 Eardley, Sir Culling E.: for Edward Denison read Edmund Beckett
15 f.e. for president read treasurer
318 ii 27 Earle, Giles: for 1771 read 1774
320 i 6 Earle, Jabez: before Samuel Morton Savage insert John Allan, M.D. (1749-59),
ii 7 for iii. 508, &c. read ii. 225, iii. 508
321 ii 3 f.e. Earle, John (1601?-1665): for 1642-3 read 1643-4
322 i 35 after Westminster insert June 1660
323 ii 39 Earle, William: for 1887 read 1885
325 ii 21 East, Sir Edward H.: for 1823-30 read 1823-31
326 i 12 East, Sir James B.: for liberal read conservative
13 for 1830 read 1831
329 ii 11 f.e. Easthope, Sir John: for Jan. read June
9 f.e. for 1837 read 1835
7 f.e. for of Lewes, he then sat read of Southampton and afterwards that of Lewes; he was elected in 1837
5 f.e. after 1847 insert when he contested Bridgnorth unsuccessfully
332 ii 2 f.e. Eastlake, Sir Charles L.: for 14 Dec. read 24 Dec.
344 ii 39 Eborard: for 1230 read 1130
348 ii 10 f.e. Eccles, John: for 1704 read 1700
357 ii 22 Eden, George, Earl of Auckland: after 1809 insert and was under-teller of the exchequer from 1809 till 1812
23 for Elliot read Eden
24 for 19 Jan. read 24 Feb.
27 after 1812 insert when he was defeated at Oxford
32 for severed himself from the tory party read supported Addington
33 for The read But the and omit thus
17 f.e. after mint, insert He was also commissioner of Greenwich Hospital, 1829-34.
360 i 19 f.e. Eden, Robert: for Perrot read Terrot
ii 4
for Langley read Longley
361 ii 41 Eden, Robert J., 3rd Baron Auckland: for 'A Letter read 'A Reply to a Letter
44-45 omit with his Lordship's Reply
362 ii 12 f.e. Eden, William, 1st Lord Auckland: for selected as one of the first lords of read appointed in 1776 to fill a vacancy in
11-9 f.e. for when that board . . . . British trade. In that year read He was re-elected for Woodstock on taking office. In the same year
2-1 f.e. omit was re-elected for Woodstock, and in the year
368 i 8 after 1780 insert during which year he was re-elected for Woodstock,
22-24 for when Lord Shelburne . . . . chancellor of the exchequer read when the Duke of Portland became prime minister in the coalition ministry of Fox and Lord North
26-30 for He attached himself closely . . . . of the Shelburne ministry before the coalition read He went out of office on the dismissal of the coalition ministry
33-35 for and with Pitt's return . . . . He was again made a lord of the read In Dec. 1785 he accepted office under Pitt, and thus began the most important period of his career, though the opposition ridiculed his tergiversation. He was now made a member of the newly established
36 after plantations insert (in place of the old board)
ii 11 for 1788 read Aug. 1787
363 ii 20 Eden, William, 1st Lord Auckland: for Nov. read Sept.
364 i 9-13 for and resigned with his friend . . . . He refused to join Pitt's read When Pitt resigned in 1801 on the king's refusal to consent to the emancipation of the Irish catholics, Auckland retained his office of joint postmaster-general throughout Addington's administration, and resigned with Addington in 1804. Pitt excluded him from his
16-17 for it was said for personal reasons. He read He joined Grenville's ministry of All the Talents as president of the Board of Trade (Feb. 1806-March 1807). Thenceforth he
21 for 24 Feb. read 10 Jan.
371 i 35 Edgar (1072-1107): omit and Freeman's
36 after England; insert Freeman's Norman Conquest;
375 i 3
16 f.e.
Edgcumbe, George, 1st Earl of Mount-Edgcumbe: for Mount-Edgcumbe read Edgcumbe
17 after commerce, insert From 1746 to 1761 he was M.P. for Fowey.
13 f.e. after admiral; insert was treasurer of the household 1765-6,
ii 6 for his death on 4 Feb. 1795 read in 1793
8 after Mount-Edgcumbe. insert He died on 4 Feb. 1795.
21 Edgcumbe, Sir Richard (d. 1489): after Edgcumbe insert or
377 i 9 Edgcumbe, Sir Richard (1499-1562): for Courtenay's read Courtney's
27 Edgcumbe, Richard, 1st Baron Edgcumbe: for 1702 read Dec. 1701
28 for the same year read July 1702
29 for for which borough he sat until his elevation to the peerage read for which borough he sat until 1734, when he was returned for both that constituency and for Lostwithiel. He chose to serve for Lostwithiel, but was re-elected for Plympton in 1741, and remained M.P. for that place till his elevation to the peerage next year
7 f.e. after public expense, insert He was made major-general in Feb. 1755.
ii 19 Edgcumbe, Richard, 2nd Baron Edgcumbe: after borough of insert Plympton from 1742 to 1747 and of
28-29 for In 1756 he was raised to the peerage read In 1758 he succeeded as second baron
382 i 33 Edgeworth, Maria: for 1841 read 1846
ii 25 after 1884 insert 18. 'Orlandino'
32 for Helena read Helen
384 ii 18 f.e. Edgeworth, Richard Lovell: after Irish parliament insert for St. Johnstown, co. Longford (1798-1800)
385 i 16 f.e. for Stirling read Sterling
12 f.e. for Ysidor read Ysidro
386 ii 17 f.e. Edington, William of: for nescitur read nascitur
387 i 14 for at Edington. read in his cathedral south of the choir steps, in a chantry where his effigy can be seen on an altar tomb with a long Latin inscription. His will (in Latin), dated 11 Sept. 1366, is printed in Wiltshire 'Notes and Queries.'
389 i 13-12 f.e. Edlin, Richard: for (d. 1677) astrologer read (1631-1677) astrologer, born 29 Sept. 1631 (Sloane MS. 1120, f. 2)
ii 23-24 for in January read 19 Feb.
27 Edmond, ——: for Edmond —— (16th cent.) read Edmonds, Sir William (d. 1606)
28-29 omit towards the close of the sixteenth century
30 after baker insert of Edinburgh, according to Peacham's 'Compleat Gentleman' (1634, p. 5)
35 for Having won . . . . returned to Scotland, and read He was in command of a regiment of Scotch foot which was cut to pieces at Leffingen 1 July 1600. He was killed during the defence of Rhineberg, 3 Sept. 1606. While on a visit to Scotland he had
39-41 omit The date of his death . . . . Earl of Mar
12 f.e. after p. 44 insert Dalton's Sir Edward Cecil, i. 47, 138
392 ii 21 f.e. Edmondes, Sir Thomas: for Henry read John
17 f.e. for His last official work was to visit read He visited
14 f.e. after September insert His last official work was that of special ambassador to France (Jan.-July 1630)
392 ii 13 f.e. Edmondes, Sir Thomas: for ten read nine
7 f.e. for died at Paris 31 Dec. read was dead on 23 Nov.
394 i 29
Edmondson, George: for Ackworth read Acworth
399 ii 12 Edmondstone, Neil B.: after Dumbartonshire insert 1761-80 and 1790-6
13 for 1761 to 1796 read 1780 to 1790
408 ii 3 Edmund (Rich), Saint: for Count read Earl
410 i 19 f.e. Edmund of Woodstock, Earl of Kent: for 1329) read 1330)
411 ii 17 for 1829 read 1828-9
16 f.e. after 13 March insert 1329-30
412 i 22 f.e. for (1309-1349) read (d. 1349)
ii 33 Edmunds, John: for 1817 read 1517
34 after 1519. insert He was prebendary of St. Paul's 1510-17 and chancellor 1517-29,