Dictionary of National Biography, 1904 errata/Volume 46

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Dictionary of National Biography



N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line  
11 ii 38 Pocock, Edward: for Sloane read Addit.
10 f.e. for (1711) read (1708)
12 ii 34-35 Pococke, Richard: for rector of Colmer . . . afterwards headmaster read (1666-1710). His grandfather, also Richard Pococke, LL.B., was rector of Colmer, Hampshire, from 1660 till his death in 1719. His father was headmaster
28 i 1-2 Pole, John de la, 2nd Duke of Suffolk: for three sons . . . separately noticed. read six sons; of whom John, Edmund, and Richard are separately noticed; of four daughters, Catherine, the eldest, married William, Lord Stourton, and the youngest, Elizabeth, married Henry Lovel, second and last Lord Morley of the Lovel family (d. 1489).
33 i 6 f.e. Pole, Michael de la, Earl of Suffolk: for left three sons read had five sons
5 f.e. for Thomas and Richard read Thomas, prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral from 1419, William, Richard, and John (d. 1415), canon of York (cf. will at Somerset House, 31 March 1415; Weever, Funeral Monuments, s.v. Wingfield)
4 f.e. for a daughter Anne read three daughters, Margaret, Elizabeth, and Anne
34 1 18 f.e. Pole, Michael de la, 2nd Earl of Suffolk: after daughters insert one of whom, Isabel, seems to have married Thomas, fifth Baron Morley (d. 1545)
8-7 f.e. for Thomas . . . died read Sir Thomas had a daughter, Katharine, married to Sir Miles Stapleton (d. 1466). Miles
38 ii 12 f.e. Pole, Reginald: after passed insert in 1539
9 f.e. after reached him insert in 1541
49 i 38 Pole, Sir William de la: for Miton in Holderness read Myton in Yorkshire
50 i 8 omit at
14 f.e. for Trinity Chapel read Church of the Holy Trinity
ii 11 f.e. Pole, William de la, 1st Duke of Suffolk: after i. 117). insert In 1423 Suffolk served in the important campaign in Champagne as second in command to Thomas de Montacute, Earl of Salisbury [q. v.].
51 ii 60-61 for it is clear . . . Orleans read Suffolk seems to have worked with Orleans
53 ii 17 for the incapable Edward Beaufort read Edmund Beaufort
54 ii 8 after Suffolk [q. v.] insert who had married Margaret Beaufort, the infant heiress of John Beaufort, Duke of Somerset, and Suffolk's ward
56 i 10-11 omit Her only child was
13 after noticed insert was her son. She is also credited with another son, William, and a daughter, Anna.
10 f.e. for Villet read Vallet
60 i 16 f.e. Pollard, Lewis: after Nottinghamshire insert was a scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge, in 1542-3,
62 ii 21 f.e. Pollexfen, John: after about 1638. insert He was second son of Andrew Pollexfen, of Stancombe, in the parish of Sherford, Devonshire, and was younger brother of Sir Henry Pollexfen [q. v.].

69 i 8 Pollock, Sir Jonathan F.: for Hanwell read Hanworth
76 i 10 f.e. Pond, Edward: for (fl. 1623) read (d. 1629)
76 ii 10-11 for It is probable . . . after 1643. read Pond died at Peterborough, and was buried in the church of St. John the Baptist there on 10 Sept. 1629.
81 i 26 Ponsonby, Sir Frederic C.: for K.C.M.G. read G.C.M.G. (1828)
91 i 6 Ponsonby, William B., 1st Baron Ponsonby: for York read Cork
94 i 35 Pont, Timothy: for (1560?-1630?) read (1560 9-1614?)
57-58 for between 1625 and 1630 read before 1625, probably in 1614
ii 11 for Bleau's read Blaeu's
12 for 1668 read 1654 (reissued in 1662, vol. ii.)
17 for Topographised read topographized
18-19 for Continuation . . . of Cumnock, read Continuations and Illustrative Notices by the late James Dobie of Crummock,
20-21 for Skelton Robie,' read Shedden Dobie,'
96 ii 20 Poole, George A.: after 1883. insert He married a daughter of Jonathan Wilks, of Ann's, Burley.
107 ii 16 f.e. Poor, Richard: after p. 128). insert Poore is now considered to be responsible for the final form of the 'use of Sarum' (cf. Frere, Use of Sarum).
108 ii 8 f.e. omit better
125 ii 22 Pope, Alexander (1688-1744): for Nos. 268-70 read 1st Ser. vol. x.
126 ii 19 f.e. for John Warton's read Joseph Warton's
18 f.e. for 1752 read 1756
136 i 60-61 Pope, Sir Thomas: For (Cf. strype's transcripts) read of Strype's alleged transcripts
ii 11 for 1895 read 1896
21 f.e. for Morwen read Morwent
137 ii 28-29 omit there is a mezzotint . . . Oxford
31 after Robins insert and another by John Faber from the copy at Oxford
13 f.e. for 1895 read 1896
150 i 7 Popple, William: for Sheehan's read Sheahan's
154 i 20 Porson, Richard: for eldest read second
21 after sister insert Elizabeth (1756-1842)
157 i 5 omit apparently
5-7 for it is not recorded . . . his married life, read During the few months of his married life Person lived in London at 11 Lancaster Court.
37 after rooms insert at No. 8 Old Jewry
188 ii 8 f.e. Porter, Jane: for 85 read 185, 352
200 ii 31-32 Portman, Sir William: for His descendant read His collateral descendant
226 i 9 Pottinger, Sir Henry: for Sir Benjamin read Sir Peregrine
231 ii 21 Poulson, George: for Nunkealing read Nunkeeling
236 ii 33 Powell, Mrs.: for (fl. 1787-1829) read (1761?-1831)
237 i 4-3 f.e. for the date of which is unknown read in London on 31 Dec. 1831, when she was 'about seventy' (Annual Biog. and Obit. p. 451)
238 i 34 Powell, Baden: after p. 204; insert Darwin's Origin of Species, ed. 1894, p. xx;
256 i 36 Power, Henry: for whole read shott
18 f.e. for Ealand read Elland
285 i 20 f.e. Pratt, Charles, 1st Earl Camden: for Middle Temple read Inner Temple
299 i 32-33 Prence, Thomas: for who survived him . . . descendants, read and thirdly in 1662 Mary, daughter of Constance Southworth and widow of Samuel Freeman. By his first wife he had six and by his second four children (cf. Landmarks of Plymouth, p. 209).
304 i 32 Prescott, Sir Henry: after p. 448). insert At the desire of the government he remained beyond the usual limit, but resigned at the end of seven years.
306 ii 33 Preston, Gilbert de: after Soc.); insert Annales Monastici, passim; Flores Hist.
312 i 10 f.e. Preston, Richard: for near Exeter read in North Devon
ii 21 f.e. Preston, Thomas, Viscount Tara: for 1653?) read 1655)
318 i 15-16 for The date of Preston's death is uncertain, read He was buried at Paris 21 Oct. 1655 (Egerton MS. 2535, f. 474).
21 for 1657 read 1659, at Bruges
328 i 33 Price, Hugh: for foundation read re-foundation

329 i 5 f.e. Price, Sir John: for AP PRICE read AP RICE
335 i 9-11 Price, Richard (1723-1791): for In 1769 Price received . . . of Glasgow, read In 1767 Price received the degree of D.D. from Marischal College, Aberdeen, and not, as stated by his biographer, Morgan, from Glasgow in 1769.
348 ii 16 Pricket, Robert: after 469 insert 6th Ser. ii. 235
359 i 9 f.e. Priestley, Joseph: omit [q. v.]
380 i 37-38 Primrose, Archibald J., 4th Earl of Rosebery: for earl of Stanhope read Earl Stanhope

4 f.e.
Prior, Matthew: for Shepherd read Sheppard
402 i 35 Prior, Thomas: for 1871.] read 1871; Dialogue between Dean Swift and Thomas Prior, 1758.]
406 ii 24 f.e. Pritchard, Edward W.: after 1853 insert (3rd edit. 1856)
421 ii 19 Proctor, Thomas: for Mr. C. W. Hazlitt read Mr. W. C. Hazlitt
430 ii 8-9
12 f.e.
Pryme, Abraham de la: for Transactions read Publications
443 ii 13-15 Puckering, Sir John: for member for Bedford . . . in the other, read member successively for Carmarthen, Bedford, and Gatton in Surrey.
28 after confederates, insert In 1586 he joined the council of the Marches.