Dictionary of National Biography, 1904 errata/Volume 9

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Dictionary of National Biography



N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line  
1 i 4 Canute: for younger read elder
10 i 19 Canynges, William: for 1436 read 1456–7
12 ii 23 f.e. Capel, Arthur, Earl of Essex: for Chauncey read Chauncy
13 i 7 after Wiltshire also insert He resigned the latter lord-lieutenancy in 1672, but retained the former till 1687
15 i 18–19 for a new one composed of the principal whigs read a new one comprising the principal whigs
17 i 19 f.e. Capel, Sir Henry Lord Capel: after April 1679 insert He was M.P. for Tewkesbury 1660–81 and for Cockermouth 1689–90 and 1690–2
4–3 f.e. for but succeeded . . . . 1691–2 read and did not join the treasury board again
19 i 25 Capel, Sir Thomas B.: omit This was his last service
29 after G.C.B. insert He was in command at Portsmouth 1848–52
16 f.e. Capel, William, 3rd Earl of Essex: for St. Andrew read the Thistle and for 1727 read 1722
11 f.e. for afterwards read in 1727
ii 13 Capell, Edward: for Throston read Troston Hall
5 f.e. for Sam. read Feb.
20 ii 12 Capellanus, John: see for a fuller account the article Walton, John (fl. 1410)
25 i 7 Cappe, Newcome: for Leodensis read Leodiensis
28 i 3 Caradoc, Sir John F., Lord Howden: for 1797 read Sept. 1792
14 for Middleton read Midleton
15 for 1798 to 1799 read 1799 to April 1800
16 for from 1799 to 1800 read from May 1800
29 after Mediterranean insert and was colonel 2nd battalion 54th foot 1801–2
17 f.e. after infantry insert (this post he held till 1809)
ii 15 f.e. after Wellesley insert He was superseded and was not given the governorship of Gibraltar
7 f.e. for 1812 read 1814
29 i 5 for 6 read 26
ii 11–12 Caradoc, Sir John H., 2nd Lord Howden: for to the end of his life read till her death in 1861
30 for 1851 read 1854
40 i 8 Cardmaker, John: for Soon after this he was made read In 1547 he had been made
16 f.e. add to authorities Cooper's Athenæ Cantab. 126–7
41 i 6 Cardonnel, Adam [de]: for four read five
42 ii 17 Cardwell, Edward, D.D.: for 1826 read 1825
43 i 9 omit of several
43 ii 4 Cardwell, Edward, Viscount Cardwell: after Commons insert on petition
26 after 1852 insert when he also contested Ayrshire unsuccessfully
44 i 18-19 for but shortly afterwards regained it on petition read But the successful candidate, Charles Neate, was unseated on petition and Cardwell was returned at the new election, defeating his opponent, W. M. Thackeray, by 53 votes
ii 21 Cardwell, Edward, Viscount Cardwell: for ingratitude read decrepitude
46 i 6-9 Care, Henry: for a German translation . . . . F. E. Rambach' 1766 read Rambach's 'Unpartheiische Historiedes Papstthums' (Magdeburg, 1751-80, 10 vols.), although often described as a translation of Care's book, is really a translate of Archibald Bower's 'History of the Popes'
47 i 19 Carew, Bampfylde M.: for Bamfylde read Bampfylde
ii 17 f.e. for 440 read 401
49 i 15 f.e. Carew, Sir Benjamin H.: for June read Jan.
50 ii 13 Carew, Sir George: after 1601 insert and 1604
51 i 32 Carew, George, Earl of Totnes: for Bath and Wells read Wells
ii 39 after following year insert when he was M.P. for Queenborough
19-17 f.e. omit 1 March 1598-9 . . . . Wallop, and on
16 f.e. after Munster insert (It was not Carew but Sir George Carey of Cockington, co. Devon, who was appointed treasurer at wars in Ireland 22 March 1598-9, and a lord justice in September 1599)
11-6 f.e. for but on Essex's recall . . . . January, when read when
5 f.e. for successor. The read successor, the
52 i 25 for Anne read Joyce


10 f.e.
Carew, Sir John: for Macleane read Maclean
33 Carew, John (d. 1660): for at one of the universities read at Gloucester Hall, Oxford
13-12 f.e. for In the parliament of 1654 he again had a place read In the parliament of 1653 he sat for Devon
55 ii 9 f.e. Carew, Sir Matthew: for ultimately read in 1588
59 ii 15 f.e. Carew, Sir Peter: after knighted insert He was M.P. for Tavistock in 1545 and for Devonshire in 1558
62 ii 23 f.e. Carew, Sir Richard: for 1642 read 1641
63 i 26
Carew Thomas: for 1598 read 1595
30-32 for He entered . . . . a degree read Wood's statement that he entered at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, is uncorroborated. He apparently matriculated at Merton College on 10 June 1608, aged 13, and graduated B.A. 31 Jan. 1611
64 i 1-2 Carew or Cawe: omit cross reference under Thomas
65 ii 35 Carey, George, 2nd Lord Hunsdon: after Dumbarton insert He was M.P. for Hertfordshire in 1571 and afterwards for Hampshire (1584, 1586, 1588-9, 1592)
67 i 40-41 Carey, George J.: for Whaley Grange read Whalley Range
69 i 5 Carey, Henry, 1st Lord Hunsdon: for the Earl of Sussex read Lord Howard of Effingham
70 ii 1-3 Carey, Henry, 2nd Earl of Monmouth: omit and the only one . . . . nobleman
14 after England insert He was M.P. for Camelford 1620, Beveriey 1624, Tregony 1625, St. Mawes 1626, and Grampound 1628
73 i 16-15 f.e. Carey, John, 3rd Lord Hunsdon: for marshal of Berwick, where read M.P. for Buckingham 1584, 1588-9, and 1592. As marshal of Berwick
74 i 19 f.e. Carey, Mathew: for premier read chancellor of the exchequer
75 ii 1 Carey, Robert, 1st Earl of Monmouth: after Morpeth insert being returned in 1592 for the same constituency, but preferring then to sit for Callington, which had also elected him
77 ii 32-33 Carey, William (1761-1834): for and left three sons, one of whom was Felix Carey [q. v.] read His eldest son, Felix Carey [q. v.], predeceased him. Three sons survived him
3 f.e. Carey, William (1769-1846): for stall of read stall of Barnby, in York Cathedral, was conferred on him in 1802, and that of
80 i 29-31 Cargill, Donald: insert brackets before The Torwood and after 1741
21 f.e. for Bethan read Bethune
88 i 27-30 Carleton, Sir Dudley, Viscount Dorchester: for daughter of Sir Henry Saville . . . . Oxford read daughter of George Gerrard of Dorney, Buckinghamshire, by Margaret, whose second husband was Sir Henry Saville
89 ii 28 for 5 read 15
90 i 21-28 omit though there . . . . is inexplicable
19 f.e. Carleton, George (1559-1628): after Llandaff insert where he was already prebendary
ii 11-12 omit represented Arundel . . . . and afterwards
93 i 24 Carleton, Guy (1598?-1685): after Carlisle insert and prebendary of Durham
94 ii 25 Carleton, Guy, 1st Lord Dorchester: for in the same year read next year
11 f.e. after elder sons insert In 1782-3 he was colonel of the 84th foot
95 i 11 f.e. for Morgan read Morgann
ii 13-14 Carleton, Hugh, Viscount Carleton: for lord chief justice in Ireland read chief justice of common pleas in Ireland
18 after became insert third serjeant 1776, second serjeant 1777
19 omit lord
20 after 1787 insert He was M.P. for Tuam 1772-6, Philipstown 1776-83, and Naas 1783-7
22-23 for became lord chief justice read retired from the bench
25-30 omit In 1803 . . . . in mistake for him
34 for in 1826 read on 25 Feb. 1826
96 i 34 Carleton, Mary: for Dorset Gardens read Lincoln's Inn Fields
104 i 32 Carlisle, Sir Anthony: for on the prince's accession read on 24 July 1821
105 i 11 Carlos, Edward J.: for a descendant read said to be a collateral descendant
106 i 29 Carlyle, Alexander: for Midlothian read Haddingtonshire
108 i 1 for Roddan read Roddam
125 ii 12-13 Carlyle, Thomas: omit 'Introduction to Legendre's Geometry'
126 i 10 f.e. for Treck read Tieck
127 ii 12-13 Carmelianus, Peter: for The earliest production read 'Sex perelegantissimæ. Epistolæ per Petrum Carmelianum emendatæ,' dating from 11 Dec. 1482 to Feb. 1483, was printed by Caxton at Westminster, probably in the year 1483. Another production
130 ii 11 Carmichael, John, 1st Earl of Hyndford: for retained the offices read resigned the office
12 for privy councillor under read in June 1702 after the accession of
13 after Queen Anne insert From 1702 to 1705 he was colonel of a regiment of horse
31 Carmichael, John, 3rd Earl of Hyndford: for 10 Aug. read 16 Aug.
133 ii 22 Carnac, Sir James R.: for 4 Jan. read 23 Jan.
134 ii 3-2 f.e. Carne, Sir Edward: for San Gregorio in Monte Celio read S. Maria de Populo
139 ii 22 Carnegie, William, Earl of Northesk: for several read four
23 after Scotland insert (1796, 1802, 1806, 1830)
144 ii 21 f.e. Caroline, Queen (1683-1737): after will insert (Brit. Mus. MS. Addit. 35349, f. 1).
153 i 35 Caroline Amelia Elizabeth: for 29 July read 19 July
ii 26 Caron, Redmond: for Dr. Neill read O'Neill
154 i 22 f.e. Carpenter, George, Lord Carpenter: for general read lieutenant-general
ii 3 after gallantry insert He was M.P. for Newtownards in the Irish House of Commons
38 for 1714 read January 1714-5
44 for 1729 read 1727
156 ii 5 Carpenter, John (d. 1476): for Westbury read Westbury-on-Trym
13 before was appointed insert was made prebendary of Lincoln in 1426 and
14 for 1430 read 1428
28 for town read village
157 i 36 Carpenter, Lant: for (1730-1799) [q. v.] read (see under Blake, William, 1773-1821)
165 i 5 Carpenter, Richard C.: after and insert designed
170 i 8-7 f.e. Carr, John (1723-1807): for Beverley read Barnsley
170 ii 13 f.e. Carr, John (1732-1807): before He died insert He was prebendary of Lincoln from 1805 till death
173 i 28 Carr, Robert, Earl of Somerset: after Hay insert In the same year he was made K.G.
176 ii 21 f.e. Carr, Robert J.: after George IV insert He was prebendary of Salisbury 1819-24, of Chichester 1821-4, and of Hereford 1822-4
177 i 7 for in 1841 read on 24 April 1841
179 i 2 f.e. Carrick, Thomas: for Upperley read Upperby
180 i l.l. Carrington, Sir Codrington E.: after returned insert in the tory interest
190 ii l.l. Carstares, William: after Edinburgh add Macaulay's History
191 ii 2 Carswell, Sir Robert: after country insert in July 1850
35 Carte, Samuel: after Lichfield insert (from 1682 till death, a period of 58 years)


i 6-7 Carter, Ellen: for Maddeson read Maddison
202 ii 14 f.e. Carter, Lawrence: for 1717 read December 1715

i 3 Carter, Sir Richard: after 1681 insert He was lieutenant-governor of Southsea Castle from 1682 till his death
44 add to authorities Macaulay's History
207 i 17 Carter, Thomas (1735?-1804): for G.C.B. read K.B.
209 ii 19 f.e. Carteret, Sir George: for Tangiers read Tangier
210 i 12 f.e. Carteret, John, Earl Granville: for 26 April 1706 read 12 July 1756
211 ii 22 for Brodericks read Brodricks
23 after whom insert Allan Brodrick [q. v.]
221 i 7 Cartwright, Christopher: for Baylie read Bayly
46 for Coles's read Cole's
ii 33 Cartwright, Edmund: after Belvoir insert He was prebendary of Lincoln from 1786 till his death
222 ii 27 for the year before read 14 April 1795
224 i 9 f.e. Cartwright, John (1740-1824): for Northamptonshire read Nottinghamshire
ii 13 f.e. after in vogue insert He unsuccessfully contested Nottinghamshire in 1780, Boston in 1806 and 1807, and was nominated for Westminster in 1818 and 1819
225 ii 17 after issue insert His wife died on 21 Dec. 1834, and was buried beside her husband in the churchyard of Finchley, Middlesex
229 i 7 f.e. Cartwright, Thomas (1535-1603): for (1588) read (1589-90)
6 f.e. for (1589) read (1588)
230 i 15 for MS. 826 read MS. 271, f. 22 b.
ii 15 f.e. Cartwright, Thomas (1634-1689): for (1675) read (1675-6)
10-9 f.e. for very soon after the accession of James read in December 1686
231 i 11 f.e. for C. J. Wright read Chief Justice Wright
232 i 41-43 Cartwright, Sir Thomas: for after holding . . . . Sweden read entered the diplomatic service. He was secretary of legation at Munich 1821-8 and at The Hague 1828-30. He was minister plenipotentiary at Frankfort 1830-8 and at Stockholm 1838 till death
13 f.e. for knighthood read G.C.H.
234 i 9 f.e. Carus, Thomas: before He joined insert He was M.P. for Wigan in 1547 and for Lancaster in 1553 and 1555.
236 i 21 f.e. Carver, John: for 42 persons read 41 persons, including 39 colonists proper
20-18 f.e. for 4 spinsters . . . . 101 persons read 25 children (19 sons and 6 daughters), one spinster, 12 serving men, 5 serving boys, and 2 maid-servants constituted the colony of 104 persons
16 f.e. for three read two
10-9 f.e. omit at the foot of a cliff
3 f.e. for 31 Dec. read 31 Jan. 1620-1
l.l. for the first American independent read in accordance with the resolve made on leaving home that they should form 'an absolute church by themselves,' the American independent
ii 1-3 omit in accord with . . . . Holland
8 for on 5 April read in April
9 for the day read after
236 ii 18-22 for his daughter . . . . At the latter date read Desire Minter, a maid-servant, two men-servants (John Howland and Roger Wilder), and two boys (William Latham and Jasper More). The last died in 1620. In 1627
25 before The William Carver insert who does not seem to have had any children
26 omit leaving many descendants
28 omit though probably a relation
30-31 for Carver's daughter . . . . with his children read Elizabeth Tilley, and although unrelated to Carver shared
33 for last read last but three and for 1672 read 1673
39 for a township read the southern portion of the township
41 for 'Carver's Town' read 'Carver'
238 ii 11 f.e. Carver, Robert: after director insert He was president of the Society of Artists in 1777
239 ii 19-18 f.e. Carwell, Thomas: for an ancient Lincolnshire family now extinct read the ancient Lincolnshire family of Thorold
241 i 4 Cary, Sir Henry, 1st Viscount Falkland: for Henry prince of Wales 1608 read Charles, prince of Wales in 1616
11 after 1627 insert He was elected M.P. for Hertfordshire 11 Dec. 1620
244 ii 20 f.e. Cary, John (d. 1720?): after commercial matters insert He was warden of the Merchant Venturers Company at Bristol 1683-4
19 f.e. for In 1687 read In Jan. 1687-8
15 f.e. before At the request insert He was superseded in October 1688. He was parliamentary candidate for Bristol in 1698
251 ii 20-19 f.e. Cary, Patrick: for After this it does not appear what became of him read He is said to have turned protestant and gone as secretary of Penn's expedition to the West Indies in 1655, and died there (Egerton MS. 2535, f. 487 b; cf. Athenæum, 7 May 1887).
252 ii 19 Cary, Valentine: for 1609 read 1610
34 after Gary insert who was vice-chancellor of the university that year
253 ii 3 for Cooke read Coke
258 i 13 f.e. Casaubon, Isaac: for 1696 read 1596
267 i 19 f.e. Caslon, William, the elder: for Psahnanzar read Psalmanazar
268 ii 15 Cassan, Stephen H.: after 1827 insert in the list of works 'Lives of the Bishops of Winchester,' London, 1827, 2 vols.
269 i 33 Cassell, John: for Cassell's 'Magazine of Art' read 'Cassell's Magazine'
6 omit 'Cassell's Magazine'
271 i 35 Castell, Edmund: omit Tadlow by
ii 3-2 f.e. for he was about the same time appointed read he had been appointed in 1664
272 ii 19 f.e. for Beverell read Peverell
273 ii 14 f.e. Castine, Thomas: for Cutler Fergus read Cutlar Fergusson
274 i 21 Castle, Edmund: for the same year read in 1744-5
22 after College insert In 1746 he was vice-chancellor
23 for the following year read 1748-9
279 i 21-22 Catcott, Alexander: for but styles himself read From July 1766 till his death he was
ii 5 Catcott, Alexander S.: after Oxford insert and was first appointed chaplain to the mayor of Bristol
284 i 31 Catesby, William: for the execution read its fulfilment
285 i 16-15 f.e. Cathcart, Charles, 9th Baron Cathcart: for at the time of his death read from 1752 till his death
286 ii 11 Cathcart, David, Lord Alloway: for lord-justiciary read lord of justiciary
33-34 Cathcart, Sir George: transpose and entered Paris . . . . 1814 to line 37 after Dresden
287 i 21 for In March 1854 read On 12 Dec. 1853
289 i 20 Cathcart, Sir William S., 1st Earl Cathcart: for In May 1813 read In July 1812
21 f.e. omit and the governorship of Hull
18-16 f.e. for until the suicide . . . . England, read He returned to England in 1820. He became governor of Hull in 1880
290 i 9 Catherine of Valois: for at her son's read and to her son's
39-40 for grandson read great-grandson
306 i 5 f.e. Catherine Howard: after Next day insert a confession by her was signed by Cranmer and the council. The document is at Longleat. It was on the same day that
322 i 28 Caton, William: for promulgation read proclamation
325 i 34 Catton, Charles, R.A., the elder: for 28 Aug. read 28 Sept.
326 i 11 Caulfeild, James, 1st Earl of Charlemont: after 1728 insert He succeeded to the peerage in 1784, when a child
329 i 14 Caulfeild, William, 2nd Viscount Charlemont: after papists insert From 1701 to 1706 he was colonel of the 36th foot
331 ii 8 f.e. Caunt, Benjamin: for Skipworth read Skipwith
334 i 32 Cautley, Sir Proby T.: for [q. v.] read (see Supplement)
338 i 19 Cavallo, Tiberius: for Watt's 'Bibliotheca Britannica' read 'The Philosophical Transactions'
20 f.e. Cave, Sir Ambrose: for M.P. for Warwickshire read M.P. for Leicestershire 1545 1547, and 1553; M.P. for Warwickshire 1557-8, 1558-9, and 1562-3

for White of Manchester read White of Winchester
340 i 15 Cave, Edward: for Dr. Halde's read Du Halde's
ii 6 f.e. for Harl. MS. read Sloane MS.
341 ii 3 Cave, Sir Stephen: for April read March
3 f.e. Cave, William: for 1813 read 1713
344 i 6 Cavendish, Christiana, Countess of Devonshire: for duchess read countess
18 Cavendish, Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire: for 1759 read 1758
19-20 for born in 1759 read baptised 13 May 1758
17 f.e. for 1814 read 1811
ii 9 f.e. for 4th ser. read 5th ser.
345 i 38 Cavendish, Lord Frederick: after 1763 insert Ho was colonel of the 67th regiment 1759-60
41 for four years read seven years
ii 16-17 Cavendish, Lord Frederick C.: for until he resigned it in May 1882 read until his death
348 i 15 Cavendish, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire: for Lady De Beauclerk read Lady Di Beauclerk
22 f.e. Cavendish, Sir Henry: after 1774 insert In the Irish House of Commons he was M.P. for Lismore 1766-8, 1776-91, 1798-1800, and for Killibegs 1791-7
ii 13 f.e. Cavendish, Hon. Henry: omit Hon.
353 i 1 before Sir Everard insert Cavendish told
354 i 6 Cavendish, Lord John: for 1790 read 1784
19-18 f.e. for was defeated . . . . contest read failed to gain a seat
358 ii 20 f.e. Cavendish, Thomas: for 1555? read 1560
16 f.e. after Harwich insert and was baptised 19 Sept. 1560 (Addit. MSS. 19122, f. 350, 19087, f. 131)
363 i 22 add to authorities Cooper's Athenæ Cantabrigienses, vol. ii. p. 136
ii 6 Cavendish, Sir William (1505?-1557): for Anne read Margaret (d. 1540)
10 for Margaret (d. 16 June 1540) read on 3 Nov. 1542 'at the Black Fryars in London' Elizabeth
16-17 for 'at the Black Fryars in London' 3 Nov. 1541 read at Bradgate, Leicestershire, on 20 Aug. 1547
25 for Cavendish, William, read William Cavendish
28 after 1572 insert 1584, 1586, 1588, 1592, and 1597
364 i 8 Cavendish, William, 1st Earl of Devonshire: after M.P. insert for Liverpool in 1586 and
24 after title insert He was made lord-lieutenant of Derbyshire 1 May 1619
27 for Kighley read Keighley
39 for in 1618 read on 3 Nov. 1616
ii 1 Cavendish, William, 2nd Earl of Devonshire: for for Derby in 1621 read for Bishopscastle in 1610 and for Derbyshire in 1614, 1621
2 after Derbyshire insert jointly with his father
3 after 1625-6 insert alone after his father's death
365 i 26 Cavendish, William, Duke of Newcastle: before The earl's ambition insert He was lord-lieutenant of Derbyshire 1628-38 and of Wiltshire 1626-42 and 1660 till death
366 ii 3 for Selby read Selby
370 i 25 Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Devonshire: after Savoy insert He was at Rome 9 Jan. 1659 (Sloane MS. 2142, f. 36)
ii 26 for Lord William Russell read William, afterwards Lord William Russell
371 i 18 for Edmundsbury read Edmundbury
374 i 6 before On 12 May insert He was lord-lieutenant of Nottinghamshire 1692-4
33 for Mr. Villiers read Mrs. Villiers
ii 6-7 for Lords Somerset, Jersey, Marlborough, and Albemarle read Duke of Somerset and Earls of Jersey, Marlborough and Albemarle
13 f.e. for Broadsworth read Brodsworth
375 i 41 for Bishop read Archbishop
ii 24 Cavendish, William, 6th Duke of Devonshire: for Lanesborough read Londesborough
37 for February 1755 read March 1754
376 i 12 for 27 March 1757 read 13 Nov. 1756
36 Cavendish, William G. S., 6th Duke of Devonshire . after day insert He was lord-lieutenant of Derbyshire from 1811 till his death
11 f.e. for St. Andrew read St. Alexander
377 ii 5 f.e. Cawdry, Zachary: after degree insert was proctor 1647-8
378 i 36 for Boden read Bowdon
15 f.e. Cawley, William: for 1666? read 1667
379 i 7-8 for he was one of the few regicides who read it was his son William Cawley, junior, who
14 for in 1666 read on 6 Jan. 1666-7
23 for 1666 read 1666-7
41 after James II insert Another son, John Cawley, was archdeacon of Lincoln 1667-1709
ii 40 Cawood, John: for Rugge read Jugge
380 i 39 for Whealer read Wheater and for 1812 read 1882
381 ii 11 f.e. Caxton, William: after the Weeld' insert —at Tenterden
382 i 17 f.e. after twenty marks insert A paper copy of Large's will is in the Muniment Room at Westminster Abbey
ii 20 f.e. for 5 Jan. 1463 read 9 July 1468
386 ii 29 after 1477? insert [7]
387 ii 8-10 for the two last sections . . . . Worcester read There seems, however, no doubt that the work was undertaken by William of Worcester [q. v.]
2 f.e. for 39 read 39*
388 i 3 after copy insert formerly
4 after stadt insert was purchased by the British Museum in 1890
389 i 11 f.e. for is read up to 1897 was
10-9 f.e. for in behalf of a Chicago merchant read in behalf of Mr. Robert Hoe of New York
3 f.e. after cerned insert On 9 Dec. 1897 a higher price was reached. The finest of seven known copies of Le Fevre's Boke of the Hoole Lyf of Jason, was then sold at Sotheby's for 2,100l.
395 i 30 Cecil, Sir Edward, Viscount Wimbledon: after 12-22 Aug. insert He was M.P. for Aldborough in 1601, for Stamford in 1609, for Chichester in 1620, and for Dover in 1624
399 i 32 Cecil, Richard: for third read second
400 i 5 Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury: for Earl of Salisbury read 1st Earl of Salisbury and 1st Viscount Cranborne
24 for Neyle read Neile
39 after four years insert He was elected M.P. for Westminster in 1584 and 1586
401 ii 39-40 for Essingdon read Essendine, Rutlandshire
42 for of the same month read May 1606 and after Garter insert He was lord-lieutenant for Hertfordshire from 1605 till his death
402 i 37-38 for for some years read from February 1600-1
403 ii l.l. for Sir Anthony Bacon read Anthony Bacon
404 i 36 Cecil, Thomas, 1st Earl of Exeter: for 1622 read 1623
ii 9 after Stamford insert and again in 1571 and 1572
4-3 f.e. for During the next ten years . . . . of him read He had been M.P. for Lincolnshire in 1584 and 1586, and in 1592 was returned for Northamptonshire
405 i 11-10 f.e. for Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage' read England,' 1603-42, vol. iii.
9 f.e. for 1622 read 1622-3
ii 15 for Hutton read Hatton
407 i 14 f.e. Cecil, William, Lord Burghley: for Pinkney read Pinkey
409 i 13 f.e. after 1563 insert when he sat for Northamptonshire
410 i 2 f.e. for Earl read Marquis
412 i 31 for Mayer read Mayor
421 i 34-35 Centlivre, Susannah: for eighteen read nineteen
424 i 35 Cenwulf: for No works . . . . to him read The works of Kynewulf [q. v,] have at times been assigned to him in error
431 i 16 f.e. Chaderton, Laurence: after puritans insert From 1598 to 1640 he was prebendary of Lincoln
12 f.e. for Millenerary read Millenary
ii 8 f.e. after intercisa' insert and one sermon printed in London in 1580, of which copies are in the libraries of Sion College, London, and Emmanuel College, Cambridge
436 i 14 f.e. Chafy, William: for 13 read 4
437 i 15 Chalkhill, John: for 1678 read 1600
448 i 14 f.e. Chalmers, Sir John: for 1814 read April 1815
450 ii 20 Chalmers, Thomas: for 1840 read 1820
455 i 46 Chalmers, Sir William: after 1848 insert was colonel of the 20th foot Feb.-Oct. 1853
456 ii 13 Chaloner, ——: for —— read Richard
457 i 4 Chaloner, James: for 1645 read 1648
5-6 for the two gentlemen . . . . royalists read to fill a vacancy created by death
ii 19 Chaloner, Sir Thomas, the elder: after council insert He was M.P. for Wigan in 1546, Lancashire in 1547, and Knaresborough in 1555
4 f.e. after alliance insert (his safe-conduct is dated 26 Nov. 1558)
458 ii 10 f.e. Chaloner, Sir Thomas, the younger: after the age insert He was M.P. for St. Mawes in 1586 and for Lostwithiel in 1604