Disciplina Clericalis/Tale 26

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Cleveland, Ohio: Western Reserve University, page 64

3824342Disciplina Clericalis (English translation) from the fifteenth century Worcester Cathedral Manuscript F. 172 — The Sayings of the Philosophers at the Tomb of Alexander the GreatWilliam Henry HulmePeter Alphonse

XXVI.[1] The Sayings of the Philosophers at the Tomb of Alexander the Great

"It is saide of Alisaunder that his sepulture was al of gold and[2] in a litel porche sette. To whiche cam many philosophers, of the whiche oon saide: 'Alisaunder made his tresour of gold; and now the contrarie, gold makith tresour of hym.' Another saide: 'Yisterday al the world sufificied hym nat; and this day only iiii cubites sufficen hym.' Another saide: 'Yisterday he empired and lordshipped the people; and this day the people lordshippith hym?' Another saide:[3] 'Yesterday he pressid therth; and this day the erth pressith hym.' Another saide: 'Yisterday the people dred hym; this day thei deputen hym vile.' Another saide: 'Yisterday he had friendis and enemyes; this day he hath equal and evene.' But of xxxii philosophers standyng aboute hym, that eueriche of the myghti kyng saide is to be brought in long memory."

  1. No. XXIII of the original, see I, 44-45.
  2. Ms. 'and and.'
  3. Between this speech and that of the preceding philosopher the English version omits the sayings of two philosophers, Alius: Heri multos potuit a morte liberare: hodie nec eius iacula valuit devitare. Alius: Heri ducebat exercitus: hodie ab illis ducitur sepulturae.