Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Euphorbium

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Edition of 1802.

2694633Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 2 — Euphorbium1802

EUPHORBIUM, a gummy-resinous substance, which exudes from a tree of the same name, growing in Africa; whence it is imported in drops of an irregular form. These are externally of a pale yellowish colour; but, when broken, appear to be white internally. If applied to the tongue, they affect it with a very pungent taste; and, if held for some time in the mouth, they become exceedingly acrimonious, inflaming and exulcerating the jaws to a violent degree. Hence this substance is unfit for internal use, though it is sometimes employed as a sternutatory.—See Hellebore.

Externally, this gum is the principal ingredient in various resolvent plasters, and has been found serviceable in cleansing foul ulcers, and also in exfoliating carious or rotten bones. At present, it is employed chiefly by farriers, for curing the farcin, or the scab in horses. Formerly, the tincture of euphofbium, mixed with the oil of myrrh, was much used for discussing scrophulous tumors, as well as for effacing spots and smoothening inequalities of the skin, proceeding from the small-pox.