Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Fat

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Edition of 1802.

FAT, an unctuous, solid substance, deposited in little membranous cells, in various parts of animal bodies: it serves to defend the muscles and bones against cold, to temper the acids of aliments, and probably to the support of the whole frame.

The fat of several animals was formerly kept in the druggist's shops, as hog's-lard, the fat of deer, geese, and also human fat.—With respect to their real virtues, much depends on the manner in which they have been purified and preserved.

The method of preparing fat for medicinal purposes is, to remove all veins, skins, fibres, &c.; when it is to be washed, till the water comes from it perfectly insipid and colourless. After this preparation, the fat is to be melted by a gentle heat, with a small quantity of water, till the latter be evaporated; it is then to be strained off into an earthen vessel where it will settle, and be preserved from the air. When thus purified, fat is almost totally divested of taste, and smell.

With regard to the properties of fat, and marrow, when used as food, they produce a solid and nourishing juice, increase the blood and fluids in general; but are difficult to be dissolved, and apt to become rancid on the stomach of many persons, whose digestive powers are weak, and who are not accustomed to take much exercise. Hence, if fat be not duly assimilated to the fluids, it impairs the stomach and bowels, occasions diarrhœas, heart-burns, head-achs, and spasms, especially in those whose habits are easily irritated.