Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Gold of Pleasure

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Edition of 1802.

2706818Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 2 — Gold of Pleasure1802

GOLD OF PLEASURE, or Common Camline, Alyssum sativum, v. Moenchia sativa, L. an indigenous plant, growing in corn-fields, frequently among flax (with the seeds of which it is supposed to have been imported from foreign countries);—it flowers in June.

This plant is cultivated in Germany, on account of its seeds, from which an excellent oil is expressed: one bushel of the former yielding from 24 to 28lbs. of the latter, which is equally useful for culinary and other economical purposes.

According to German writers, the seeds of the Common Camline afford a larger proportion of lamp-oil, and which is of a finer quality than that obtained from rape-seed; though it is more liable to become rancid. Nevertheless, the culture of the former strongly recommends itself to the farmer; as it will grow in unfavourable weather, when flax cannot prosper. The Gold of Pleasure, however, requires a well prepared soil, should be thinly sown, and not harrowed in too deep: if properly cultivated, it yields more than one hundred-fold.

The seeds of Camline are likewise a favourite food with geese and other poultry.—Horses, cows, goats, and sheep, relish the plant.